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 3dplanets 3dplanets.com

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3 posters

Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

3dplanets       3dplanets.com Empty
PostSubject: 3dplanets 3dplanets.com   3dplanets       3dplanets.com EmptyTue 20 Nov - 8:46

reçu ça de worldbuildersguild

ça peut être marrant d'essayer

Quote :
For those of you that would like to see your own 3D VRML world added to, and accessed via an Online Community (i.e.. Cybertown, iCity etc...), here is your chance to have your 3D artistry published online for all to see.

3dplanets ( http://3dplanets.com ) is now implementing a new area within the community where WorldBuilders can have their 3D worlds showcased. This 3DP Community Area known as "The Oort Cloud" is in a way very much like the Cybertown "Suburbs" except for the fact that it can be accessed much easier and that it is a more popular area within the 3DP places list.

If you are interested in this please contact me, Toxic Terry
or Deighv
or leave a memo on the 3dplanets main Hub message board, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Thanks for your time,

Toxic Terry

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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

3dplanets       3dplanets.com Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3dplanets 3dplanets.com   3dplanets       3dplanets.com EmptyTue 20 Nov - 11:01

3dplanets       3dplanets.com 3d_pla10

3dplanets       3dplanets.com 3d_pla11
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

3dplanets       3dplanets.com Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3dplanets 3dplanets.com   3dplanets       3dplanets.com EmptySat 29 Mar - 15:03

as we have a new ( last one ? ) blaxxun crisis ,

I found that


Quote :

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:43 pm Post subject:


Hello there! I just wanted everyone to know that 3D Planets ( http://3dplanets.com ) is accepting worlds from Outers creators for upload to the community. Although we can't replace the Outers we CAN give you a reliable location to have your world displayed that includes Reliable Java, HTML, and 3D chat plus all of the other benefits and features of the community.

We have created a new section in the comm similar to the 'burbs in CT and we DON'T have the restrictions that other communities do for member-uploaded worlds. We have two rules only, no outside linking and the world must be familiy-friendly. That's it. The creator retains 100% ownership and can have it removed or updated at any time.

Currently we have 8 worlds uploaded by Omind, Skippybrand, KellyJo, and Mykel_d.

3D Planets is a blaxxun-based community running a highly modified version of plaform 5.1 and we've been around since August 2003.

If you or anyone you know is looking for a place to park a world or if you would like further information then contact me at Deighv@3dplanets.com

BTW, our community is FREE and we currently have over 7200 members.

Who needs the Outers

3D Planets

check it !
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

3dplanets       3dplanets.com Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3dplanets 3dplanets.com   3dplanets       3dplanets.com EmptySat 29 Mar - 15:57

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

3dplanets       3dplanets.com Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3dplanets 3dplanets.com   3dplanets       3dplanets.com EmptyMon 31 Mar - 23:38

isa a mis son Phare breton ,

on envoie par mail le wrl ,
les gars font ça dans la journée

3dplanets       3dplanets.com Isa3dplanets0

printscreen en plein ecran


on peut réduire -shrink les panels de droite

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Number of posts : 451
Registration date : 2012-06-01

3dplanets       3dplanets.com Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3dplanets 3dplanets.com   3dplanets       3dplanets.com EmptyTue 23 Sep - 16:59

new 3dplanets

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3dplanets       3dplanets.com Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3dplanets 3dplanets.com   3dplanets       3dplanets.com Empty

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3dplanets 3dplanets.com
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