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 blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT

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Number of posts : 451
Registration date : 2012-06-01

blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT Empty
PostSubject: blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT   blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT EmptyWed 30 Apr - 18:51

blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT
1. Introduction
2. Installation
2.1. Requirements
2.2. Installation
2.3. Configuration with Your HTTP Server
3. Community Server Runtime Environment
3.1. Directories
3.2. Important Files
3.2.1. License Key File - etc/license
3.2.2. ID Server Configuration File - etc/idserver.cfg
3.2.3. The Virtual Hostname File - etc/bindip
3.3. Windows NT Registry Entries
4. Disabling and Enabling Individual Services
5. Un-Installing blaxxun Community Server

For explanations of error codes see Trouble Shooting.
1. Introduction

blaxxun Community Server consists of three main processes:
idserver The ID server is the main process. It handles logins and logoffs by the users, including access protection. The ID server also stores the current user information.
mnserver The Motion server handles location of users on a per scene basis and sends updates about location changes of neighbors to the users.
txserver The Text server handles all text interaction between the users in a scene.

The following auxiliary processes are included in a blaxxun Community Server installation:
auserver The Authentication server handles User registration and User authentication if authentication is configured.
cpserver The blaxxun Community Server Proxy server handles connection by clients using TCP. Normally clients connect to blaxxun Community Server via UDP. However clients that are connecting from behind a firewall can be configured to use TCP instead.
haserver The HTML Access server handles connections by clients that use blaxxun interactive's HTML chat client CClite. These clients use HTTP connecting to the haserver and the haserver translates their request into the blaxxun Community Server protocol.
mdserver The Moderation server handles moderation.
Agent The Agent program for running robots in your worlds.

2. Installation

Solaris 2.5 or higher
Linux 2.0 (486, Pentium, or better)
Other UNIX platforms on request
Windows NT 4.0 (Intel x86 PCs)

This document describes the installation of blaxxun Community Server on Windows NT. For UNIX instructions, please refer to the UNIX Online Help.
2.1. Requirements

Windows NT Version:

blaxxun Community Server requires Windows NT 4.0. It has been tested on both workstation and server license installations of Windows NT 4.0.

Administration Console and HTTP Server:

The blaxxun Community Server Administration Interface is HTML-based; it must be run from an HTTP server running on the same machine as blaxxun Community Server.
The NT version of the blaxxun Community Server Administration Interface has been tested with Netscape HTTP Enterprise Server and Microsoft Internet Information Server.
The HTTP server should be installed before blaxxun Community Server itself, is installed.

Configuration Parameters:

Before you install blaxxun Community Server you have to decide on the following:

1. The machine on which you will install blaxxun Community Server. The machine you choose must meet the following requirements:

This machine has to be visible on the internet,
You must know the fully qualified hostname of the machine
and you'll need administrator access to the machine.

You need permissions to create Program Groups, update the registry for Local Machine and to create a Service in the Windows NT Services Manager Database.

All examples in this document use www.blaxxun.com as the fully qualified hostname of the machine on which the blaxxun Community Server is installed.

2. The directory in which blaxxun Community Server is installed.

This directory has to be local to the machine on which you install blaxxun Community Server, not mounted from another machine. Although the blaxxun Community Server installation requires less than 10MB of disk space, we recommend that you allocate at least 100MB to accomodate the processing of log files.

The name of this directory is stored in the registry database of Windows NT.

3. The port number used by your administration HTTPD.

The default port number is 80, use that number unless you have good reasons not to.

4. The base port number blaxxun Community Server will use.

A set of 100 free port numbers is needed, starting with this base port number. Each of the blaxxun Community Server processes requires a unique UDP port number.

The base port number is also the UDP port used by the IDserver.

All examples in this document use 2000 as the base port number of the blaxxun Community Server installation. This means that port numbers between 2000 and 2099 are used by the blaxxun Community Server processes.

The portnumbers are stored in the registry database of Windows NT. If you want to change the values later, you must restart blaxxun Community Server after you change the registry.

5. The hostname of the SMTP server of your organization.

To send email to its administrators, blaxxun Community Server needs the hostname of the SMTP host used in your organization for outgoing mail. This hostname is stored in the registry database of Windows NT. You can change the hostname by updating the registry.

6. The email addresses of the blaxxun Community Server administrators.

blaxxun Community Server will automatically send email to its administrators if it discovers a problem. These email addresses are stored in the registry database of Windows NT. You can add or remove addresses by updating the registry.

2.1. Installation

Please read the previous chapter (Requirements) before attempting to install blaxxun Community Server. You need Administrator privileges on Windows NT to install blaxxun Community Server.
Copy the blaxxun Community Server distribution file commserv.exe to a temporary directory on your machine.
From the File Manager run commserv.exe by double clicking on it. The installation procedure will prompt you for the Configuration Parameters mentioned above and store the values you enter into the Windows NT registry database, as listed above.
The installation procedure registers blaxxun Community Server processes with the Windows NT Services Manager. This ensures that blaxxun Community Server is started automatically when your machine is booted.
The names of the services installed are IdServer, MnServer, and TxServer. The service display name is blaxxun Community Server.
Verify that your blaxxun Community Server can be reached from the network by executing the following chping -i command from the //bin directory:

chping -i :

If blaxxun Community Server can be reached, chping returns OK. If not, chping answers with a string like:

TIMEOUT localhost:2000 does not answer!

2.3. Configuration with Your HTTP Server

To access the HTML-based blaxxun Community Server Administrator Console the following setup is required for your HTTP server:

1. Additional Administration Document Directory

You need to add one additional document directory referencing


and an alias of csadmin for this directory.

For Microsoft Internet Information Server:
Double click on the WWW service from the Internet Service Manager's Service list.
Select the "Directories" tab and add a new document directory by setting the "Directory" entry field to

face="Times New Roman">/csadmin.

Set the "Alias" entry field to csadmin.

For Netscape HTTP Server:
From the Netscape admin interface's 'Content Management' page select

"Additional Document Directories"

and add a new document directory by setting the URL entry field to csadmin and "Map to Directory" field to /csadmin.

2. Additional Administration CGI Directory

You need to add one additional CGI directory referencing


and an alias of csadmbin for this directory.

For Microsoft Internet Information Server:
Double click on the WWW service from the Internet Service Manager's Service list.
Select the "Directories" tab and add a new document directory by setting the "Directory" entry field to


Set the "Alias" entry field to /csadmbin. In the Access Button Group check the "Execute" Button.

