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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Seamless   Seamless EmptySun 12 Jun - 9:07

I open that part for thyme , I hope he will not kick me ....
I got a mail just now , I began to write a short text as I did for the "Lara tresses" , and I wonder why Tyme ( and many other builders ) dont use that "LouiseForum :: Arts , littératures , techniques :: 3D art :: Worlds (vrml)" to show here how they work .......
We have several bxxn travellers here , tite lune , Usagi , Flavien , and I wonder why it is so long to have you , scuse me , friends I know that I am some time too "nervous" , lol , I beg your pardon , but I wonder why you dont take more quicly the opportunity to share your work here ...
So I show the worm-cat .........don't kick me plz dear Thyme !

You know Thyme , he is not a worm , he is not a cat , he is our dear Thyme , coming from Australia with his C++......And they have some worms there , and they have some cats there , and they have some worm-cats !

Yes ! Des chats-vers ! des vers-chats ! Do you want to see one ?
Here he is ( or she ?? I wonder if they are male or female )
Indeed it is just the tail , the worm-cat tail ! Nice uh ??

And easy to animate :


It follows that simple , hihih , drawing
Seamless Envelope
Yes , they have Mathematics in Australia .

So you , you have just to take your not pad and to type that :
Quote :

#VRML V2.0 utf8
#generated by Seamless3d 2.084

PROTO RotAccelerator [
eventIn SFFloat set_fraction
eventOut SFFloat fraction_changed
eventOut SFRotation value_changed
field SFFloat fracMult 1
field SFRotation init 0 0 1 0
field MFVec3f axis[0 0 1]
field MFFloat delay[0]
field MFFloat accelerate[2]
field MFFloat attack[.5]
field MFFloat sustain[0]
field MFFloat decay [3]
script {
eventIn SFFloat set_fraction IS set_fraction
eventOut SFFloat fraction_changed IS fraction_changed
eventOut SFRotation value_changed IS value_changed
field SFFloat fracMult IS fracMult
field SFRotation init IS init
field MFVec3f axis IS axis
field MFFloat delay IS delay
field MFFloat accelerate IS accelerate
field MFFloat attack IS attack
field MFFloat sustain IS sustain
field MFFloat decay IS decay
field SFFloat angle 0
field SFFloat time 0
field SFRotation accum 0 0 1 0
url "javascript:
function set_fraction(v){
for(i=0; i time=remTime;
accum=accum.multiply(new SFRotation(axis[i], angle));
accum=accum.multiply(new SFRotation (axis[i], angle));
else {
attackVelocity=_accelerate*_attack; //exactly same as attackDist?
accum=accum.multiply(new SFRotation (axis[i], angle));
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {



geometry IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF c0133f150 Coordinate {
point [0 -.05 -.05 -.035 -.05 -.035 -.05 -.05 0 -.035 -.05 .035 0 -.05 .05 .035 -.05 .035 .05 -.05 0 .035 -.05 -.035 0 0 -.05 -.035 0 -.035 -.05 0 0 -.035 0 .035 0 0 .05 .035 0 .035 .05 0 0 .035 0 -.035 0 0 -.05 -.035 0 -.035 -.05 0 0 -.035 0 .035 0 0 .05 .035 0 .035 .05 0 0 .035 0 -.035 0 0 -.05 -.035 0 -.035 -.05 0 0 -.035 0 .035 0 0 .05 .035 0 .035 .05 0 0 .035 0 -.035 0 0 -.05 -.035 0 -.035 -.05 0 0 -.035 0 .035 0 0 .05 .035 0 .035 .05 0 0 .035 0 -.035 0 0 -.05 -.035 0 -.035 -.05 0 0 -.035 0 .035 0 0 .05 .035 0 .035 .05 0 0 .035 0 -.035 0 0 -.05 -.035 0 -.035 -.05 0 0 -.035 0 .035 0 0 .05 .035 0 .035 .05 0 0 .035 0 -.035 0 0 -.05 -.035 0 -.035 -.05 0 0 -.035 0 .035 0 0 .05 .035 0 .035 .05 0 0 .035 0 -.035 0 0 -.05 -.035 0 -.035 -.05 0 0 -.035 0 .035 0 0 .05 .035 0 .035 .05 0 0 .035 0 -.035 ]


