| | Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP | |
| | Author | Message |
magnus +200
Number of posts : 367 Registration date : 2006-11-21
| Subject: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Thu 24 Apr - 20:11 | |
| Chat html-vrml dans php J'ai déjà vu un vrml similaire au trois fichiers, dont voici : un fichier frame html : - Spoiler:
- Code:
<html> <head> <title>CHAT HTML VRML </title> </head> <frameset rows="*,20%"> <frame name="top" src="world.php"> <frame name="bottom" src="dialogue.html"> <noframes> <body> <p>Cette page utilise des cadres, mais votre navigateur ne les prend pas en charge.</p> </body> </noframes> </frameset> </html> un fichier world.php :- Spoiler:
- Code:
<?php header ("Content-type: model/vrml"); ?> #VRML V2.0 utf8 Copyright M3D Shape { geometry Text { fontStyle FontStyle { size .1 } string ["<?php echo $_GET["texte"]; ?>"] } } un fichier dialogue.html :- Spoiler:
- Code:
<html> <head> <title>Commentaire</title> </head> <body> <h3>Entrez votre dialogue :</h3> <form method="get" action="world.php" target="top"> <p><input type="text" name="texte" size="100"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="ok"></p> </form> </body> </html> Ceci n'est qu'un petit point de départ sans intêret. Mais un trés bon début à faire évoluer. | |
| | | peter le cochon +1000
Number of posts : 1032 Localisation : deutschland (sniff) Registration date : 2005-05-28
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Thu 24 Apr - 21:39 | |
| Magnus, bienvenue dans le club !!! Oui, c'est pareill a la solution proposé par fabricator & hermi pour le cgi2vrml (originalement fait en PERL mais il fonctionne avec P H P aussi). A voir en www.cyworx.com (keyword = cgi2vrml). J'ai vue un probleme dans votre example : La response serveur arrive dans le frame dialogue ... mais avec un header VRML ... je pense que ca fonctionne pas. Il faut faire a la façon Fab & Hermi : vous devez demander au serveur le world.php de dans le visualiseur VRML, de sorte que la réponse arrive directement sur le vrml... par example utilisez un createVrmlFromURL, avec la url world.php?user=user&texte=texte ou pareill ... lol. Pardon mon francais. Peter | |
| | | tutancamon +200
Number of posts : 685 Age : 62 Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti Registration date : 2007-09-07
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 11:25 | |
| For PETER: Boss, for chat 3d, the world allready exist, is not necesary none createVRMLfromString. Problem is, how make visible all visitors's avatars ? And without using none html document, because the web hoste's site, put the publicity in the document. For escape from this problem, my proposal is to use a text file. This text file is used also, like a buffer. But for the first, Who know the mechanism for displayng al avatars of users ?Mister MAGNUS, You are realy 'Magnum' !
Last edited by tutancamon on Mon 12 May - 13:14; edited 3 times in total | |
| | | tutancamon +200
Number of posts : 685 Age : 62 Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti Registration date : 2007-09-07
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 12:17 | |
| My proposals about vrml server emulator ( in fact wrl server emulator ) :################################################ About VRML Server buffer. Must be a text file. Must have COLUMNS and ROWS Must have informations about: 1) name of user 2) message of user 3) avatar of user How must work the VRML Server emulator ( wrote in P H P , for example ... ) : *) wrl file must be see like an operator, who operate with the buffer. *) wrl file and buffer file, must be visible and accesible from all users. *) With wrl player ( Blaxxun Contact, for example ...), we use that operator ( wrl file ) to read / write the buffer. *) For anybody who acces that operator, automaticaly, the buffer's content will be modify, and so on ... ################################################ Where I can find documentations about avatars ? My Professeur, or You my friend PETER, please translate in french ( for MAGNUS ) this 2 subjects. ThankYou very much.