For Netscape HTTP Server:
From the Netscape admin interface's 'Programs' page select

"CGI Directory"

and add a new document directory by setting the URL Prefix entry field to csadmbin and "CGI Directory" field to /csadmbin.


"CGI File Type"

and activate CGI as a file type.

3. Optional Document Directory

blaxxun Community Server comes with example VRML 2.0 worlds, an example intallation of blaxxun interactive's HTML chat client blaxxun CClite and an example installation of blaxxun's Java chat client blaxxun CCstandard.

In order to enable these features you need to add two more directories to your HTTP server setup and make them publicly available.

You need to add one additional document directory referencing


and an alias of commserv for this directory.

For Microsoft Internet Information Server:
Double click on the WWW service from the Internet Service Manager's Service list.
Select the "Directories" tab and add a new document directory by setting the "Directory" entry field to


Set the "Alias" entry field to commserv.

For Netscape HTTP Server:
From the Netscape admin interface's 'Content Management' page select

"Additional Document Directories"

and add a new document directory by setting the URL entry field to commserv and "Map to Directory" field to /commserv.

4. Optional CGI Directory

You need to add one additional CGI directory referencing


and an alias of csbin for this directory.

For Microsoft Internet Information Server:
Double click on the WWW service from the Internet Service Manager's Service list.
Select the "Directories" tab and add a new document directory by setting the "Directory" entry field to


Set the "Alias" entry field to /csbin. In the Access Button Group check the "Execute" Button.

For Netscape HTTP Server:
From the Netscape admin interface's 'Programs' page select

"CGI Directory"

and add a new document directory by setting the URL Prefix entry field to csbin and "CGI Directory" field to /csbin.


"CGI File Type"

and activate CGI as a file type.

5. Allow Directory Browsing

Allow HTTP directory browsing for the "csadmin" document directory.

6. Access Configuration

If your server is accessed by the public, deny public access to the csadmin document directory and csadmbin CGI directory. You should password protect these directories and allow only your client machine to access them.

Select your passwords and the machines that can access blaxxun Community Server Administrator Interface carefully. People with access to these computers can alter your blaxxun Community Server configuration or stop Community Server.

7. Accessing the blaxxun Community Server Administrator Interface

You can now start the interface by using a WWW browser and loading the URL: http:///csadmin/index.htm

3. blaxxun Community ServerRuntime Environment
3.1. Directories

The blaxxun Community Server installation directory contains the following sub directories.

bin blaxxun Community Server executables.
csadmin blaxxun Community Server administration executables.
csbin blaxxun Community Server sample client configuration executables.
etc blaxxun Community Server configuration files.
csadmin blaxxun Community Server administration HTML files.
csadmin/archive blaxxun Community Server log archive.
commserv blaxxun Community Server HTML files for sample client installations.
log blaxxun Community Server log files.
status Some status files blaxxun Community Server uses.

3.2. Important Files

3.2.1. Community Server License Key File - etc/license

blaxxun Community Server requires a License Key File in order to run. A generic key for up to three simultaneous users is included with blaxxun Community Server . This file is located in the directory /etc, and must be present for blaxxun Community Server to run.

If you purchased blaxxun Community Server, blaxxun interactive will provide you with an extended key. Enter the new key into this file, overwriting the old one. Now restart blaxxun Community Server. Contact sales@blaxxun.com if you need a license key.

3.2.2. ID Server Configuration File - etc/idserver.cfg
This file contains configuration information for the ID server.

3.2.3. The Virtual Hostname File - etc/bindip

This file contains the name of the host blaxxun Community Server is installed on. It is needed for correct handling of socket binds in case virtual host names are used.
3.3. Windows NT Registry Entries

blaxxun Community Server stores its configuration values in the Windows NT registry database. All values are stored under the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/blaxxunInteractive/Community Server.

The following values are stored in the registry database:
VersionInstalled Contains the version of Community Server installed.
InstallDirectory Contains the directory where Community Server is installed.
AdminMail Contains the email addresses of the aministators of Community Server.
SMTPHost Contains the name of the SMTP host that Community Server> uses for sending mail.
idserverPort Contains the port number used by the idserver process of Community Server.
mnserverPort Contains the port number used by the mnserver process of Community Server.
txserverPort Contains the port number used by the txserver process of Community Server.
idserverHostPort The mnserver, txserver and sbserver processes of Community Server use this value in order to determine the address of the idserver process.
mnserverBandwidth Specifies maximum bandwidth in bytes per seconds the mnserver process should use. The default value is 100,000. If the process detects that it uses more bandwidth then allocated, it degrades its bandwidth needs. First the process lowers the maximum number of updates sent in the NeighborUpdatePacket, and increases its working interval period.
mnserverPeriod Specifies the period for distance calculations in microseconds the mnserver process should use. The default value is 300,000. The mnserver process calculates the distance between all clients in a scene in this interval. The positions of the closest neighbors are sent to each client.

4. Disabling and Enabling Individual Services

In order to disable one of the auxiliary processes included in a blaxxun Community Server installation like Agent, haserver, cpserver or auserver you have to do the following:

Stop the process via the status control panel.
Remove the process' status file from the directory //status.
In the Windows NT service manager set the service's Startup Type to Manual.

In order to enable a process previously disabled you have to do the following:

In the Windows NT service manager set the service's Startup Type to Automatic.
Start the process manually from the Windows NT service manager.

5. Un-Installing Community Server

blaxxun Community Server contains an un-install program in the Community Server program folder.

Before you un-install blaxxun Community Server make sure:

blaxxun Community Server Server is stopped
No other programs are accessing files or directories in the directory.

Our tests have shown that the HTTP Server keeps directories in its document directory open, even when nothing is accessing documents. You must stop the HTTP server before you can un-install blaxxun Community Server.

