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 avatar in wrl

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5 posters

Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyWed 28 May - 19:28

hummm... I met Thyme yesterday on his chat ,

and I joked about the "lessons " I had just made at school about vrml ..

as he asked me what I did , I answer here ...

to resume ..

all is here more or less :


it is 15 years of my life LOL

game editors , Duke Nukem 3D , then Unreal , then vrml etc etc

And showing some artits using all that ...

I shown too to pupils ( 4mx3m with my beamer )

all we wil have for our "Chicago show "




to get that sort :

avatar in wrl Projprison2

so now I answer a question Vincent asked me after that "lesson" :

Quote :
bonjour ,
Excusez- moi de vous déranger, mais j'aimerais savoir :comment fait ton
pour mettre un avatar pour se déplacer comme vous dans blaxunn (bien
sur que j'ai crée) et un ou plusieurs autres pour faire jolie ou autre
merci d'avance

déjà on peut remarquer que nous avons des jeunes très gentils et bien élevés Smile

la question vient de ça :


là vous voyez l'avatar que vous avez choisi , et pas seulement le bonhomme bleu !

comme ici


comment ça marche ?

eh bien il faut faire une page html qui contienne le wrl
et mettre dans le même répertoire l'avatar avec lequel on veut se déplacer :


le code de la page html est le suivant ( dans cet exemple ) :

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#000080" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000"
onLoad="q4();" scroll="no" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0">


<OBJECT id="cc3d" name="cc3d"
<param name="_Version" value="327682">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="26564">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="15425">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="SRC" value="chicago1930.wrl">
<param name="VRML-DASHBOARD" value="0">
<param name="FULLSCREEN" value="0">
<param name="FULLSCREEN-MODE" value>
<param name="TIMER-INTERVAL" value="0">
<param name="AVATAR-URL" value="avatar2.wrl">
<param name="AVATAR-DISPLAY" value="0">
<param name="TARGET" value>
<param name="FORCE-HW" value="0">
<param name="FORCE-RGB" value="-1">
<param name="HW-PROBLEM-CHECK" value="-1">
<param name="HIDE-CURSOR" value="0">
<param name="FAST-MODE" value="-1">
<param name="BACKGROUND-COLOR" value="#000000">
<param name="BACKGROUND-IMAGE" value>
<param name="SPLASH-SCREEN" value>
<param name="STARTUP-SCREEN" value="-1">
<param name="UI-URL" value>
<param name="PRELOAD" value="0">
<param name="TRANSPARENT" value="0">
<param name="WINDOWLESS" value="0">
<param name="DRAG-DROP" value="-1">
<param name="RELATIVE-TIME" value="0">
<param name="EDIT-MODE" value="0">


on peut copier coller cela au bloc note


en enregistrant en" monmonde3Davecavatar.html"

et en mettant les noms adéquats


à mon avis , il y a une 2ème question qui concerne des avatars "posés " dans le monde 3D ..
bon , ..je verrai ça avec Vincent at school Smile

il a déjà assez de boulot à lire tout ça LOL
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyFri 30 May - 10:32

WOW Alain 15 years!
I did not realise you had been making 3d art for so long and that you used game editors long before you discovered VRML to make 3d art although I do remember you saying you used game editors but you don't like the games they are for lol.
See I am sure you being interviewed would make for interesting reading Smile
I also did not realize (sorry if you already told me this) that Argenzio used a game editor to make his famous Ancientree world, how much of it was made using this editor?
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyFri 30 May - 19:01

thyme wrote:

WOW Alain 15 years!
how much of it was made using this editor?

LOL indeed I often count in alain-time Smile

10 years is more true LOL , pardon Smile

funny that typing "Argenzio vrml" in Google

to find his stuff ..........I found :

Thyme's links
Worlds made by Argenzio

but your link is dead now Sad

I found too :


where is

Quote :
Historique des Arts plastiques et des Nouvelles Technologies au Collège Louise de Savoie :
( Rappel : création d'un Atelier de Pratiques artistiques / Arts plastiques - non "numérique" - en 1993 - 1994 )
1996 - 1997 : atelier d' A.P. chaque mercredis après midi 3 h , salle informatique .
1997 - 1998 : atelier d 'A.P.
1997 - 1998 : atelier d'A.P.
1998 - 1999 : atelier d'A.P.
1999 - 2000 : atelier d' A.P. : Duke Nukem 3D éditeur
....................4 AS : projet de classe avec DukeNukem 3D éditeur , "Villes et cartes"
Inspection avec les 4AS et DukeNukem 3D....
2000 - 2001 : atelier : Unreal Editeur
......................4AS : projet de classe , Unreal
2001 - 2002 : atelier : Unreal
.......................... 4AS : Unreal + Venise
2002 - 2003 : atelier : VRML , chat 3D

but all the links for my school are dead now Sad

the right link for Ancientree is now :


and it links too to :


but all is dead here


as I said ,
to set up my lesson for the pupils ,
I had to find Antalus saved on my puter in 2003 ! and to host it ..

