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 ABNet pakage

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Jack Barlett
peter le cochon
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ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 11 May - 0:38


ce n'est pas mon intention d'apporter un peu plus de confusion dans ce topic... mais...

j'ai réussi à utiliser le code fourni par jacinto (merci à toi encore une fois king ) et vous savez quoi ? Si, c'est vrai : ça marche, et ça donne ça :

####### jour nuit
Layer3D{size 1 1 translation 0 0 children[
   Transform{translation   -.9 -.87 0 children[
       DEF ico_sol TouchSensor{}
      Shape{appearance   Appearance{material DEF mat_ico Material{ambientIntensity   .8 emissiveColor   1 1 1}texture   ImageTexture{url   "../Textures/ciel/i_daynight.gif"}}
      geometry IndexedFaceSet{coord DEF _icone Coordinate{point[-.06 -.06 0,-.06 .06 0,.06 .06 0,.06 -.06 0]}
      coordIndex[0,1,2,3,-1]solid   FALSE
   Transform{translation   -.75 -.87 0 children[
       DEF ico_lune TouchSensor{}
      Shape{appearance   Appearance{material USE mat_ico texture   ImageTexture{url"../Textures/ciel/i_daynight2.gif"}}
      geometry IndexedFaceSet{coord USE _icone
      coordIndex[0,1,2,3,-1]solid   FALSE

DEF fond_jour Background{
   skyColor .278 .345 .541
   frontUrl "../Textures/ciel/cote1.jpg"
   rightUrl "../Textures/ciel/cote2.jpg"
   backUrl "../Textures/ciel/cote3.jpg"
   leftUrl "../Textures/ciel/cote4.jpg"
   topUrl "../Textures/ciel/top.jpg"

DEF fond_nuit Background{
   skyColor .1 .1 .1
   backUrl "../Textures/ciel/ciel_etoiles.jpg"
   frontUrl "../Textures/ciel/ciel_etoiles_moon.jpg"
   leftUrl "../Textures/ciel/ciel_etoiles.jpg"
   rightUrl "../Textures/ciel/ciel_etoiles.jpg"
   topUrl "../Textures/ciel/ciel_etoiles.jpg"

DEF jour1-1 DirectionalLight{intensity .9 direction -.9437 -.2972 .1451}
DEF jour1-2 DirectionalLight{intensity .8 direction .3255 -.3316 -.8855}
DEF jour1-3 DirectionalLight{intensity .9 direction .755 -.252 .6054}
DEF jour1-4 DirectionalLight{intensity .3 direction .1013 .9948 .003768}
DEF jour1-brume Fog{color .7 .7 .7 fogType "EXPONENTIAL" visibilityRange 500}

DEF nuit1-1 DirectionalLight{on FALSE intensity .1 direction 0 -1 0}
DEF nuit1-2 DirectionalLight{on FALSE intensity .1 direction 0 1 0}
DEF nuit1-3 DirectionalLight{on FALSE intensity .1 direction .1 .1 .1}
DEF nuit1-4 DirectionalLight{on FALSE intensity .1 direction -.1 -.1 -.1}
DEF nuit1-brume Fog{color .7 .7 .9 fogType "EXPONENTIAL" visibilityRange 1500}

DEF wrlscript Script { 
   eventIn   MFString receiveChat 
   eventIn   SFTime night
   eventIn   SFTime day
   eventIn   SFTime verchat
   eventOut   MFString adrAv1
   eventOut   SFBool Alume
   eventOut   SFBool Eteint
   url "vrmlscript:
   function day(stra)
   function night(stra)

   function verchat(stra)
      function receiveChat (str,time)

           if (str[0]=='jour'||str[0]=='giorno'||str[0]=='tag'||str[0]=='dia'||str[0]=='day')
         if (str[0]=='nuit'||str[0]=='notte'||str[0]=='nacht'||str[0]=='noche'||str[0]=='night')