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Number of posts : 451
Registration date : 2012-06-01

blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT Empty
PostSubject: Re: blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT   blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT EmptyWed 30 Apr - 19:03

Moderation Server: Server Admin Guide  
1. Introduction: 2. Installation:
    1.1 Overview     2.1 Configuration
    1.2 How It Works     2.2 Moderator Client Applet
    2.3 Configuration File Examples
1.1 Overview

The Moderation Server is an add-on to the blaxxun Community Server and is included in the server package. The Moderator Client is a java applet and is also included. The Moderation Server implements the special message routing that allows a chat group to be moderated. The server redirects the audience's messages to the Moderator Client which is controlled by the moderator. The moderator filters the incoming chat and posts selected messages to all members of the group. The Moderation Server also oversees user status information within the moderated group and makes this information available to the Moderation Client.
1.2 How It Works

The Moderation Server is a special API server that is an add-on to the Community Server. In a moderated discussion, all text messages sent to the Community Server are forwarded to the Moderation Server. The Moderation Server requests that the Community Server not broadcast these messages and sends them to the Moderation Client for clearance.

After the moderator has cleared a message, the message is sent from the Moderation Client to the Moderation Server. The Moderation Server forwards the approved message to the Community Server which then posts the message to all the group members.
2. Installation

   During installation the Moderation Server (mdserver) is copied to the Community Server binary directory $BSIROOT/bin
   If the installation is on UNIX, the Moderation Server configuration file (mdserver.cfg) is copied to the Community Server etc directory $BSIROOT/etc.
   On NT this file is not needed, the configuration parameters are stored in the Registry instead.
   The Moderation Server host and port is added to the API server section of the ID server configuration file etc/idserver.cfg.
   On UNIX the Moderation Server is added to the Community Server startup script. On NT the Moderation Server is added to the set of services to be started.
   The example VRML scene "The Gallery" is completely set up for moderation.

2.1 The Configuration Values

The Moderation Server needs two configuration values at startup.

   Connection port for the Moderator Client
   Moderator's password

UNIX: At startup the Moderation Server looks for the values in two places.

   They can be specified as command line paramters in the file $BSIROOT/chstart.

       mdserver -p 2030 -PW default -mp 2030

   If not specified there they are looked for in the configuration file mdserver.cfg.

       mdserverPassword     default # moderator password,    option -PW

       mdserverTCPPort      2030    # TCP port,              option -mp

   This file has to be located under $BSIROOT/etc.

   The password is also specified in the /csbin/community/config/global.cfg file. The communtiy software checks owner access rights for a community member and allows to start the moderation for a place if a member is owner. The password is passed to the moderation applet automatically, so the member doesn't have to specify it.
   So make sure that you always change both passwords if you want to support that feature.

   You may enter comments in the configuration file using the hash mark character "#" as the comment indicator.

   See section 2.3 for a sample Moderation Server Configuration (mdcfg) File.

NT: The Moderation Server reads the values from the registry.

   Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/blaxxuninteractive/Community Server

   The keys mdserverTcpPort and mdserverPassword are read.

2.2 Setting up the Moderator Client Applet
The moderation is already integrated into the community. The owner of a place gets the start moderation button in the action frame on the right side. There is nothing else to be configured. Just make sure that the moderation is activated for the place (in idserver.cfg).

If you don't use the community features, you have to do the following:
In order for moderation to work the moderator client java applet has to be referenced from the ccpro.bxx file of the frameset of a place.

The following two lines have to be added to the file

   listtabflag     1110111

   moderation      /commserv/mdclient/open_mod.htm HTML

The moderator client applet also needs to know the TCP port the moderation server is listening to. It takes these values from the file /commserv/mdclient/moderator.htm.
2.3 Configuration File Examples

1. Sample Moderation Server Configuration File

# Example config file for moderation server.
# The values here can be overwritten by command line parameters
# set in the file chstart.
# You should set a meaningfull password for you moderators
# Restart the mdserver after you change this.
mdserverPassword     default      # moderator password,    option -PW

mdserverTCPPort      2030    # TCP port,              option -mp

2. Sample ID Server Configuration File

# Id server configuration file

# Sample entry for a scene featuring moderation
# You should set a meaningful password for you moderators
# This can be done in etc/mdserver.cfg on UNIX
# or in the registry on NT.
# Restart the mdserver after you change the password.
 APISERVER localhost:2030

 # This sets up moderation for the gallery, add other scenes if you like.
 # There are also some CCpro parameters set in gallery/ccpro.bxx,
 # they have to be duplicated for the other scenes as well.
 # The parameters in the ccpro.bxx file are:
 # listtabflag     1110111
 # moderation      /commserv/mdclient/open_mod.htm HTML

 URL              http://juri.blaxxun.com:1999/commserv/vrml/custom/gallery/*


3. Sample Community Server Startup File


/services/bsi/bin/mdserver -p 2030 -BSIROOT /services/bsi -i localhost:2000 -mp 2030

4. Sample Frameset File /commserv/vrml/custom/gallery/ccpro.bxx

server          www.blaxxun.com
port            4000
scene           http://www.blaxxun.com:3999/commserv/vrml/custom/gallery/ccpro.bxx The Gallery
3dscene         gallery.wrl
sname           The Gallery
htmlframe       HTML
listtabflag     1110111
moderation      /commserv/mdclient/open_mod.htm HTML

4. Sample Moderator Client File /commserv/mdclient/moderator.htm


<TITLE> blaxxun Community Client Moderator </TITLE>

<APPLET code="blaxxun.moderator.applet.Moderator.class" archive=moderator.zip
       width =100% height=95% mayscript>
<PARAM name=modHost     value="www.blaxxun.com">
<PARAM name=modPort     value="4030">
<PARAM name=modGroup    value="Public">


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Number of posts : 451
Registration date : 2012-06-01

blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT Empty
PostSubject: Re: blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT   blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT EmptyWed 30 Apr - 19:05

Admin Interface
With this module, community administrators can quickly and easily access and modify the contents of the community database.

Basic Functionality
Data Category Index
Database Entry List
Object Attributes Form
Login as
Community Object
Public Places
Home Objects
Personal Images
Shared Objects
Information Objects
Entries of Information Objects
CGI Program and Parameters
Input Parameter
Output Parameter
Error Parameter
HTML Templates


As its name suggests, the Admin Interface gives community administrators a tool for managing the large quantities of data that comprise a community. It's designed to access the community server's database objects, in which the data that give your community its identity and character are stored. The database objects store information about the community structure, such as public places, homesteading areas, clubs, member data, etc.

For security reasons, access to the community database is limited to the persons defined as community administrators in global.cfg.