Last edited by tutancamon on Mon 12 May - 13:40; edited 3 times in total | |
| | | alain fondateur
Number of posts : 23529 Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France Registration date : 2005-04-19
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 13:09 | |
| dont worry , magnus reads english and - Quote :
- Who know the mechanism for displayng al avatars of users ?
what is the question exactly ? what do you want ? | |
| | | tutancamon +200
Number of posts : 685 Age : 62 Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti Registration date : 2007-09-07
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 13:11 | |
| - alain wrote:
- dont worry , magnus reads english
- Quote :
- Who know the mechanism for displayng al avatars of users ?
what is the question exactly ? what do you want ? I wont to see visitor's avatar ... | |
| | | peter le cochon +1000
Number of posts : 1032 Localisation : deutschland (sniff) Registration date : 2005-05-28
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 13:49 | |
| To see visitor's avatar, you must add it to the scene in a way that you can access it by a unique identifyer, for positioning, triggering gestures and removing it when the user leaves the chat. I only can imagine one way for doing so, which is Browser.createVrmlFromUrl() adding the new vrml as a child of a group. Later you can access the avatar by the_group.children[id]. ... for more information see Floppy's VRML tutorial. There's a linkt to it on www.spafon.com There is another way I know, which uses the Blaxxun specific Inline2. Inline2, unlike the standard vrml Inline exposes it's children to script. Good luck, Peter | |
| | | tutancamon +200
Number of posts : 685 Age : 62 Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti Registration date : 2007-09-07
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 16:05 | |
| - peter le cochon wrote:
- To see visitor's avatar, you must add it to the scene in a way that you can access it by a unique identifyer, for positioning, triggering gestures and removing it when the user leaves the chat.
I only can imagine one way for doing so, which is Browser.createVrmlFromUrl() adding the new vrml as a child of a group.
Later you can access the avatar by the_group.children[id].
... for more information see Floppy's VRML tutorial.
There's a linkt to it on www.spafon.com
There is another way I know, which uses the Blaxxun specific Inline2.
Inline2, unlike the standard vrml Inline exposes it's children to script.
Good luck,
Peter BOSS .... Where are avatar's documents. In that place must write about standards of blaxxun's avatars. The OPERATOR, have allready, the scene and user's avatars ( but without dimensions, position and orientation ! ). We work only with the BUFFER. In the buffer, we put information about ours avatars. From the buffer we read about ours avatars ... BOSS, now we don't use none server. Nor blaxx, nor abnet, nor Your server, none server. The rules are ather ... I need the standards of blaxxun's avatars ... OPERATOR = wrl file BUFFER = text file Thankx | |
| | | peter le cochon +1000
Number of posts : 1032 Localisation : deutschland (sniff) Registration date : 2005-05-28
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 16:18 | |
| ... ah, okay. Here's all about avatars : - Quote :
Avatars must be realised as Proto named ’Avatar’. In the case of not using blaxxun Avatar Studio to create avatars your avatar should implement the following
PROTO Avatar [ exposedField MFFloat avatarSize[ 0.25 1.7500 ] exposedField SFBool isAvatar TRUE eventIn SFTime set_gesture1 eventIn SFTime set_gesture2 eventIn SFTime set_gesture3 eventIn SFTime set_gesture4 eventIn SFTime set_gesture5 eventIn SFTime set_gesture6 eventIn SFTime set_gesture7 eventIn SFTime set_gesture8 eventIn SFTime set_gesture9 eventIn SFTime set_gesture10 exposedField MFString gestureNames [""] eventIn SFVec3f set_position exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 1 0 0 exposedField SFInt32 whichChoice 0 exposedField SFBool isOver FALSE exposedField SFTime touchTime 0 exposedField SFBool isPilot FALSE exposedField SFString nickname "" ]