normal DEF n0133f150 Normal {
vector [.137 0 -.991 -.604 0 -.797 -.991 0 -.137 -.797 0 .604 -.137 0 .991 .604 0 .797 .991 0 .137 .797 0 -.604 0 0 -1 -.707 0 -.707 -1 0 0 -.707 0 .707 0 0 1 .707 0 .707 1 0 0 .707 0 -.707 0 0 -1 -.707 0 -.707 -1 0 0 -.707 0 .707 0 0 1 .707 0 .707 1 0 0 .707 0 -.707 0 0 -1 -.707 0 -.707 -1 0 0 -.707 0 .707 0 0 1 .707 0 .707 1 0 0 .707 0 -.707 0 0 -1 -.707 0 -.707 -1 0 0 -.707 0 .707 0 0 1 .707 0 .707 1 0 0 .707 0 -.707 0 0 -1 -.707 0 -.707 -1 0 0 -.707 0 .707 0 0 1 .707 0 .707 1 0 0 .707 0 -.707 0 0 -1 -.707 0 -.707 -1 0 0 -.707 0 .707 0 0 1 .707 0 .707 1 0 0 .707 0 -.707 0 0 -1 -.707 0 -.707 -1 0 0 -.707 0 .707 0 0 1 .707 0 .707 1 0 0 .707 0 -.707 -.137 0 -.991 -.797 0 -.604 -.991 0 .137 -.604 0 .797 .137 0 .991 .797 0 .604 .991 0 -.137 .604 0 -.797 ]


color Color {
color [ 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .98 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 1 .02 0 ]


coordIndex [1 8 0 -1 1 9 8 -1 2 9 1 -1 2 10 9 -1 3 10 2 -1 3 11 10 -1 4 11 3 -1 4 12 11 -1 5 12 4 -1 5 13 12 -1 6 13 5 -1 6 14 13 -1 7 14 6 -1 7 15 14 -1 0 15 7 -1 0 8 15 -1 9 16 8 -1 9 17 16 -1 10 17 9 -1 10 18 17 -1 11 18 10 -1 11 19 18 -1 12 19 11 -1 12 20 19 -1 13 20 12 -1 13 21 20 -1 14 21 13 -1 14 22 21 -1 15 22 14 -1 15 23 22 -1 8 23 15 -1 8 16 23 -1 17 24 16 -1 17 25 24 -1 18 25 17 -1 18 26 25 -1 19 26 18 -1 19 27 26 -1 20 27 19 -1 20 28 27 -1 21 28 20 -1 21 29 28 -1 22 29 21 -1 22 30 29 -1 23 30 22 -1 23 31 30 -1 16 31 23 -1 16 24 31 -1 25 32 24 -1 25 33 32 -1 26 33 25 -1 26 34 33 -1 27 34 26 -1 27 35 34 -1 28 35 27 -1 28 36 35 -1 29 36 28 -1 29 37 36 -1 30 37 29 -1 30 38 37 -1 31 38 30 -1 31 39 38 -1 24 39 31 -1 24 32 39 -1 33 40 32 -1 33 41 40 -1 34 41 33 -1 34 42 41 -1 35 42 34 -1 35 43 42 -1 36 43 35 -1 36 44 43 -1 37 44 36 -1 37 45 44 -1 38 45 37 -1 38 46 45 -1 39 46 38 -1 39 47 46 -1 32 47 39 -1 32 40 47 -1 41 48 40 -1 41 49 48 -1 42 49 41 -1 42 50 49 -1 43 50 42 -1 43 51 50 -1 44 51 43 -1 44 52 51 -1 45 52 44 -1 45 53 52 -1 46 53 45 -1 46 54 53 -1 47 54 46 -1 47 55 54 -1 40 55 47 -1 40 48 55 -1 49 56 48 -1 49 57 56 -1 50 57 49 -1 50 58 57 -1 51 58 50 -1 51 59 58 -1 52 59 51 -1 52 60 59 -1 53 60 52 -1 53 61 60 -1 54 61 53 -1 54 62 61 -1 55 62 54 -1 55 63 62 -1 48 63 55 -1 48 56 63 -1 57 64 56 -1 57 65 64 -1 58 65 57 -1 58 66 65 -1 59 66 58 -1 59 67 66 -1 60 67 59 -1 60 68 67 -1 61 68 60 -1 61 69 68 -1 62 69 61 -1 62 70 69 -1 63 70 62 -1 63 71 70 -1 56 71 63 -1 56 64 71 -1 ]