See the Data Model chapter for details about the community data structure.
Basic Functionality
Data Category Index

The screen is divided into two parts (frames). The left frame displays an index of the data categories. Some of the categories are summarized under a single entry (e.g. 'Home Objects'). When you click on such a link, a submenu with additional categories will be displayed. On activation of one of the data category links, a list of all database entries in the corresponding table will be displayed in the right frame. If there are too many entries to be displayed on one page, paging controls will also be displayed.
Database Entry List

After you select a data category, a list of all objects stored in the corresponding table will be displayed in the right frame. Entries whose attributes can be modified are displayed as links; you can click on them to load the Object Attributes Form where you can edit their attributes.

Depending on the selected data category, various filters are provided for controlling the display of data in the database entry lists. The most basic filter for all categories is the data object ID. Other filters include selection of a field to sort by, and text filters with wildcards. The sorting fields are primary keys of the database table.

Since it has the most entries, the 'Members' category offers the most filters; you have a choice of fields to sort by and can also specify the sort order (ascending/descending) of the entries.
Show/Hide Information Objects

Public places, home objects and clubs have information objects such as message board, inbox, calendar and chat object associated with them. Since the display of these objects can take up a lot of space, you can show or hide the links for administration of these objects by activating the 'Show/Hide Information Objects' button.
Show/Hide Maps & Icons

Home objects are represented by icons on the map of their parent home object. A different set of such icons and maps can be defined for each district. Since the display of these objects can take up a lot of space, you can show or hide the links for administration of these objects by activating the 'Show/Hide Maps & Icons' button.
Object Attributes Form

The attributes of some database entries can be displayed and edited in a special form, the Object Attributes Form. To access this form, click on an entry's link in the database entry list.

The layout and contents of an Object Attributes Form depend on the data structure of the selected database object. Some attributes can't be changed because of their relation to other database objects and the inconsistencies that would result.

The owner and access rights for the objects can be changed using the general change rights form.
Login as

To change your identity, activate this link and you will get a login screen. Here you can login as a community administrator.

You have to login as a community administrator to have full access to the community database.
Community Object

The Community Object is a special database object which stores general information about the community. (This object is generally a place object with the ID 0000000000000000.) It stores the following general information about the community:

the name of the community
the community's owner
the metanames of the home objects (district, neighborhood, block, home); you can change these to match the purpose of your community
a table showing the number of community members whose nicknames begin with each letter and numeral

See Place (Object) Attributes for more details about the data structure.

Public Places

Use the Public Places link to create, update or delete public places. When you click on the link, a table containing the IDs, names and owners of each place in the database is displayed.

Use the filter text box or the paging controls to find the place that you want to edit.

If you want a place's information objects (message board, etc.) displayed in the table, click on the 'Show Information Objects' button. Click on the 'Hide Information Objects' button to remove the information objects from the table.

If you want to change the attributes of an existing place, click on the place's link in the ID column of the table to access its Object Attributes Form.

To create a new place and define its attributes, click on the 'Create new Place' link.

The following attributes can be set with the 'Create new Place' and 'Change Attributes for Place' forms:

ID (can only be set in the 'Create new Place' form)
The next free ID will be inserted automatically in this text field, but you can change it if you want to.
Full Name
Name of the place
Technical Name (can only be set in the 'Create new Place' form)
The CGI program place can access the place using this name.
Name of the member who owns the place.
Specify the owner name in the text box in the 'Create new Place' form.
$$In the 'Change Attributes for Place' form, this entry serves as a link to the 'Access Rights' form.
Owner Job/Assistant Job$$(can only be set in the 'Create new Place' form)
Jobs associated with the place $$Members with these job titles will also have owner access to the place.
A text field for information about the place
Create also (can only be set in the 'Create new Place' form)
You can specify which information objects should be created with the place by clicking on the appropriate checkboxes. The information objects include message board, inbox, link list, chat and calendar.

When you are done creating a place, click the 'Create' button. If the $$process completes correctly, you'll see a new page with instructions about how to proceed further. These include modifications to the global.cfg file and creation of place-specific folders for templates, images and VRML worlds. A link that can be used to access the new place is also given. If you want to change the new place, you can click on the 'Edit Place Object' link.

When you are done editing a an existing place, click on the 'Update' button. If the update is successful, the message "Data updated successfully" will be displayed.

If you want to delete a place, click on the 'Delete' button in the 'Change Attributes for Place' form and respond affirmatively to the confirmation prompt.

See the module description Places for more details about place functionality.

See Place (Object) Attributes for more details about the data structure.
Home Objects

Home objects store the data that are used for displaying and configuring your community's homesteading areas. There are four types of home object, arranged in the hierarchy District, Neighborhood, Block, Home. So a community is comprised of districts, a district of neighborhoods, a neighborhood of blocks, and a block of homes. Like public places, home objects have owners who have the access rights to configure them. The homes can be owned by individual community members, who have the right to "furnish" them according to their tastes. $$How appropriate is this stuff? More that can be said?

The 'Home Objects' link in the left frame of the Admin Interface functions as a toggle: click on it once and the links for the different home object types appear; click again and they go away. Click on the the link for the type of home object you want edit. Information about the

Use the 'District' link to create, update or delete district home objects. When you click on the link, a table containing the IDs and names of the districts is displayed. The right column of the table also includes a 'List' link that you can click to display a district's neighborhoods.

Use the filter text box or the paging controls to find the district that you want to edit.

If you want links to a district's information objects (message board, etc.) displayed in the table, click on the 'Show Information Objects' button. Click on the 'Hide Information Objects' button to remove the information object links from the table.

If you want links to a district's maps and icons displayed in the table, click on the 'Show Maps & Icons' button. Click on the 'Hide Maps & Icons' button to remove the map and icon links from the table.

If you want to change the attributes of an existing district, click on its link in the ID column of the table to access the 'Change Attributes for District' form.

To create a new district and define its attributes, click on the 'Create new District' link.

