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 Ciberpangea World - a new world about job offers. Uoated da

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Number of posts : 157
Localisation : babelx3d server/portal at http://www.odisseia.univ-ab.pt/abnet2/
Registration date : 2008-08-31

Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da Empty
PostSubject: Ciberpangea World - a new world about job offers. Uoated da   Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da EmptyFri 9 Sep - 2:25


If you dream about living and working in a warm, sunny country with friendly people, look for a job in  Ciberpangea, a 3D multiuser world designed in the best tradition of the classic light VRML/X3D Chats with avatars:
Conceived by Gaudi, the world is updated daily.
Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da Ciberpangea

So, are you looking for a new job in Spain?

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ciberpangea World - a new world about job offers. Uoated da   Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da EmptyFri 9 Sep - 21:57

vcard wrote:

So, are you looking for a new job in Spain?


To say the truth , NO , dear vitor , I prefer a job in Portugal !
Because I went 6 or 7 times in Spain but never in Portugal Sad
Pity ...

So I would prefer to get job teaching VRML
( or Learning VRML LOL ) in Portugal Smile

Scuse the stupid joke ,
btw I am happy that ABNet hosts such a good world .

I made that logo , I hope the guys there agree

Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da Indign10

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Number of posts : 406
Registration date : 2007-04-01

Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ciberpangea World - a new world about job offers. Uoated da   Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da EmptyFri 16 Sep - 21:02

nice idea. do you have some results ?
somebody should make that in France
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ciberpangea World - a new world about job offers. Uoated da   Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da EmptySat 17 Sep - 13:24

Hello Meribastet ?

you want a job in Portugal too ? Smile

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Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ciberpangea World - a new world about job offers. Uoated da   Ciberpangea World -  a new world about job offers. Uoated da Empty

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