I must mail Argenzio about


many of my pupils play with Call of Duty and all these games you kill "people" with

I just tried them , years ago
and was not crazy with

But Unreal had a real atmosphere , a real quest , a real story ..
I always have a nice souvenir about it

mcfly had ideas about how to tell a real story in a vrml "game" ,
I told him that one of the thing I dream about is
to built

Le Terrier , of Franz Kafka , in vrml Smile

May be in a next life Smile
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyTue 3 Jun - 19:43

Vincent me demande :

comment insérer des avatars (non pas le sien à soi , de la vue subjective , mais un avatar en tant qu' objet dans le monde )

réponse :

Transform {     translation 0 0 0
   children [
      Inline {url "avatar-objet.wrl"}

DEF  monmonde Transform {
  children   Shape {
    appearance   Appearance {
      material   Material {
         diffuseColor .6 .6 .6
    geometry   Box { size 1 1 1 }

Transform {     translation 0 0 0
   children [
      Inline {url "http://members.cox.net/avatar3d/woof/no_cache/blinkeyes_sword.wrl"}

############# or , if all is in the same folder
############# ou bien , si tout est dans le même répertoire    :

Transform {     translation 0 0 0
   children [
      Inline {url "blinkeyes_sword.wrl"}
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyWed 4 Jun - 17:36

petite leçon par mail avec / pour /

Quote :

nonon ...... vincent.html

est OK !
fais click droit ..voir son avatar et tu verras "vincent.wrl" qui se promène Smile
( raccourci : 0 )

par contre

Transform { translation 10 10 10
children [
Inline {url "http://members.cox.net/avatar3d/woof/no_cache/blinkeyes_sword.wrl"}

c'est pas dans la page html qu'il faut l'ajouter ,

c'est à la fin de ton code de
RINGRICHE4A.wrl ... toujours au bloc note ..en le sauvant en wrl .........


Transform { translation -20 4.3 35
children [
Inline {url "catcheur.wrl"}

autre chose ...

dans ISB il faut faire publish

et m'envoyer le fichier wrl , ET les textures !!

voir ici :


autre chose .......

j'ai commencé à downloader quidam ,

mais une amie a essayé :


si tu m'envoies un fichier exporté en *.OBJ , je peux le convertir ,

si tu as besoin de moi , pareil , vendredi 13h Smile

bon travail

test ici : http://dumenieu.free.fr/ecole/vrml/vincent/vincentdum.html
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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: AVATAR in WRL   avatar in wrl EmptyTue 3 Mar - 10:36

Take this:
#VRML V2.0 utf8
Background {skyColor [ 1 1 1 ]}
DEF initWaiter TimeSensor{cycleInterval 2, loop TRUE}
DEF Sc Script{
   eventOut SFBool  enableInitWaiter
   eventOut SFTime  stopInitWaiter
   field    SFInt32 initCounter 0
   eventIn  SFTime  observeInitWaiter
   eventOut SFBool  setActive

   function observeInitWaiter(run, t)
      if(initCounter >= 1)
               Browser.set_myAvatarURL = 'http://dumenieu.free.fr/ecole/vrml/vincent/vincent.wrl';
               enableInitWaiter = FALSE;
               stopInitWaiter = t;
ROUTE initWaiter.cycleTime        TO Sc.        observeInitWaiter
ROUTE Sc.        enableInitWaiter TO initWaiter.enabled
ROUTE Sc.        stopInitWaiter  TO initWaiter.stopTime
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyTue 3 Mar - 20:20

OK thanx for the code
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 1:28

Confused Hi,

does someone know why the second SFVec3f returned by Blaxxun's getBbox() never goes lower than 1.17549e-038 with any of it's components???

How can you calculate the bbox_size or center when the Transform goes into the negative x,y or z values?

Thanks in advance.

Peter pig
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 1:39

I have no idea of what you ask , LOL Peter Smile
I am just an art teacher LOL
I do know that I used that :


about the height of the ava , but I guess that dont answer your question

Quick me !! Smile))
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

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PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 1:59

alain wrote:
... but I guess that dont answer your question

Very Happy no, I guess it didn't. But thank you.