DEF s0133f150 script {
url "javascript:

function seg41(v){o[4]=v;}
function seg51(v){o[5]=v;}
function seg61(v){o[6]=v;}
function seg71(v){o[7]=v;}
function seg01(v){o[0]=v;}
function seg11(v){o[1]=v;}
function seg21(v){o[2]=v;}
function seg31(v){o[3]=v;}
function eventsProcessed(){
crd.point.setByVertexTransform(dcrd, partTree, translatePart, o);
nrm.vector.setByVertexTransform(snrm, partTree, blankTranslate, o);
function initialize(){
dcrd=scrd; snrm=nrm.vector;
eventIn SFRotation seg41
eventIn SFRotation seg51
eventIn SFRotation seg61
eventIn SFRotation seg71
eventIn SFRotation seg01
eventIn SFRotation seg11
eventIn SFRotation seg21
eventIn SFRotation seg31
exposedField MFInt32 partTree [0 0 16 1 16 24 2 24 32 3 32 40 4 40 48 5 48 56 6 56 64 7 64 72 ]
exposedField MFVec3f translatePart [0 .05 0 0 .05 0 0 .05 0 0 .05 0 0 .05 0 0 .05 0 0 .05 0 0 .05 0 ]
exposedField MFRotation o [0 0 -.999414 .008315 0 0 -.999414 .008315 0 0 -.999414 .008315 0 0 -.999414 .008315 0 0 -1.000002 .199911 0 0 -1.000002 .199911 0 0 -1.000002 .199911 0 0 -1.000002 .199911 ]
field MFVec3f blankTranslate []
field SFNode crd USE c0133f150
field SFNode nrm USE n0133f150
field MFVec3f scrd []
field MFVec3f snrm []
field MFVec3f dcrd []
field MFVec3f dnrm []
DEF timeSensor TimeSensor {
cycleInterval 4
loop TRUE }
DEF rotAccelerator RotAccelerator {
fracMult 4
init 0 0 1 -.2
axis [0 0 1 0 0 -1 ]
delay [0 2 ]
accelerate [.4 .4 ]
attack [1 1 ]
sustain [0 0 ]
decay [1 1 ]

USE rotAccelerator DEF timeSensor2 TimeSensor {
cycleInterval 4
loop TRUE
startTime 1
} DEF rotAccelerator2 RotAccelerator {
fracMult 4
init 0 0 1 -.2
axis [0 0 1 0 0 -1 ]
delay [0 2 ]
accelerate [.4 .4 ]
attack [1 1 ]
sustain [0 0 ]
decay [1 1 ]

USE rotAccelerator2 ROUTE timeSensor.fraction_changed TO rotAccelerator.set_fraction
ROUTE rotAccelerator.value_changed TO s0133f150.seg01
ROUTE rotAccelerator.value_changed TO s0133f150.seg11
ROUTE rotAccelerator.value_changed TO s0133f150.seg21
ROUTE rotAccelerator.value_changed TO s0133f150.seg31
ROUTE timeSensor2.fraction_changed TO rotAccelerator2.set_fraction
ROUTE rotAccelerator2.value_changed TO s0133f150.seg41
ROUTE rotAccelerator2.value_changed TO s0133f150.seg51
ROUTE rotAccelerator2.value_changed TO s0133f150.seg61
ROUTE rotAccelerator2.value_changed TO s0133f150.seg71

Your are lucky , Thyme did it for you !
Thyme is God , yes , and seamless is his Son Bad)
Have a great day Thyme , all that is copyrighted here for you , dont be afraid , we are only 108 able to see the files Bad)