ROUTE SharedZone.groupChat_changed TO wrlscript.receiveChat
ROUTE wrlscript.adrAv1 TO SharedZone.sendToChat
ROUTE ico_lune.touchTime TO wrlscript.night
ROUTE ico_sol.touchTime TO wrlscript.day
ROUTE wrlscript.Alume TO fond_jour.set_bind
ROUTE wrlscript.Eteint TO fond_nuit.set_bind

ROUTE wrlscript.Alume TO jour1-1.set_on
ROUTE wrlscript.Alume TO jour1-2.set_on
ROUTE wrlscript.Alume TO jour1-3.set_on
ROUTE wrlscript.Alume TO jour1-4.set_on
ROUTE wrlscript.Alume TO jour1-brume.set_bind

ROUTE wrlscript.Eteint TO nuit1-1.set_on
ROUTE wrlscript.Eteint TO nuit1-2.set_on
ROUTE wrlscript.Eteint TO nuit1-3.set_on
ROUTE wrlscript.Eteint TO nuit1-4.set_on
ROUTE wrlscript.Eteint TO nuit1-brume.set_bind

Je le mets ici au cas où celà pourrait être utile à quelqu'un d'autre.
Ici ne sont gérées que 2 positions : jour et nuit.

Et si ce message tient trop de place, pas de pb : virez-le Wink

Que la force du vrml soit avec vous compress
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 11 May - 0:53

LouiZE ne vire rien

sinon yaurait pas

Nos membres ont posté un total de 64084 messages


merci korben , je vais regarder ça ..

ça peut pas faire la pluie et le beau temps aussi ? Smile
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Number of posts : 69
Registration date : 2007-01-20

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 11 May - 20:28


par contre, ça ne semble pas marcher avec abnet2 ; dommage.

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 11 May - 21:04

Confused non, ca marche seulement avec le serveur blaxxun.

Oui, domage Sad

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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyFri 16 May - 18:44

TEXT to SPEACH for web pages !



cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyFri 16 May - 19:19

Quote :

Free License - Terms and Conditions:

Once you've added speech to a web site, you must fill and submit a 'talking site submission form' for that site.
You also have to submit this form if your web site address changes.
We will then feature it in the 'Talking Sites' section of our web site, and use the information on file to notify you on future SpeechPlugin development to make sure that your web site will work properly with future and past versions of the plug-in.
This requirement is waived in the Commercial license. If for any reason you wish not to submit your talking site, you must obtain the Commercial license.
Each talking page in your web site must display the SpeechPlugin logo.
The logo must be displayed on any page that embeds the SpeechPlugin, at all times, whether or not it is actually talking.

If SpeechPlugin is installed on the client machine, it must display the logo:

If SpeechPlugin is not installed on the client machine, it must display the logo:

Please refer to 'The process of adding speech to your site' section of the technical guide for detailed technical instructions on how to display the logos properly.
This requirement is waived in the Commercial license. If you wish to modify the logos or not display them at all, you must obtain the Commercial license.
You are not allowed to distribute the SpeechPlugin from your web site. If necessary, your site should direct users to our web site in order to download it.
Downloading the plug-in is an easy and automatic process, which can take anywhere between several seconds to several minutes, depends on the internet connection speed and the missing component(s) on the client machine.
All talking pages in your web site must be accessible to the public through the world wide web. This requirement is waived in the Commercial license. If access to one or more talking pages in your web site is in any way restricted to a specific group of users, you must obtain the Commercial license.

Sad pig
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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyFri 16 May - 19:46

peter le cochon wrote:
Quote :
Free License - Terms and Conditions: [...]

Sad pig

Yes that is true ! Why do you cry ? Confused
That logo, can be put in another popup page.
Laughing Is not like at BS vrml viever Laughing Laughing Laughing
See this page:

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 18 May - 2:57

Confused ... never mind, Tutancamon.

Anyways, Windows comes with it's inbuilt TTS engine... not the best, but it doesn't need any plugins if the voices shipped with windows and office are enough for you ...

Could you try if this works for you?


<title>M$ WINDOWS inbuilt TTS</title>
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
speach=new ActiveXObject("SAPI.SpVoice");
var voices = speach.GetVoices();

function speakOut(txt){


<input type="text" name="the_text" onclick="this.value=''" size=64></input>
<input type="button" onclick="speakOut(the_text.value)" value="Say It"></input>




For some reason, it only works locally on my puter ... Sad

www.3d-check.com/workshop/tts.htm does not work. Probably you can't run it on a web page.