The following attributes can be set with the 'Create new District' and 'Change Attributes for District' forms:

ID (can only be set in the 'Create new District' form)
The next free ID will be inserted automatically in this text field, but you can change it if you want to.
Name of the district
Name of the member who owns the district.
Specify the owner name in the text box in the 'Create new District' form.
$$In the 'Change Attributes for District' form, this entry serves as a link to the 'Access Rights' form.
Owner Job/Assistant Job $$(can only be set in the 'Create new District' form)
Jobs associated with the place $$Members with these job titles will also have owner access to the place.
A text field for information about the district
The name of an image file to be uploaded as icon for the district. You can use the 'Browse' button next to the text field to help you find the right image file.
Map Image
The name of an image file to be uploaded as district map. You can use the 'Browse' button next to the text field to help you find the right image file.
Background Image
The name of an image file to be uploaded as background image for the right action frame. You can use the 'Browse' button next to the text field to help you find the right image file.
Text Color/Background Color
Text and background colors for the district page and the subordinate home objects (neighborhoods,...). Enter an HTML standard hexadecimal RGB color code in the text boxes.
Link Color, Active Link Color, Visited Link Color
Colors for normal, active and visited links. Enter an HTML standard hexadecimal RGB color code in the text boxes.
Advertising URL/Advertising Image
A URL for an advertising link that will be associated with the image when it is displayed in the district. $$No text field or browse button for image here
Create also (can only be set in the 'Create new District' form)
You can specify which information objects should be created with the place by clicking on the appropriate checkboxes. The information objects include message board, inbox, link list, chat and calendar.

When you are done creating a district, click the 'Create' button. If the $$process completes correctly, you'll see a new page informing you that the district was created successfully and naming the directory in which the icon and map files have been stored. If you want to change the new district, you can click on the 'Edit District Object' link.

When you are done editing a an existing district, click on the 'Update' button. If the update is successful, the message "Data updated successfully" will be displayed.

If you want to delete a district, click on the 'Delete' button in the 'Change Attributes for District' form and respond affirmatively to the confirmation prompt.

See District Attributes for more details about the data structure.

Use the 'Neighborhood' link to create, update or delete neighborhood home objects. When you click on the link, a table containing the IDs and names of the neighborhood is displayed. The right column of the table also includes a 'List' link that you can click to display the neighborhood's blocks.

Use the filter text box or the paging controls to find the neighborhood that you want to edit.

If you want links to a neighborhood's information objects (message board, etc.) displayed in the table, click on the 'Show Information Objects' button. Click on the 'Hide Information Objects' button to remove the information object links from the table.

If you want to change the attributes of an existing neighborhood, click on its link in the ID column of the table to access the 'Change Attributes for Neighborhood' form.

To create a new neighborhood, you have to go back to the District List and click on the 'List' link in the Neighborhoods column for the district to which you want add a new neighborhood. That will display the district's Neighborhood List, where you can click on the 'Create new Neighborhood' link to create a new one.

The following attributes can be set with the 'Create new Neighborhood' and 'Change Attributes for Neighborhood' forms:

ID (can only be set in the 'Create new Neighborhood' form)
The next free ID will be inserted automatically in this text field, but you can change it if you want to.
Name of the neighborhood
Name of the member who owns the district.
Specify the owner name in the text box in the 'Create new District' form.
$$In the 'Change Attributes for Neighborhood' form, this entry serves as a link to the 'Access Rights' form.
Owner Job/Assistant Job$$(can only be set in the 'Create new District' form)
Jobs associated with the neighborhood $$Members with these job titles will also have owner access to the neighborhood.
Neighborhood Map
Index of the multimedia object to be used as neighborhood map. $$need more explanation
A text field for information about the neighborhood
Create also (can only be set in the 'Create new Neighborhood' form)
You can specify which information objects should be created with the neighborhood by clicking on the appropriate checkboxes. The information objects include message board, inbox, link list, chat and calendar.

When you are done creating a neighborhood, click the 'Create' button. If the $$process completes correctly, you'll see the 'Change Attributes for Neighborhood' form with the message "Object successfully created." If you want to change the new neighborhood, you can do so in this form.

When you are done editing a an existing neighborhood, click on the 'Update' button. If the update is successful, the message "Data updated successfully" will be displayed.

If you want to delete a neighborhood, click on the 'Delete' button in the 'Change Attributes for District' form and respond affirmatively to the confirmation prompt.

See Neighborhood Attributes for more details about the data structure.

Use the 'Block' link to create, update or delete block home objects. When you click on the link, a table containing the IDs and names of the blocks is displayed. The 'Homes' (right) column of the table includes 'List' links that you can click on to display a block's homes.

Use the filter text box or the paging controls to find the block that you want to edit.

If you want links to a block's information objects (message board, etc.) displayed in the table, click on the 'Show Information Objects' button. Click on the 'Hide Information Objects' button to remove the information object links from the table.

Creating a New Block
To create a new block, you have to go back to the Neighborhood List and click on the 'List' link in the Blocks column for the neighborhood to which you want add a new block. That will display the Update Wizard, with which you can click on an unused block. Then you'll see the form 'Multimedia Wizard - Block' in which you can set the following attributes:

Block usage
Specifies whether the block is free for use or can't be accessed; $$in the latter case community members would be unable to homestead there.
Name of the block
Name of the member who owns the block
Choose a 2D icon
The icon you choose will represent the new block on the neighborhood map.

Click on the 'OK' button when you're done. The new block will be displayed on the neighborhood map.

Update/Delete a Block
If you want to change or delete an existing block, click on its link in the ID column of the table in the Block List to access the 'Change Attributes for Block' form. You can change the following attributes:

name of the block
name of the member who owns the block
Owner Job/Assistant Job
jobs associated with the block
2D Place Usage
defines whether the block is in use right now or free
Block Icon
index of the 2D icon for the block
Block Map
index of the image used as block map
information about the block

When you are done editing a an existing block, click on the 'Update' button. If the update is successful, the message "Data updated successfully" will be displayed.

If you want to delete a block, click on the 'Delete' button in the 'Change Attributes for Block' form and respond affirmatively to the confirmation prompt. See Block Attributes for more details about the data structure.
Home (Property)

With the Admin Interface homes (properties) can be updated and deleted.

Home Name
name of the home
name of the member who owns the home
Personal Images
link to the personal image object
information about the home
2D Place Usage
specifies whether the home is in use right now or free
2D Home Icon
index of the multimedia object for the home icon on the block map
3D Home
index of the multimedia object for the 3D home
Description/URL Link <1-5>
personal link collection

See Home Attributes for more details about the data structure.


With the Admin Interface member data can be created, updated and deleted.