Last edited by alain on Mon 14 Sep - 22:51; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptySun 12 Jun - 11:47

Il faut faire tout ca? avant d'avoir ce résultat? d'une queue de chat qui bouge? ou un vers ?

ben dit dont , quel boulot !!! les couleures sont chouettes en tout cas ...
thank thymes to see we your work Smile

flower isa
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyTue 14 Jun - 16:04

Hi Isa, Alain and all Louise friends Smile

Sorry I been slow to reply I been really busy just the last few days teaching seamless to be able to pass parameters to a function and return a value from the function in C++ code. Also I made it so local variables can be initialised. This was a little tricky because I had to simulate a stack pointer how ever this is not such an alien thing for me because when I use to write everything in assembly code before I knew what C++ was, life often revolved around playing about with such delights as pushing registers onto a stack and popping them off the stack so its kind of been nice revisiting this stuff after a good many years Smile. Sorry if this is really boring stuff to most but just talking about this has got me all fired up Smile
The sort of code I am talking about calling a subroutine that seamless 2.084 (unreleased) can now do is this:


S_Float doSomething(S_Float a, S_Float b) {
  S_Float c = 4;
  S_Float d = -2;
  b = b + c + 1 - 5 + d;
  return a + b;

void begin() {
  S_Float e = 3;
  S_Float f = doSomething( 2, e );
Ok does this C++ code look so alien? Can anyone reply with a answer to what the variable f will equal after the doSomething routine has been called?

Why use C++ for a script purpose instead of vrmlscript?
The reason I want to use C++ is because I don't see a rational argument for why vrmlsctipt was chosen over using a subset of C++.
C++ can be much more intuitive and human friendly when writing mathematical functions.
For example what reads better to you (assuming all variables are vrml rotation types:

Vrmlscript code:

a = b.multiply(c).multiply(SFRotation(1, 0, 0, 1.5708));

the same maths expressed in C++ taking advantage of operator overloading:

a = b * c * S_Rotation(1, 0, 0, 1.5708);

C++ can be compiled into very fast code on any standard C++ compiler for applications like games if the need arises.

Learning C++ to begin with means a beginner does not have to later learn a new language because the language is not up to the task.

ok back to the worm Smile thanks Alain for posting stuff about my worm Smile, is good to see the graph:)
Hehe Alain I am pleased you are one of the few who knows how to use seamless enough to output a smls file as a wrl Smile
But the output wrl file is way more complex than the smls source file and you don't need to understand all that script to be able to make the worm when you make a worm like this using seamless.
The worm tutorial I wrote last year:


I thought was a good way to start skin mesh animation because you start with something so basic, just 8 parts. Its not so different to standard VRML if you were using standard Transform and Shape nodes ( instead of using Seamless Part nodes). The main difference is the triangles between the parts are joined so that the triangles stretch when it animates making it look much more organic.
I have written more than one tutorial for how to make this worm over the years. It started off where you only made triangles in seamless and you had to write scripts in a text editor to animate it. I can remember the early seamless pioneers Roxy and Ep managing to follow the step by step instructions I wrote but I have improved seamless a lot since those days so that it can all be done 100% in seamless and have come up with my own nodes like the RotAccelerator so that this complex movement can be achieved easily writing no scripts all one needs to do is click with a mouse and writing in a few values into the fields.
I can sympathise with you Alain about wondering why people don't join in with your level of enthusiasm on things that seem so exciting. I had great hopes for this worm to teach the basics of skin mesh animation. I thought it might motivate everyone if we did the worm animation all together a lesson a day at my forum last year but I soon found it was only me who had lots of enthusiasm for wanting to understand the basic concepts for skin mesh animation. I did wonder if builders felt to intimidated to write. Just look at my forum on the worm and how many replies I had:


