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 Vivaty Studio back online - new download from web3d.org

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2 posters

Number of posts : 157
Localisation : babelx3d server/portal at http://www.odisseia.univ-ab.pt/abnet2/
Registration date : 2008-08-31

Vivaty Studio back online - new download from web3d.org Empty
PostSubject: Vivaty Studio back online - new download from web3d.org   Vivaty Studio back online - new download from web3d.org EmptyFri 15 Jul - 13:26

Hi friends,

Yes, Web3D.org has something useful in their pages

So, there is finally an official download site for this great VRML/X3D software.
On the other side it recognizes this great and very useful contribution of Keith Victor for VRML/X3D community over so many years. It started with Spazz3D (www.spazz3d.com), back in late nineties, then upgraded to VizX3D, flux Studio and more recently (in 2008) to Vivaty Studio.

Download it here:

To make this new free offer better I wish someone remembers to put the help site back online. If someone has a copy of the late vivaty Studio help please post info here (I have an old VizX3D help copy still useful but incomplete)

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Vivaty Studio back online - new download from web3d.org Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vivaty Studio back online - new download from web3d.org   Vivaty Studio back online - new download from web3d.org EmptyFri 15 Jul - 21:55

sorry Vitor , I have a Vivaty 2008 , but I see that the help is an "online" , and I havent baked it before .

But merci for the news .

If you want an old spazz , you are here at the right adress , ahaha , just joke Smile

( I guess I missed none of all these versions LOL )

BTw I still use spazz when needed , because it is good-easy for some stuff - and for my brain Smile

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Vivaty Studio back online - new download from web3d.org
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