Nickname (read-only)
member nickname
First/Last name
the real name of member
member email address
Email-address (key) (read-only)
email address converted to lowercase
Immigration Email-address (read-only) email address given on immigration
member password (can be changed by administrator)
key for member registration
Referencing Member (read-only) member referenced on immigration
Immigration Date (read-only)
date of immigration
short description of the member
Information about the member got on immigration
the member can be asked some questions on immigration, the answers will be stored in the following attributes
Immigration Info 1/2
Immigration Info 1 - Comment
Zip/Country Code
Last Access Date (read-only)
date of the last visit to the community
Member Exclusion the end date, the person who excluded and the reason of exclusion are stored in following attributes
Temporary Exclusion (until)
Excluded from
money account
Number of Objects
maximum number of shared objects that the member might possess
experience points
Homelink to the home object of the member
News Letter
choice if the news letter should be mailed
Start Instant Message
choice if the instant message system should be started on startup
Chat Type
default chat type
User's Homepage
member's home page URL

See Member Attributes for more details about the data structure.

Personal Images

With the Admin Interface personal images can be updated and deleted.

name of the personal image object
status of a personal image (locked/released)
name of the member who owns the object
local filename of an uploaded personal image
mime type of a personal image

See Multimedia Attributes for more details about the data structure.


With the Admin Interface jobs can be created, updated and deleted.

Job name
Job email address
Min. Experience
minimum experience level to perform a job
the type of job (specific=associated to a place)
job symbol (bitmap or image)
Income Money
weekly money income for the job
Income Experience
weekly experience "income" for the job

See Job (Role) Attributes for more details about the data structure.

With the Admin Interface all event data can be created, updated and deleted.

Name ID
name of the event
Creation Date
date of creation
Member counter for this event
information about the event
Datatype of event location
tablename of the event location object
ID of event location
ID of the event location object
Experience given when registering for this event
Money given/taken from when registering for this event
Maximal number of event items for 1 member of type <1-3>
Increment event member counter for type <1-3>


Name ID
name of the event item
Creation Date
date of creation of the item
Number of event items still left
Maximum number of event items
information about the item
Datatype of event location
tablename of the event location object
ID of event location
ID of the event location object
status of the item
type of the item
Experience given when member gets this item
Money given/taken when member gets this item


Creation Date
Counter for this event member

Member Items

Creation Date
Counter for this event member item


With the Admin Interface clubs can be updated and deleted. The creation of a club is possible on the Club Directory page.

name of the club
name of the member who owns the club
Creation Date
creation date of the club
Owner/Assistant Job
jobs associated with the club
keywords of the club
place (district) the club related to (for categorisation)
Invitation Type
type of new member access to the club
number of (invited) club members
Club Activity, count of members visited the club in the last week (in % of total member count)
money account
information about the club
Club Rules
rules of the clubs
Image States
states of the club images (locked/released)
Colors Wall/Floor/Ceiling
colors for the club house
Club Image/Meeting Room/Assembly Room/Gallery Images
colors for the club house
club link collection

See Club Attributes for more details about the data structure.


With the Admin Interface groups can be updated and deleted. At the moment, groups are only used for clubs. Groups are automatically created on creation of a new club.

name of the group
Name (lower) (read-only)
name of the group converted to lowercase

See Groups Attributes for more details about the data structure.

Shared Objects



See Shared Object Attributes for more details about the data structure.
Information Objects

With the Admin Interface information objects can be updated and deleted.

name of the information object
name of the member who owns the information object
Messages/Inbox Messages/Events/Topics/Links
links to the related information entries
HTML allowed
defines whether HTML tags are allowed in the text
detailed information, e.g. text of a message or text of a board

See Information Attributes for more details about the data structure.

Entries of Information Objects

With the Admin Interface information entries can be updated and deleted.
The entry objects are accessible at the form of the related information object.

subject of the information entry
text of the information entry
author of the entry
for calendar entries: date of the event
for all other entries: creation date of the information entry
Location (Calendar Entries only)
location of the posted event
Last Access Date (Link List Entries only)
date of the last access of this link
URL (Link List Entries only)
URL of the link
further information about the entry

See Information Attributes for more details about the data structure.


With the Admin Interface voting objects can be updated and deleted.

topic of the vote
name of the member who initiated the vote
Type of Vote
Place (read-only)
type of the vote
Number of Votes of the Member (read-only)
number of votes that the member used

See Voting Attributes for more details about the data structure.

Admin CGI program
The Admin Interface module uses the admin CGI program to run the functions described above.
Input Parameters
This list shows input parameters used by this CGI program (database attributes read from input forms are not listed). Depending on the action processed by this program, only part of these parameters might be used.
Additionally global variables are always used.
Name Description
ac defines the action (function) to be processed by the CGI program following actions are defined:

read (default)

TPL template name for print action, the template path and extension .tmpl will be added automatically. E.g. TPL=admin/admin.tmpl will print templates/admin/admin.tmpl
DTY data type of object, e.g. "O" for public place
KTY key type of object, e.g. "ID" for primary key (identifier)
KEY key value of object, e.g. "0000000000000002" for city hall
edit if set the edit function is performed
editrolem if set the edit function is performed and updates the rolemember table.
KLEN length of the key to be created by the showcreate function
POST postfix value of the key to be created by the showcreate function
PRE prefix value of the key to be created by the showcreate function
Output Parameters
Name Description
The following Parameters always set
CTN_CITY community meta name
CNM_CITY district meta name
ENM_CITY neighborhood meta name
BNM_CITY block meta name
PNM_CITY home meta name
Read Data from Databases for Community Object
MemberCount number of registered members
Create a new 3D Home Database Object
VRMLPATH directory path where the VRML files for the 3D homes should be saved
Create a new Public Place Database Object
globalEntry description of the entries in the file global.cfg
PLC_STR technical name of the public place by which the place could accessed with the CGI program place
Shared Objects
CAT_ID_ list of category IDs for shared objects
CAT_NAME_ list of category names for shared objects
CAT_SEL_ set to 'selected' for the referencing category
COL_ID_ list of district IDs
COL_NAM_ list of district names
COL_SEL_ set to 'selected' for the referencing category
Multimedia Objects
NHM_INDEX_ list of neighborhood map IDs
NHM_SEL_ set to 'selected' for the referencing map
BLS_INDEX_ list of block icon IDs
BLS_SEL_ set to 'selected' for the referencing icon
BLM_INDEX_ list of block map IDs
BLM_SEL_ set to 'selected' for the referencing map
HIC_INDEX_ list of home icon IDs
HIC_SEL_ set to 'selected' for the referencing icon
H3D_INDEX_ list of 3D home IDs
H3D_SEL_ set to 'selected' for the referencing 3D home
Error Parameters
If an error occurs or an operation fails one of the following parameters is set and the template specified by TPL is displayed.
Name Description
adminerror001 insufficient access rights
adminerror002 no template specified
adminerror003 parameter DTY, KTY, or KEY are not specified
adminerror004 ID already in use
adminerror005 data object could not be created
adminerror006 Sorry, this <$HOM_OBJ> could not be deleted! There are <$CLD_OBJ>s defined!
adminerror007 a given file could not be saved (the name of the file is stored in the parameter FILE and the exact reason in ERRKIND)
adminerror008 Could not update multimedia parent object!
adminerror009 Could not create multimedia object!
HTML Templates
This CGI program uses the following templates. The default templates are stored in the clubdir respectively club folder. The usage of these templates is described in detail below in the chapter Functions.
Template Description
Statistics Templates
admin.tmpl administration index template
errormsg_inc.tmpl include template with error messages
body_inc.tmpl include template with body HTML document information (like background color etc.)
bodyload_inc.tmpl include template with body HTML document information (like background color etc.) it defines additional the function "onLoadFunction()" to be executed on load of the HTML document.
district_info.tmpl description of the further proceeding after creating a new district database object
place_info.tmpl description of the further proceeding after creating a new place database object
reload.tmpl template which loads a new HTML document depending on a given parameter
Some output variables are set depending on input variables. Please see Output Parameters for preconditions and description of the variables. General access rights variables are always set.