lol Smile

Friends like Miranda and Marboro tried to support the worm lessons but most others were busy doing their own thing which is ok of course but I have to say the lack of interaction was very disappointing. I can accept not all will see things how I do in what's exciting to learn but I have trouble understanding the lack of enthusiasm for learning about this worm compared to the amount of time invested in learning how to use some other program that makes pre-made content and misses out on teaching fundamental concepts that would make the user so much richer in being freed to be creative. I have not given up yet though I think perhaps there are still other ways vertices and triangles can be presented so that they might stimulate a little curiosity Smile
If anyone has any questions at all about this worm please don't feel intimidated, its only a worm that turned Smile

best wishes to everyone

Last edited by on Tue 14 Jun - 17:35; edited 6 times in total
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyTue 14 Jun - 16:29

thymes hello how do you do?
so Smile i must translate that because i not understand Shit
this is your work is that? i ask to Alain help me for understand Smile)

good days thymes Smile

flower isa
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyTue 14 Jun - 17:25

Hi Isa don't worry, some of it was written badly so I have edited and rewritten a lot of it Smile
good day to you Isa Smile
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyTue 14 Jun - 18:05

Bad) Bad) Bad) Bad) Thyme !!!!! was afraid you were on holidays lol

but you are never Bad) ( I hope I am wrong )
will try to get time to translate parts ...

.....look too where we got Anastasia here ! Bad) with the golden piano ...
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyTue 14 Jun - 18:06

nono thymes Alain help people for translate in french and i can too for help you if you want Smile for translate your texte ok?

i try, and i send you the text in french in private message ok?

flower isa
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyTue 14 Jun - 18:15

loooooolll thymes affraid Alain ausecourrrrrrrrr helppppp affraid

i try to translate with free traduction and i not understand the traduction Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green

sorry really , Thymes confused

my english very bad and the translator very bad too , but alain is a good translator im sure scratch bounce

au revoir Thymes , a bientot

flower isa
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyWed 15 Jun - 8:21

Isa , écoutes , tu as vu concours "toumimi" ...
Il y a des chatons , des bébés ,etc ,
si Thyme avait concouru ( don't try to translate that part plz , Thyme , lol )
il aurait posté ça :
Quote :

S_Float doSomething(S_Float a, S_Float b) {
S_Float c = 4;
S_Float d = -2;
b = b + c + 1 - 5 + d;
return a + b;

void begin() {
S_Float e = 3;
S_Float f = doSomething( 2, e );

ya pas plus mimi pour lui !
C'est pour ça que je l'aime , pas que pour ça , mais pour ça aussi lol .
Il est tout entier là dedans , corps et âme .
C'est à prendre ou à laisser .
Moi j'ai pris , depuis 3 ans , lol ...
pas pour le C++ , j'ai pas le temps d'essayer d'y comprendre quelque chose ,
mais de voir un type tout entier dans sa recherche ,dans la logique de sa recherche ,
ça me plaît .
Dans son post il parle de ça , de deux langages de programation , les 2 pouvant faire de la 3D :

Quote :

Pourquoi employer C++ au lieu du vrmlscript?
La raison qui fait que j'emploie C++ c'est parce que je ne vois pas un argument
raisonnable pour justifier l'emploi du vrmlscript plutôt que de C++.

C++ peut être beaucoup plus intuitif et plus proche de l' humain
pour écrire des fonctions mathématiques.
Après il en fait la démonstration en prennant l'exemple de l'animation
de la queue du chat-vers .
Il compare les 2 manières de coder et il démontre
( je ne sais pas traduire tout ça ni le comprendre ,
il nous faudrait un Gil , ici , je ne sais pas où il est , lui ...
mais je fais confiance à Thyme ,
par pure amitié , pas par compétence perso )
il démontre / explique
la force de sa manière d'écrire tout ça de manière à ce que ce soit faisable , intuitivement , par chacun .

"de sorte que ce mouvement complexe puisse être réalisé facilement " ...

Puis il dit

Quote :

Je sympathise avec toi Alain quand tu te demande parfois pourquoi
les gens ne se joignent pas à ton enthousiasme sur des choses
qui te semblent passionnantes.
J'ai eu de grands espoirs pour que ce ver enseigne les bases de l'animation .

