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 Octaga Gone?

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4 posters

Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptyMon 21 Feb - 4:12

I can't seem to reach http://www.octaga.com for the last day or so.
Anyone else have the same problem?

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptyWed 23 Feb - 20:11

Not sure.

The forum was being spammed severly (about 400 spam messages a day!) 3 or 4 weeks ago. It went useless.

End of January they did finaly shut it (the forum) down for manteinance, but it never came back.

I guess Octaga has undergone some structural changes lately. As far as I can remember, they announced they're splitting up into two different activity areas, each one having it's own CEO.

One area should offer key-ready 3D-stuff for end-consumers.
The other area would provide the tools and viewers.

I hope they are back soon.


Peter pig

p.s.: I forgot to say : www.octaga.com does not open for me neither.

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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: SAI and Forum Spamming   Octaga Gone? EmptyThu 24 Feb - 19:53

Hi Peter,
I hope they come back too. Octaga has implemented external sai Java in Octaga Player, so there is a good chance I can get Deep Matrix working with it (assuming the bugs are minimal Rolling Eyes
But I am not going to do coding work for a dead browser.

Yes too its a shame about the spamming of Octaga's forum or any forum for that matter.
That has been happening to me at my deepmatrix.org forum. I finally had to settle for the admin approving all users which put an end to it.
I gotta scratch my head though, what is the point about spamming? Does the spammer actually hope to make money by some sort of "shot gun effect"? Why would anyone
who has an interest in an obscure 3D MU system click on a viagra link in Russia?
The whole thing seem pointless unless cyber-vandalism is the "point".

Beautiful image for the LouizeForum title header!

Still living in the nineties
Russ Kinter
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptySat 5 Mar - 10:03

Confused Now it's InstantReality's forum being spammed.

It's a terrible thing, how such spam-attacks can destroy a forum. It seems like the spamming.bot - if it's a bot - keeps signin in new accounts while using one of them for spamming.

When the first account has been burned out, it can continue spamming with a new one without delay.

I fear that the only way for stopping such an attack is to shut down the forum, and remove thousands of spam-users and tenthousands of spam-messages.

I have sent an e-mail to one of the admins and used the "report this post" function on one spam-message. Without results.

It's a big mess going on there.

Forum-Admins should change their settings to "approve new users manually".

Alain : how is your forum set-up?


Peter pig
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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Forum Spamming   Octaga Gone? EmptySun 6 Mar - 20:10

It seems like Instant Reality forum is ok now.

Yes all new users at the Deep Matrix forum have to be approved by me.

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptySun 6 Mar - 23:27

nice !!!!

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptyMon 7 Mar - 1:22

peter le cochon wrote:

Alain : how is your forum set-up?

Sorry Peter and friends , I just see the the posts now .

Well , as I beagan LouiZe with "forumactif" who host it , in 2005 ,
and as I had a server just in 2010 ,
I had been too lazy to move

1rst because I dont know how to set up by my own a phpBBs forum

2second , because I dont want to bore registred people to ask them to move
( anyways we are a few , now , here , but the best ones , on the other hand Smile )

So I just pay each month , here to delete advertissements for registred people

( I dont pay for visitors because I dont know who they are and I f*** them LOL )

BTW I delete 50 spams each month on Mixed.free.fr , pity .....
( but they are not published before I see them )

well , lats news , may be you know :

Quote :

----- Original Message -----
From: thyme
To: undisclosed-recipients
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 1:24 PM
Subject: Problems with the Seamless3d Forum

> The Seamless3d forum has lost recent posts going back to October.
> I do not know the cause but I have decided to no longer use this forum as
> phpBBs seem way too complicated and prone to too many problems.
> I get loads of robot spam registration requests each day, too many to sort
> through and phpBBs frequently need updating which never goes smoothly.
> .......etc etc ....................>
> regards
> thyme
He explained that using mails and RSS and facebook is more simple .

I understand , but I love my poor LouiZE , and LouiZe loves you all Smile

and facebook is a shit , for my opinion , LOL

Scuse me , jacinto , pas le temps de traduire , il est minuit Sad


for sure I "approve new users manually".

I send a mail to ask them "are you a spammer ?"
and it is rare that I have an answer ; LOL
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptyMon 7 Mar - 1:45

anyways I feel often to be stupid to spend so long time on LouiZE ,
on MixED.free.fr , on Mixed.net ,
but Internet changed my life , LOL ,

and I had a great "fun' ( ? )
today to read a guy ( from Standford University , California )
telling that revolutions ( arabs etc ) doesnt come from web ,
but he knows *** that dictatures ( Russia , China ,Iran , etc ) knows how to trap guys , bloggers etc
Indeed , Web finished to be freedom years ago LOL ( pas LOL

***He wroted fantastic examples
i.e facebook message asked people to have a protest
( I forget the country )
and it was just a trap for cops to put in jail who whent

etc etc
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptyMon 7 Mar - 15:15

pas la peine de traduire ,Smile

voici le forum maudit lol

personne ne viens ,
mais au debut des robots spamai je trouvais cela tres bien
je me sentai valorisé Smile
quand je en es eu marre ,
je mis fin a cela avec un captcha -un truc qui empeche les robot de s'inscrire...

mais cela continua ... au bout de 2 ans,
pour mettre des pub de parfums !! surrement que mon site francais ne pu
pas le fromage !!
bon et bien je pense un truc horrible :
Ce ne son pas des robot , se sont des personnes instruites, intellectuels humains qui font cela depuis les pays pauvres soumis a de etat despotique.
Les Robots valent plus que les Hommes !!
La domination par les machines schizofrenique commence !!!
j ai resolu le probleme de mon forum en empechant tout un tas de chose
comme par exemple laisser des signatures...
depuis il est vraiment mort
mais je continue a ecrire dedans
pure folie, pure bonheur

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptyMon 7 Mar - 15:24

à peu près la même chose pour MixED.free.fr

IL est en spip .

et Les spams sont virables avant publication.

C'est pas un forum , par ailleurs , plutôt un "site" .
Ouais pour ....(se) faire plaisir Smile
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptySat 2 Apr - 12:46

www.octaga.com and it's forum are still down Sad

Does somebody know where they've gone?

sad pig
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptySat 2 Apr - 13:13

I guess they will move soon to LouiZeForum Smile

Hello Peter Smile
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptySat 2 Apr - 14:15

Sad We would welcome the viking here, for sure!

It can't be gone! How could it? What the fuck ?!? ... so much time invested, so much knowledge, so much vrml history, so many expectations ...

So many web3d corpses ... it smells like rotten all over the place.

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptyMon 20 Feb - 0:02

I guess Peter knows :

( thanks samd who lets me know )


Last edited by alain on Sat 10 May - 22:25; edited 1 time in total
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptySat 5 May - 19:11


The Skandinavian Player is back!


(sorry, I did not notice)
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Octaga Gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octaga Gone?   Octaga Gone? EmptySat 5 May - 19:15

peter le cochon wrote:

(sorry, I did not notice)

me too Smile ,

mais merci Smile
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