At the other hand, as an hta it works :

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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 18 May - 14:40

peter le cochon wrote:
Confused ... never mind, Tutancamon.[...]
<body onLoad="init()">

Width="0" Height="0"



<script language="Javascript">
TTS.Speak ("Peter I make this examplefor You!");


TextToSpeech class = > Vtext.dll
Thankx for Your example. Yess, ... now I know about twoo speech sinthesizers ! Wow, is so cool ! Very Happy

Last edited by tutancamon on Sun 18 May - 15:24; edited 2 times in total
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 18 May - 15:20

Confused It does not work for me ...

What SAPI are you running? May be I must install SAPI 5.3

Btw : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms723627(VS.85).aspx

Sounds good to me.

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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 18 May - 15:31

peter le cochon wrote:
Confused It does not work for me ...[...]
Boss, please, go and install that plugin. And after installation, get some voices. And then that plugin will work for You.
Go to
and read with atention all text from that web-page.

I use Window XP 2001 and IExplorer 6

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 18 May - 15:46

Very Happy Lol, okay. It works fine.

I must say that it's a tiny and fast install.

It recognizes and uses the speach engines installed on the system and I've got quite a lot Laughing ... from old experiments with MS-Agent.

Okay, let's give it a try for the 3D chat, Tutancamon.


Peter pig
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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 18 May - 16:25

peter le cochon wrote:
Very Happy Lol, okay. It works fine.

I must say that it's a tiny and fast install.

It recognizes and uses the speach engines installed on the system and I've got quite a lot Laughing ... from old experiments with MS-Agent.

Okay, let's give it a try for the 3D chat, Tutancamon.


Peter pig
Eh, Boss, ... You don't try this:

What do You say about vrml avatars with talking heads ?
hmm ?

Very Happy

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 18 May - 16:51

tutancamon wrote:
What do You say about vrml avatars with talking heads ?

Lol, yes, I also taught about that ... but having 20 avatars with animated faces on a 3d world will require a 10 Core Pentium XXII ... or so.

I'm still struggeling with the terms and conditions :

1) That logo is way to large
2) your pop-up method is sort of beyond law
3) and I'm not a friend of putting a lot of work into something that will be forbidden or disabled once it works...

May be I try again the MS-Agent way ...


There is a good SDK for it, you can design your voices and the Agent itself can be whatever you want (a tiny flag in a corner?). You can use as many agents simultaneously (for different languages), etc. etc . etc ...

Downside : MS-Agent only works on SAPI 4

Keep on investigating, Tutancamon.

Peter pig
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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptySun 18 May - 20:32

ehe, he, he, ... he ... Laughing
Speaking about M.S.Agents: a cool site is here: http://dogagent.com/nindex.html
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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyMon 19 May - 14:23

peter le cochon wrote:
[...]There is a good SDK for it, you can design your voices and the Agent itself can be whatever you want (a tiny flag in a corner?). You can use as many agents simultaneously (for different languages), etc. etc . etc ...

Downside : MS-Agent only works on SAPI 4

Keep on investigating, Tutancamon.

Peter pig
That address is very, very important. ThankYou very much.
But, in that place is none seriously documentation for SAPI ...
Go here:
MS Speech API Documentation:
Quote :
TRSpeaker component is an ActiveX control that adds Text-to-Speech capabilities to your application. If your program uses this component, it can read aloud any text data. This control aggregates The MS Direct Speech Synthesis control (DirectSS). TRSpeaker has all the methods, properties and events that the MS Direct Speech Synthesis control has. So you can use it the same way as the DirectSS. Why then should I use TRSpeaker instead of DirectSS control?

Because :


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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyMon 19 May - 20:04

ok it works for me with Sam voice
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyMon 19 May - 20:24

Confused ... mhhhh .... yes, sounds good, Tutan.