J'ai pensé qu'elle pourrait motiver chacun s'ils suivaient le tutorial de
l'animation sur mon forum , l'année dernière ,
mais j'ai bientôt vu que seulement moi était aussi
enthousiaste à vouloir comprenne les concepts de base pour l'animation .
Je me suis demandé si les constructeurs étaient intimidés pour écrire.
Regardez sur mon forum combien de réponses j'ai eues:
A part Miranda et Marboro la plupart
des autres étaient occupés à faire leur propres choses , ce
qui est OK naturellement mais je dois dire que le manque d'interaction
était très décevant.

Je puis accepter que tout le monde ne voit pas les choses comme je le fais dans la passion
d' apprendre mais je suis déçu du
manque d'enthousiasme pour cette animation , comparé à la quantité
de temps investit en apprenant comment employer un autre programme qui fait
des contenus pré-fabriqués et manque d' enseigner les concepts
fondamentaux qui rendraient l'utilisateur tellement plus riche en étant libéré
et créateur.
Je n'ai pas abandonné encore et je pense
qu' il reste d'autres possibilités de présentation pour stimuler une peu de curiosité .
Si quelqu'un a quelques questions sur ce ver svp qu'il ne se sente
pas intimidé, c'est seulement un ver qui se tord .

Dernière édition par thyme le Mar 14 Juin 2005 - 15:35, édité 6 fois

j'ai copié ce "6 fois" parce que ça veut dire que ce mec a bossé un max pour nous écrire , même plus que moi pour le traduire lol ...

argg heureusement que les profs d'arts pla foutent rien , Jo Bad)
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyWed 15 Jun - 8:34

thyme wrote:

Hehe Alain I am pleased you are one of the few who knows how to use seamless enough to output a smls file as a wrl Smile

was it a test ?? lol ( I joke , Thyme , don't worry )

You know that one day I will able to do more .... Bad)

pity that forum takes all my time now and more to try to translate you , Thyme
ahahah I joke Bad) Bad)

( indeed I like the way how you think , I want that all know ! Bad)
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyWed 15 Jun - 16:40

Merci Alain je comprends mieux maintenant le travail de thymes c'est un passionné qui veut faire partager c'est cool Smile)

Il s'investi pour ca ,si ca peut motiver certains pour se lancer dans ces créations c'est bien alors ...

flower isa


i said thyme : thank Alain i understand better what is and how you work for make worlds.
you are invest in your work and you can share ( participate ) people
and i think is good for motivate the created of world on the 3d
thank Thymes

flower isa
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Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: voila isa tu as tout comprs   Seamless EmptySun 26 Jun - 14:16

thyme a du tombé dans la 3D, et depuis il n a que l envie de faire partagé sa passion Smile

alors c est dit, pkoi, ne pas faire un soft simple, et puissant
et hop il a essayé de mettre ses capacité de tres bon programmeur au service de la 3D

Et je trouve qu il y reussi superbement

j aiemrai bien que qqun ici Utilise Seamless pour nous traduire les tutos de thyme qui sont en anglais Smile

on a tous des defauts Smile
un des mien est de en aps parlé anglais, et celui des tutos de thyme c est d etre en anglais Very Happy

THYME NO STOP A developpement of seamless Smile

congratulation Smile
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Number of posts : 1920
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptySun 26 Jun - 14:22

Vi je vais tester seamless Wink Je vais essayer mais pas tout de suite, quand j'aurais le temps.

I will try seamless, I will try it but not yet, when I have the time Wink
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptySun 26 Jun - 15:44

si tu changeais de pseudo pf , ce serait plus facile .............pour toi ........lol

ahahahhaaahahah !!!!!!!!

sans rancune ,,,,, lol Bad)
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Immediate Tutorial   Seamless EmptyWed 29 Jun - 1:44

hi isa, pf, Realwtl Alain and all Smile you are all to kind Smile
Sorry I been a bit busy lately working on adding the C++ script interpreter to seamless. I have had to re-write a lot of my earlier work after I realised my interpreter was working out the mathematical instructions back to front lol ( right to left instead of left to right) but this is now being fixed Smile
I like much my worm animation tutorial but seamless can be used in many different ways. I believe it is one of the easiest programs to make animated models in if you only use some of the features seamless has on offer. The tutorial I wrote for seamless at the beginning of the year