Read Data from Database
Show a Creation Form
Create a new Database Object
Display a Template
List Database Objects
Edit Database Object
Delete Database Object

Read Data from Databases

Read any attributes from the database and display them in a template.

input: ac=read, DTY, KTY, KEY, TPL
templates: the template specified in TPL
output: DTY, KTY, KEY, TPL, all that are specified in the configuration file .cfg

Show a Creation Form

This function displays a form for entering data type specific data and generates a key value for the attribute specified by the KTY parameter.

input: ac=showcreate, DTY, KTY, TPL, KLEN, PRE, POST
templates: the template specified in TPL
output: DTY, KTY, TPL, create, ,

Create a new Database Object

Insert a new object with attributes into the database and display the result in a template.
For public place and district objects a template with information about the further proceeding are displayed.

input: ac=create, DTY, KTY, TPL, additional
templates: the template specified in TPL respectively district_info.tmpl or place_info.tmpl
output: DTY, KTY, TPL, all that are specified in the configuration file .cfg

Display a Template

Displays the in TPL specified template without reading data from database.

input: ac=show, TPL
templates: the template specified in TPL
output: no specific output

List Database Objects

List any objects in the database and display them in a template.

Special input and output parameters:
Variable Description
SORTORDER = "+" or "-" describes the list direction, starting at the current entry
NEXT = "yes" only set if there are more entries to list in the direction defined through SORTORDER="+".
Can be used to display a next button.
PREV = "yes" only set if there are more entries to list in the direction defined through SORTORDER="-".
Can be used to display a previous button.
STARTKEY value of starting key
FIRSTID value of starting id used if SORTORDER="-"
LASTID value of starting id used if SORTORDER="+"
FIRSTKEY value of starting key used if SORTORDER="-"
LASTKEY value of starting key used if SORTORDER="+"

templates: the template specified in TPL
output: DTY, KTY, KEY, TPL, hist, KFM, KFT, SORTORDER, NEXT, PREV, STARTKEY, FIRSTKEY, LASTKEY, FIRSTID, LASTID, all that are specified in the configuration file .cfg

Edit Database Object

Update any attributes in the database and display the result in a template.

input: ac=edit, DTY, KTY, KEY, TPL, additional
templates: the template specified in TPL
output: DTY, KTY, KEY, TPL, all that are specified in the configuration file .cfg

Delete Database Object

Delete any object from the database and all related objects. After successful deleting the object the new list of database objects are displayed.

input: ac=delete, DTY, KTY, KEY, TPL, additional
templates: the template specified in TPL and TPL+s
output: DTY, KTY, KEY, TPL, all that are specified in the configuration file s.cfg
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blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT Empty
PostSubject: Re: blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT   blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT EmptyWed 30 Apr - 19:17

blaxxun Community Server - Configuration UNIX

1. Configuration Panel
1.1. Restricting Multi-user Scenes
1.2. Restricting Avatars
1.3. Restricting Number of Simultaneous Clients
1.4. Restricting Access by IP Address
1.5. Specifying different Configuration Values for Different Scenes
1.6. Showing Scenes as Active at All Times

2. Actions
1. Configuration Panel

You can edit the configuration values of your Community Server installation from the config panel. The configuration values can be edited in the edit field and applied by clicking the Apply button on the panel.

Lines of the configuration file that start with # are comments. All keywords are case insensitive. The asterisk, *, at the end of the URL is a wildcard that refers to all URLs starting with this address.

1.1 Restricting the Multi-user Scenes

You can restrict the scenes you want to activate as multi-user worlds by specifying the URLs of the scenes you want to serve with an URL statement.


# Community Server configuration file
# motion server host and port
MOTION www.blaxxun.com:2001
# text server host and port
TEXT www.blaxxun.com:2002
# state base server host and port
STATE www.blaxxun.com:2003
# DEFAULTAVATAR http://www.httpserver.com/defaultavatar.wrl
# AVATARALLOW http://www.httpserver.com*
URL http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/*

Only scenes with an URL that starts http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/ are served by blaxxun Community Server. More than one URL statement can be given in the configuration file.
1.2 Restricting the Avatars that can be used in Multi-user Worlds

You can restrict the use of certain avatars in the multi-user worlds by allowing or denying the URLs of these avatars with AVATARALLOW and AVATARDENY statements.


# Community Server configuration file
# motion server host and port
MOTION www.blaxxun.com:2001
# text server host and port
TEXT www.blaxxun.com:2002
# state base server host and port
STATE www.blaxxun.com:2003
DEFAULTAVATAR http://www.httpserver.com/defaultavatar.wrl
AVATARALLOW http://www.httpserver.com*
URL http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/*

Allows only avatars whose URLs start with http://www.httpserver.com, all other avatars whose URL starts with http: are denied, avatars whose URLs do not start with http:, e.g. the default avatars of CyberGate, are allowed as well.

If a client uses an avatar denied by your configuration, the client is given the avatar specified in the DEFAULTAVATAR statement. In the above example, the default avatar http://www.httpserver.com/defaultavatar.wrl will be used instead of the denied avatar.