Doesn't need any Logos, at least Very Happy

It's the best solution by now, but you will need to convince people to download and install another more ActiveX control ... or write an installer for both, the viewer and the TTS...

It will be difficult to find a TTSengine as good as the one shipped with Blaxxun... even more if we take into consideration that the whole Blaxxun install is something like 5.3 MB (viewer, tts, chat-controls).

There must be a way for using the inbuilt TTS without using the server, no? .... scratch ... that would be a goal.

I've read somwhere (probably Cyworx) that you can use DLLs inside the URL of a vrml script node (or something like that) ... and that it could be probably used for sending text-strings to Blaxxun's TTS.

(We) Keep on searching ...


Last edited by peter le cochon on Mon 19 May - 20:40; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyMon 19 May - 20:28

today I got 2 points for my car , LOL Peter ,
I will get 2 more points tommorow

4h + 4h +4h +4h of conferences .......very long lol

But I met many ppl more crazy than me ,..

the worst one on motors cars .....

btw I got too your Sam voice today , LOL , Peter

thanx tutanc Smile
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyMon 19 May - 20:46

alain wrote:
today I got 2 points for my car , LOL Peter ,
I will get 2 more points tommorow

Laughing Laughing Laughing you can get back your points assisting to conferences?

Cool ... be nice to Szarko ... he will probably have to say the last word about your driving license affraid

How was Paris?

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyMon 19 May - 20:49

Quote :

1. Before you can use this component you have to install MS Speech API. If you use Windows2000, most likely, your system already has the necessary components.

2. You also need at least one Speech engine installed. Speech engine is a "voice" that can be male or female, and can speak English or French or any other language.

You can select from a number of different speech engines. Your choice will depends on your language (English, Spanish, Russian...), the developer, the price (there is a lot of engines for free) etc...
Download a speech engine

3. You have to download and install the TRSpeaker.

All that TTS stuff is very complicated, Tutan ... and at the end it will never be as good as the Blaxxun voices. We must find out how to use the inbuilt TTS, if there's a way.

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyMon 19 May - 22:18

Quote :
How was Paris ?



very resume

are you in Italy , Peter ?
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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyTue 20 May - 10:39

peter le cochon wrote:
[...]All that TTS stuff is very complicated, Tutan ... and at the end it will never be as good as the Blaxxun voices. We must find out how to use the inbuilt TTS, if there's a way.

Than Boss,
study this blaxxunCCpro.ocx, and make it to run without his link to blaxxun server ...

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyTue 20 May - 19:46

tutancamon wrote:

Than Boss,
study this blaxxunCCpro.ocx, and make it to run without his link to blaxxun server ...

What the fuck ?!? well, I guess there's not a lot to study, not having the source code
(in my case : not even having it Laughing ).

Anyways, tell me all you know about that ocx and it's link with the blaxxun server ... BOSS What a Face

Peter pig
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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 EmptyTue 20 May - 20:53

peter le cochon wrote:
tutancamon wrote:

Than Boss,
study this blaxxunCCpro.ocx, and make it to run without his link to blaxxun server ...

What the fuck ?!? well, I guess there's not a lot to study, not having the source code
(in my case : not even having it Laughing ).

Anyways, tell me all you know about that ocx and it's link with the blaxxun server ... BOSS What a Face

Peter pig
What a Face
If you have more time, than go and use a disassembler to study the code, and you will find routines that work with the server.

blaxxunCCpro.ocx, read from the *.bxx file all informations it need to run. In that file ( *.bxx ) , if not exist URL and PORT NUMBER of server, then blaxxunCCpro.ocx, not work.
... And ofcuorse, the server must be online.

Cool :
<EMBED>*.WRL<EMBED> => work with 'blaxxuncc3d.ocx'
<EMBED>*.BXX<EMBED> => work with our 'blaxxunCCpro.ocx'
Cool You know, when I was young, I desassembled a few programs, but it was in 'Z80' microprocessor's language ... Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Laughing If You know the PENTIUM's language, then will be perfect for You ! Laughing


Last edited by tutancamon on Tue 20 May - 21:36; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: ABNet pakage   ABNet pakage - Page 12 Empty

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