avatarSize contains the appropriate proportion for this avatar (collision radius, eye height, step over height) overwrites the appropriate field of the NavigationInfo node the avatar gets loaded into
isAvatar necessary field for a community avatar indicates, that the file is a valid avatar with a complete Proto-Interface
set_gestureX eventIn to trigger gesture animation must be connected to the appropriate TimeSensor in the avatar implementation
set_position eventIn to move avatar geometry to the position the user is avatar receives current position from plugin, drone from server
rotation eventIn to rotate avatar geometry according to the users rotation
whichChoice geometry must be set under a Switch node to switch it off when avatar is off view
touchTime avatar should contain a TouchSensor to mark user in the user list of a community. This eventOut must be connected to this TouchSensor
isPilot marks, if the file is the users avatar or its drone
nickname saves users nickname
Obviously this is from a Blaxxun manual, so forget about - Quote :
avatar receives current position from plugin, drone from server You must do your own script for that part. Good luck, Peter | |
| | | tutancamon +200
Number of posts : 685 Age : 62 Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti Registration date : 2007-09-07
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 17:12 | |
| Thankx, And now, lets make the wrl-multi_users ! The way is open. The Future of wrl-servers-custom_users is on start ... Wrl-multi_user will be everywhere, like any web page gadget ! | |
| | | magnus +200
Number of posts : 367 Registration date : 2006-11-21
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 18:26 | |
| Je comprend la moitié du language traduit avec le traducteur. Si ça peut aider je test le monde en construction avec ce script. Se qui rend plus agréable les tests sans l'avatar de default. - Google translator wrote:
- I understand half the language translated with the translator.
If I can help it test the world under construction with this script. With that makes it more pleasant tests without the avatar of default. - Code:
#VRML V2.0 utf8 Copyright © M3D
Script { url "javascript: function initialize() { Browser.myAvatarURL='http://perso.numericable.fr/~jescarre/vrml/avatar/Moto.wrl'; Browser.showMyAvatar(true) ; } " } PS : Avatar d'example | |
| | | tutancamon +200
Number of posts : 685 Age : 62 Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti Registration date : 2007-09-07
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 18:48 | |
| Un prototype très utile pour le connaissances la position et l'orientation du avatar : compass.wrl - Code:
#VRML V2.0 utf8
PROTO Compass [ eventIn SFRotation rotation eventIn SFVec3f translation eventIn SFBool displayPosition ] { DEF T Transform { children[ Transform { translation 0 3 0 children [ Billboard { axisOfRotation 0 0 0 children [ Shape { geometry DEF TEXT Text { fontStyle FontStyle { justify "MIDDLE" } } appearance Appearance { material Material { emissiveColor .7 .3 .3 #diffuseColor .5 .3 .3 transparency .2 specularColor .3 0 0 shininess .5 } } } ] } ] } Transform { translation 0 -.5 0 children [ Shape { geometry Sphere { radius .13 } appearance Appearance { material Material { #emissiveColor .5 .5 .5 diffuseColor 0 0 0 #transparency .7 shininess 1 specularColor 1 1 1 } } }
] } # y Transform { children [ Shape { geometry Cone { bottomRadius .05 height 1 } appearance Appearance { material Material { emissiveColor .5 .2 .2 diffuseColor .3 .1 .1 shininess .3 specularColor .4 .4 .4 } } } ] } Transform { translation 0 .55 0 children [ Billboard { children [ Shape { geometry Text { string "y" fontStyle FontStyle { size .6 justify "MIDDLE" } } } ] } ] } # x Transform { center 0 -.5 0 rotation 0 0 1 -1.57 children [ Shape { geometry Cone { bottomRadius .05 height 1 } appearance Appearance { material Material { emissiveColor .2 .5 .2 diffuseColor .1 .3 .1 shininess .3 specularColor .4 .4 .4 } } } ] } Transform { translation 1.05 -.55 0 children [ Billboard { children [ Shape { geometry Text { string "x" fontStyle FontStyle { size .6 justify "MIDDLE" } } } ] } ] } # z Transform { center 0 -.5 0 rotation 1 0 0 1.57 children [ Shape { geometry Cone { bottomRadius .05 height 1 } appearance Appearance { material Material { emissiveColor .2 .2 .5 diffuseColor .1 .1 .3 shininess .3 specularColor .4 .4 .4 } } } ] } Transform { translation 0 -.55 1.05 children [ Billboard { children [ Shape { geometry Text { string "z" fontStyle FontStyle { size .6 justify "MIDDLE" } } } ] } ] } DEF TOUCH TouchSensor {} DEF S Script { eventIn SFRotation rotation IS rotation eventIn SFVec3f translation IS translation eventIn SFBool over eventIn SFBool active eventIn SFBool displayPosition IS displayPosition eventOut SFRotation orientation field MFFloat pos [ 0, 0, 0 ] # x, y, z eventOut MFString newText field SFBool positionShown FALSE #field SFNode text USE TEXT #mustEvaluate TRUE #directOutput TRUE url "javascript: function displayPosition( e, t ) { positionShown = e; setPosition( e ); } function rotation( rot, t ) { orientation=new SFRotation( -rot.x, -rot.y, -rot.z, rot.angle ); } function translation( trans, t ) { pos[0]=trans.x; pos[1]=trans.y; pos[2]=trans.z;
if ( positionShown ) { setPosition( true ); } } function over( b, t ) { if ( ! positionShown ) { setPosition( b ); } } function setPosition( b ) { if ( b ) { //x = 'x = '+pos[0]; x = ''+pos[0]; x = round( x, 2 ); y = ','+pos[1]; y = round( y, 2 ); z = ','+pos[2]; z = round( z, 2 ); xyz = 'xyz = '+x+y+z; rotx = round( ''+orientation.x, 2 ); roty = round( ','+orientation.y, 2 ); rotz = round( ','+orientation.z, 2 ); angle = round( ' '+orientation.angle, 2); rot = 'rot = '+rotx+roty+rotz+angle; http://text.string = new MFString( x, y, z ); //newText = new MFString( x, y, z, rot ); newText = new MFString( xyz, rot ); } else { http://text.string = new MFString(); newText = new MFString(); } } function active( b, t ) { if ( b ) { positionShown = ! positionShown; } } function round( string, dec ) { index = string.indexOf( '.' ); if ( index > 0 && string.length > index + dec ) { string = string.substring( 0, index+dec ); } return string; } " } ] } ROUTE S.orientation TO T.rotation ROUTE TOUCH.isOver TO S.over ROUTE TOUCH.isActive TO S.active ROUTE S.newText TO TEXT.string } Compass{}
- Quote :
- Ce prototype a été prise de serveur 'VR Space'
C'est partout l'adresse de mon ordinateur de ce fichier: "C:\My Documents\vrspaceVRMLserver\vrspace\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\vrspace\compass.wrl" Je vais transmettre indiquant la position et l'orientation du avatar au fichier texte ( BUFFER ) ... bonne journée | |
| | | tutancamon +200
Number of posts : 685 Age : 62 Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti Registration date : 2007-09-07
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 19:18 | |
| PETER, s’il vous plaît, traduire en français, mon sujects de sur cette page. Merci beaucoup Your friend, tutancamon | |
| | | peter le cochon +1000
Number of posts : 1032 Localisation : deutschland (sniff) Registration date : 2005-05-28
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 19:25 | |
| Mais, Tutancamon, je ne parle pas francaise... Desoleé, Peter | |
| | | tutancamon +200
Number of posts : 685 Age : 62 Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti Registration date : 2007-09-07
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 19:37 | |
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| | | peter le cochon +1000
Number of posts : 1032 Localisation : deutschland (sniff) Registration date : 2005-05-28
| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP Mon 12 May - 20:27 | |
| Well, Tutan, I swear that I can't speak french : I did post the first answer to Magnu's topic in french (sort of) and neither you nor Magnus did understand me ... lol Just keep on working and show the results. cYa Peter | |
| | | bino 10/20
Number of posts : 20 Registration date : 2010-07-09
| Subject: ........ Sat 10 Jul - 0:42 | |
| et ton truc ca marcherai en direct a aprtir du vb ? ca em parait bien compliqué ton truc !! Fait plus simple please ^^ | |
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| Subject: Re: Chat HTML - VRML dans PHP | |
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