My question was rather more :

Quote :

... does someone know why the second SFVec3f returned by Blaxxun's getBbox() never goes lower than 1.17549e-038 with any of it's components???

How can you calculate the bbox_size or center when the Transform goes into the negative x,y or z values?

Thanks in advance.


And it's about why does happen this thing :

#VRML V2.0 utf8

DEF   bbox_test Transform   {

   translation   -4 -4 -4
   children [
      Shape {geometry Box {size 2 2 2}}

Script {

   field SFNode bbox_test USE bbox_test
   url   "javascript:
         function initialize(){

            sfv1=new SFVec3f(mfv[0]); print('sfv1='+sfv1);
            sfv2=new SFVec3f(mfv[1]); print('sfv2='+sfv2);       


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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 2:16

Shocked ... oups, sorry.

Now I see that this thread is called "avatar" ... I'm off-topic once more affraid

You can change my poste to somwhere else?

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 2:34

peter le cochon wrote:

You can change my post to somwhere else?

to the trash -can ?

LOL I joke Smile

may be tutanc will find the solution ;

open another topic in the script part ,

Ithink that fabricator will see it ,

when , from time to time , I open a new script question ,

it seems that a bell rings in Australia and fab comes Smile

( and merci fabricator Smile


and I will put that LOuiZe logo

avatar in wrl Script10

may be that could help Smile
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Number of posts : 227
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-08-28

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PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 13:22

to answer Peter's question, BS Contact returns the correct numbers:
sfv1=-5 -5 -5
sfv2=-3 -3 -3

So must be another Blaxxun Contact 5.1 bug, something they meant to fix in the new version, but went broke instead. Some other bugs involving MFNode fields in protos and scripts.
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 19:43

Sad ... that is bad news, but thankyou for the fast reply.

BTW : Blaxx 5.3 has got the same bug.

Do you know since what version of BS they've got it fixed?

What is your version?

Thankyou again.

Peter pig
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 21:54

Very Happy I guess there might be a solution for Blaxxun 5.x as well, but not sure if anybody else is interested in keeping things compatible with it. I've got to admit : I want to keep things compatible with good old Blaxxun.


#VRML V2.0 utf8

DEF  bbox_test Transform  {

  translation  -4 -4 -4
  children [
      Shape {geometry Box {size 2 2 2}}

Script {

  field SFNode bbox_test USE bbox_test
  url  "javascript:
        function initialize(){

         corr=new SFVec3f();

         // ---------------------------------------------- X correction


            var abs_bbox_X1=-1*bbox_X1;
            var Xlength=abs_bbox_X1+gp[0];

         // ---------------------------------------------- Y correction


            var abs_bbox_Y1=-1*bbox_Y1;
            var Ylength=abs_bbox_Y1+gp[1];

         // ---------------------------------------------- Z correction


            var abs_bbox_Z1=-1*bbox_Z1;
            var Zlength=abs_bbox_Z1+gp[2];

         mfv[1]=new SFVec3f(bbox_X2,bbox_Y2,bbox_Z2);

            sfv1=new SFVec3f(mfv[0]); print('sfv1='+sfv1);
            sfv2=new SFVec3f(mfv[1]); print('sfv2='+sfv2);       


If this works with BS I would be very glad (and lucky). Most probably all the code could be done in a more easy way, but that needs some more skills ... drunken

My apologies, guys ... I let you with the "avatar" discussion.

Be well,



Googeling for "getBbox() Blaxxun" I found some postings by good old friends on a very techie forum Very Happy
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyThu 5 Mar - 22:40

peter le cochon wrote:
I found some postings by good old friends on a very techie forum Very Happy

OHHHHH !! you bad boy ! Sad

LouiZe is a techie forum too , because fabricator and legloups and not Sar*h is here

Lol bad joke , scuse me .

btw I got a box from your code , am I not a techie ?
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

avatar in wrl Empty
PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl EmptyFri 6 Mar - 1:26

Laughing yes, this is also a techie forum (I had my reply to my question here) ... but it is much more than just a techie forum.

Okay ... googeling for what I was searching (getBBox() for Blaxxun) ... I did find a posting from Fab and anotherone from ... not sure if Darkdog ... on a forum I had never seen before. The posts were dated 2006.

I allways feel happy when I find good old friend's grey brain substance along the WWW.

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PostSubject: Re: avatar in wrl   avatar in wrl Empty

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