Hi All,
I am nearing completion on my networked drawing world -the working model is on the Deep Matrix public server as "Drawing World".
Besides the compass and the line drawing, it now has free hand capability.
Unlike Peter's Workshop which used PixelTexture my "free hand" uses the PointSet Node.
From the screen shots below you can see that the green free hand design is symmetrical, because I added a copy-mirror capability for both the z and x axis.
You can also erase a section of your free hand drawing by clicking "Part" under "Erase"
Just click two points surrounding the area you want to erase (think of the points as oppisite
corners of a box enclosing the area)
I also added a way to draw rectangles for the line drawing. The line drawing also has a feature to close a polygon -just click the purple triangle at the top of the widget for the last line. It will generate an animation for the widget and connect the last vertex with the first.
This is close to a plateau, next I will be adding a save-to-file capability and hopefully a way to reload the work to modify it.
As always have fun!