I still think is a good tutorial for a beginner to start with who does not want to learn many technical concepts.
The new tool bar makes the tutorial much easier especially if you can not speak English so well because icons are independent of any language Smile
perhaps I could write a French set of tool tips for the tool bar though?
I deliberately tried to keep the explanations to a minimum in this immediate tutorial and wrote it to prove seamless can be a program that is no harder to learn to use than how to learn how to use a pencil or a paint brush to make art.
I think if anyone spent say 15 or 30 minutes a day at this tutorial improving their tugging skills they could make a very sophisticated avatar using only the simple ways shown here. This approach is more left to the artists than having to learn lots of technical aspects related to 3d and programming but like drawing a picture with a pencil or painting a painting with a paint brush it may not be a technical oriented way but it does take time to be able to develop the skills to make shapes and animations well, that is the computer wont do it all for you Smile
I will try to write a French translation of this tutorial but first I want to add a few new features to seamless Smile
In the mean time if anyone can find a place where this tutorial is hard to understand please write here ( if this is ok with Alain Smile) or at my seamless forum Smile and I will do my best to answer your question/s
best wishes all Smile
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyWed 29 Jun - 20:33

write here ( if this is ok with Alain ) or at my seamless forum

But seamless Forum will be here lol Thyme ......
hehe just a stupid joke , and I began my day with that , that morning , but all the post was lost

....... .argggggg

I re try to do it , less long ...
I am on holidays .Exactly on saturday ..
Would be nice to (re !!! ) take the time to (re !!! ) try seamless ..
And that time I will try with isa ..A geat deal to have that team working ...
May be it will oblige me to not stop after a moment ,as I did often , and it will "oblige" isa to begin , with a stupid teacher , lol ...
We will see , I don't promise to win with that team , but I promise to ask isa about : first step lol ...
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptySun 20 Nov - 23:52

I met "my" dear papillon tonight , and I am sure , hihi , that I will not help her here :



Last edited by alain on Mon 1 Jun - 16:36; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 10
Age : 54
Localisation : Paris France + ... heuuuuu lol
Registration date : 2005-11-21

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: mouiiiiiiiiiiiiiii en fait c po tout à fait ça heuuuu...   Seamless EmptyMon 21 Nov - 0:44

merci quand même cher Alain d'avoir essayé de m'aider Wink bisouuuus! Smile



en fait... j'ai importé un avatar que j'avais créé avec Avatar Studio dans seamless3d... j'y ai fait des modifs... et j'aimerais l'exporter en vrml...

le prob c que g po trouvé comment exporter le tout en une manip...

tout ce que j'ai reussi à faire c'est d'exporter un pouce ici un tibias là lol

si quelqu'un peut m'aider... merci d'avance

cher Thyme si tu me lis, merci d'avance Wink bisous

flower papillon0791 flower



in fact... I imported an Avatar (which I had created with Avatar Studio) in seamless3d... I made modifs there... and I would like to export it in vrml...

the prob it's that i dun found how to export the whole in one manipulation only... all that I have succeed in doing is to export an inch here and a tibiae there lol... if somebody can help me thank you in advance...

dear Thyme if you read me hehe ty for answer me Wink hugs

flower papillon0791 flower
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

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Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptySat 24 Dec - 19:23

santa Merry Christmas Thyme santa

Ahhh ... you lucky one ... it's summer down there !!!!!!

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyMon 19 Jun - 12:00

a wonderful nice story here :

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Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptyMon 19 Jun - 12:43

i read all this story Smile

time to time i read thyme on his forum Smile so hello to jordi , hermi , lilly ... , and all people on thyme's forum

Quote :
I think too its fair to say that my more recent Sophie avatars also are much influenced from Petra's looks.