More than one AVATARDENY or AVATARALLOW statement can be given in the configuration file. Only one DEFAULTAVATAR can be specified.
1.3 Restricting the Number of Simultaneous Clients

You can restrict the number of simultaneous users allowed in the scenes of a multi-user world with the MAXCLIENT statement.


# Community Server configuration file
# motion server host and port
MOTION www.blaxxun.com:2001
# text server host and port
TEXT www.blaxxun.com:2002
# state base server host and port
STATE www.blaxxun.com:2003
# DEFAULTAVATAR http://www.httpserver.com/defaultavatar.wrl
# AVATARALLOW http://www.httpserver.com*
URL http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/*

In the above example, a maximum of 100 simultaneous users in any scene is allowed.
1.4 Restricting Access to Scenes by IP Address

You can restrict access to scenes based on clients' IP address by allowing or denying IP addresses with IPALLOW and IPDENY statements. With this procedure you can create This Intranet communities that are not visible to others outside an IP address range. Clients using an IP address that is not allowed in a scene, will not be able to communicate in that scene. This restricted scene will not appear in the active scene list of the client program interface (on the Find panel).


# Community Server configuration file
# motion server host and port
MOTION www.blaxxun.com:2001
# text server host and port
TEXT www.blaxxun.com:2002
# state base server host and port
STATE www.blaxxun.com:2003
IPALLOW 207.33.126.*
URL http://www.httpserver.com/private/worlds/*
URL http://www.httpserver.com/public/worlds/*

In this example, only clients with IP addresses starting with 207.33.126. can access all scenes served from http://www.httpserver.com/private/worlds. Clients from outside that IP address range cannot enter those scenes.

Access to scenes served from http://www.httpserver.com/public/worlds is not restricted.
1.5 Specifying Different Configuration Values for Different Scenes

You can set different values for different scenes of your multi-user world by duplicating the SCENE - ENDSCENE block and using different URL statements.


# Community Server configuration file
# motion server host and port
MOTION www.blaxxun.com:2001
# text server host and port
TEXT www.blaxxun.com:2002
# state base server host and port
STATE www.blaxxun.com:2003
# enter the name of the default avatar to use
URL http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/entry.wrl
DEFAULTAVATAR http://www.httpserver.com/defaultavatar.wrl
AVATARALLOW http://www.httpserver.com*
URL http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/*

In this example, any avatar can be used in the scene http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/entry.wrl, but restricts the avatars usable in all other worlds.
1.6 Showing Scenes as Active at all Times

You can show a scene as active at all times with a SHOWSCENE statement.


# Community Server configuration file
SHOWSCENE http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/entry.wrl
SHOWSCENE http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/main.wrl
# motion server host and port
MOTION www.blaxxun.com:2001
# text server host and port
TEXT www.blaxxun.com:2002
# state base server host and port
STATE www.blaxxun.com:2003
URL http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/*

This makes the two scenes http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/entry.wrl and http://www.httpserver.com/worlds/main.wrl visible in the scene list of the client interface at all times.
2. Actions

The following general actions are available on this panel (in the right-hand frame of the Administrator's Console).
Refresh Rereads the blaxxun Community Server configuration file.
Help Opens these online help documents in a new browser window. If a Help window is already open, a new window will not be opened.
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Number of posts : 451
Registration date : 2012-06-01

blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT Empty
PostSubject: Re: blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT   blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT EmptyWed 30 Apr - 19:20

Download the SDK

ntserversdk.zip contains this documentation and all samples for the installation on Windows NT.
serversdk.tar.gz contains this documentation and all samples for the installation on Unix.
Installation on Unix Systems
There are no special installation actions for Unix platforms. Just customize the file apevent.c and build your customized server by using the Makefile supplied.
Copy the new server executable to /bin and check the file permissions (it must have executable rights).
Then edit the file /chstart and add the appropriate startup line for your customized server.

The following line would be added to chstart if the installation directory is /home/blaxxun, the custom server is called myserver, running on port 4030 and our idserver is running on port 4000.

/home/blaxxun/bin/myserver -p 4030 -BSIROOT /home/blaxxun -i localhost:4000

After having finished the above steps please follow the steps described in Community Server setup.
Installation on Windows NT

Edit file apntserv.h
Insert your own names for the both defines:

#define APNT_SERVICE_NAME "apserver"
// this is the name of your NT service and also the registry
// prefix for the "apserverPort" reg value.
#define APNT_REGVAL_IDSERVER "apserverIdserverHostPort"
// this is the name of the registry key for the idserver port

Edit the file apevent.c

modify the existing event handler functions to your needs.

Open the makefile apserver.mak in VC++ 4.2.

Compile and build the executable release/apserver.exe
If you rename the servicename you should also rename the exe file.

Register the apserver.exe file under NT with the command line tool bin/sinstall.exe. Use the same servicename as entered in the H-file before for APNT_SERVICE_NAME.
Enter an absolute pathname for the exepath.
Usage: sinstall servicename servicedisplayname exepath

Enter two new values in the registry:
Open regedit.exe
Go to key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/BlackSunInteractive/Community Server
Add a new String value "apserverPort" = 2006 (use the servicename you entered in the H-FILE for APNT_SERVICE_NAME as prefix, and chooce an available UDP port)
Add a new String value "apserverIdserverHostPort" = localhost:2000 (use the name you entered for APNT_REGVAL_IDSERVER for the reg value, and set the port of the idserver)

Start the NT Service Control Manager and start your new service. The new process writes a log file under C:\BlackSun\CommServ\log\

You can unregister the service using the command bin/sdelete.exe
Then follow the steps described in Community Server setup.

Configuring Community Server to run with your customized Server
Open your Community Server administrator console and select item Config to open and edit your Community Server configuration file.
Add the following line:

APISERVER host:port
where host is the hostname of the machine your customized server runs on and port is the port it listens to. Then hit the Apply button to apply the changes.

The following line would be added to the configuration file if your custom server runs on the same machine as the community server (which is the most common and default setup) and listens to port 4030:

APISERVER localhost:4030

Now your must restart the Community Server (by clicking on the Restart button) and your custom server will apper as one of the running processes in the status list of the administrator console.
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blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT Empty
PostSubject: Re: blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT   blaxxun Community Server - Administration Windows NT Empty

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