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 Meeting Thyme

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3 posters

Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme EmptyFri 29 Aug - 14:39

I will archieve here
all I need to do to meet Thyme in Australia next summer Smile))

reedit :
I guess I will get my inherents

legacy ??

héritage ....... Shocked

first :

the shop who sent me to New York


LOL they have nothing for Australia ,
only Tanzanie Smile

Quote :
7 Nuits chambre double (2A)
Formule Tout inclus 1461€ TTC
par personne
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme EmptyFri 29 Aug - 15:35


Quote :
Sydney - Centre Rouge - Cairns : Vol + 13 jours (12 nuits) sur place
Prix : à partir de 1800 €
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme EmptyMon 1 Sep - 21:14

Very Happy ... Lol Alain ...

Listen at me, I must know about all that Confused

First get your a___ (arms?) to Australia.

Buy the ticket on a Quantas flight ... you can find some cheap ones, and Quantas is one of the most comfortable Airlines I have ever experienced.

If you have got some money in excess ... spend it for a business-class ticket. It makes a world of differences, it allows more baggage, it allows date and destination changes, you won't be f___ed if you miss your plane, you will be able to spend your spare time at the VIP-Lounge, drinking soda and coke (if not Moet Chandon) and connected to the internet with your laptop. You will eat "a la carte".

If your flight takes you via the Singapore airport, don't miss the exotic rooftop-garden with it's bar (the only smoking zone in the airport). The beer is 5 $AUD there, and you will need a few. Let the kids in the McDonnalds (just beside the entrance to the garden).

Don't be silly : never book a cheap hotel in Australia from Europe. Take a credit card with you, and enjoy heaps of different hotel-styles. Try a Backpacker's, try a Bed & Breakfast, try a Sheraton and try one of the french franchises (Ibis, etc ..). Never mind the bill.

Best drinks : Beer : Cooper's Red /sparkling ale), Wine : Shiraz/Viognier - even if east-coast, a kiwi Sauvignon Blanc is allways available.

Best meals : Porterhouse steak in a Pub, S.A. Oysters

Enjoy Downunder.

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme EmptyMon 1 Sep - 23:21

pfffff ,
I wrote 20 lines and all exploded here ,

I tought my PC was dead Sad(
humm it is ok now ,

I try to re write what I did ...

well ..thanx Peter , sure you are better than me in travelling , ..as I became a geek , I became a shit in organization to travel LOL .
The last trip we had , in Ukrainia , Domi did all the work Smile
Btw I had been good years ago sendind my pupils to New York , but I was a bit less geek at that time ( ? )
Well .. as Bertrand likes to go to Autralia I asked him to organize all LOL ,
but not sure he will do ..
So I archieve your advices , for sure Smile thanx ..
This first day school a colleague told me ,at the restaurant, that one of her daughter
( ancient pupil of me , a photograph now , 22 old may be ) goes to New Zeland ..
She worries a lot about , the girl goes alone etc ..
I will copy your post LOOL
Vive l'autre coté du monde ! Smile
ps : I told her that there are no many cyber cafés there , because I heard about a guy without connection during 15 days ;( ,, ..LOL she worried more Smile))
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme EmptyMon 1 Sep - 23:24

ps : as I told you , Peter , weeks ago ,
we must manage to have my trip during you will be around there Smile))

yes ...not very easy Shocked Shocked
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme EmptySun 14 Sep - 1:45

thyme wrote:
alain wrote:
This first day school a colleague told me ,at the restaurant, that one of her daughter
( ancient pupil of me , a photograph now , 22 old may be ) goes to New Zeland ..
She worries a lot about , the girl goes alone etc ..
I will copy your post LOOL
Vive l'autre coté du monde ! Smile
ps : I told her that there are no many cyber cafés there , because I heard about a guy without connection during 15 days ;( ,, ..LOL she worried more Smile))

lol I am way out in the country Alain (in Australia), this was why I was offline for 15 days, we had to wait twice for our phone to be fixed. In the cities it would be much better, I would guess there are plenty of cyber cafés there and in New Zealand too.
Hopefully when we get a satellite dish (thanks to our new left wing elected government) we will no longer be at the mercy of our rat chewed phone line to be connected to the net Mr.Red
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme EmptySun 8 Feb - 12:02

Quote :
SYDNEY - Les feux de brousse qui ravagent le sud-est de l'Australie en proie à un été caniculaire ont tué 65 personnes et détruit des centaines de maisons au cours du week-end.

it seems it is around your place , Thyme Sad , is it ?

very sad Sad

we have lot of snow here that morning ...
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme EmptySun 8 Feb - 13:19

I got Thyme on msn , he is safe ,
probs are more south ,
Victoria state ..

hello Dear Thyme Smile
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Meeting Thyme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Thyme   Meeting Thyme Empty

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Meeting Thyme
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