I think that petra is of a good inspiration it is superb physically ! for make Avatar 3d

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Number of posts : 1177
Registration date : 2006-02-21

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: les freres fragonard   Seamless EmptySun 2 Jul - 11:27

(lettre ouverte)
cher thyme,
autrefois deux frères (en fait des cousins je viens de lire le post de ALain)), les frères fragonard, representaient un antique conflit de notre monde.
Le premier ne jurait que par la forme vu au premier abord, la forme de la surface.
Le second n'avais d'yeux que pour l 'interieur pour la structure , pour ce qui soutient la forme (les muscles, les tendons).
Ils etaient dans une fraternelle rivalité, l'un réalisant des peinture de lavandieres evanescentes ( musée du Louvre- Paris) , et l'autre dissequant des corps , réalisant des ecorchés de toutes sortes d'hommes, d'animaux (musée de l'école veterinaire,Paris).
On peut bien réfléchir sur la perfection de la structure filaire en 3d informatique et se demander si elle ne represente pas le visuel ultime pour un informaticiens, "le signifiant" le plus esthetiquement visuel (le code informatique donné a voir comme l'interieur , la disection, l'ecorché).
malheureusement le code informatique est fait pour rester dans l'ombre et la metaphore que je viens de décrire n'interesse que les informaticiens, en outre dans la sculpture classique la structure filaire est toujours la partie la plus étrangement faite ( souvent faite de matieres récuperées fil de fer, chiffon, morceau de bois de plastique).
La structure qui soutient le vivant est parfaite, mais à part reveiller un vieux demon entre la medecine et l'artiste; il me semble qu'il n'est pas un bon chemin que de devoir vouloir avoir un filaire parfait, notament aux jointures et qu'il serait plus juste qu'un automatisme le fasse,
mais aujourd'hui "Blender" ne fait pas une fonction telle que "project curve on the surface" qui conbinée avec subdivise rendrait les jointures plus adaptables sans un travail administratif de petite main long et complexe et en decalage avec le pourquoi l'ordinateur a ete inventé.

jacinto costoso

Last edited by on Fri 7 Jul - 22:30; edited 4 times in total
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptySun 2 Jul - 12:05

passionnant / very interesting

you will translate it in english , jacinto ???

the source please , where you got it ??

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Number of posts : 1177
Registration date : 2006-02-21

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptySun 2 Jul - 12:11

[quote="alain"]passionnant / very interesting

you will translate it in english , jacinto ???

the source please , where you got it ??

pardon je traduit trop mal,
Quest ce que tu veux dire par source?
Des documents sur les fragonards?
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless EmptySun 2 Jul - 12:23

ok je vais le traduire en m'aidant de babel

j'ai commencé :

Quote :
expensive thyme, ( Thanx robots , means "Dear Thyme " )
Centuries ago two cousins, the cousins Fragonard, represented an antique conflict of our world.
The first swore only by the form seen with the first access, the form of surface. The second had eyes only for the interior for the structure, for what supports the form (the muscles, tendons).
They were in a fraternal competition, one realizing the painting of lavender fields evanescentes (museum Le Louvre), and the other dissecting the bodies, carrying out sectional views of all kinds of men, animals ( museum of the veterinary school, Paris).
One can reflect well on the perfection of the telegraphic structure in data-processing 3D and wonder whether it does not represent the visual ultimate one for data processing specialists, “meaning it” most aesthetically visual (the data-processing code given has to see like the interior, the disection, the sectional view).
Unfortunately the data-processing code is made to remain in the shade and the metaphor which I have just described interests only the data processing specialists, moreover in the traditional sculpture the telegraphic structure is always the part curiously made (often made recovered matters wire, rag, piece of plastic wood). The structure which supports living it is perfect, but with share to awake an old demon between medicine and the artist; it seems to to me that it is not a good way to only have to want to have telegraphic perfect, notament at the joints and that he would be righter than an automatism does it, but today “Blender” does not make to a function such as “project curve one the surface” which conbinée with subdivides would make the joints more adaptable without an administrative of small hand length and complex work and in shift with why the computer was invented. .

oupssssssss very bad translation ,
it is difficult for me Sad

non "source" c'est où tu as trouvé le texte ??
ah c'est toi qui l'a écrit ?? scuse

Last edited by on Sun 2 Jul - 13:19; edited 1 time in total
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