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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 15 Jul - 19:58

Hi Alain, the skater animation looks good, is he an avatar studio avatar? he looks too good if he is lol

I see the problem when you converted to lathes, though it does look interesting Smile

I would need to look at your original file first to be sure but my guess is the reason why your skater avatar is generating such a strange avatar from lathes, is because the avatar uses translation fields instead of pivotPoint fields.
The older way for seamless was to use translation fields (same as avatar studio) but after I added BVH support I began changing seamless to use pivotPoint fields.
You can tell which method is being used by looking at the translation and pivotPoint fields, if all the pivotPoint fields are set to 0 0 0 and the translation fields do not all contain 0 0 0 (except ignore the pelvis), then the chances are translations are used instead of pivotPoints. When I made the change to using pivotPoints, I added a command to convert an avatar from using translations to use pivotPoints, just right click on the Seamless node and select: "convert translations to pivot points"

For the new version I made it so when importing avatar studio avatars the avatars are automatically converted to use pivotPoint fields so there is no longer any need to convert to pivotPoints after importing them.

Note: when using pivotPoints the pelvis part's translation field will still be used for moving the avatar in an animation so it wont be 0 0 0 like the rest of the parts.
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyThu 16 Jul - 11:24

Hum , don't waste too much your time with my tryings , Thyme ..

But OK , I saw that tranlations are 0 0 0 and pivots 0 -1.74 0 , and others numbers .

I imported that cody.wrl as blaxxun avatar .


then ...create lathes from ...
then I added some lathes in the order of your bar :
sphere , cylindre , cone , torus etc

( I began from the bottom of the tree - not finished -).

The output is ( with TS9 running ) :


( from

http://dumenieu.free.fr/louizeforum/seamless/cody2.smls )

not very useful LOL

ps ..

on the other hand , create lathes from your zoe_grey_trousers.wrl

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyFri 17 Jul - 19:44

just archieve , dont answer here , Thyme Smile
I added that crazy post to your forum Smile

Quote :
as fabricator told me about Recalc ;
as legloups told me , yesterday, after my last mail to him ,

"C'est vrai que ce serait sympa de faire un p'tit truc sur le H-Anim " ,

"it would be nice to have some stuuf about H-Anim ",

I took a look at that , because I played recently with BVH but not with H-Anim .

I found some on Web and used one here ,

mixing it with seamless , vrmlpad , Lucy , feet I found , and Spazz for one shape , etc .


BTw I was able to open that in seamless , and to output ,

but the "convert to seamless" crashes .

But I made so many things I dont know exactly witch ones , LOL , I guess I was wrong .

Anyways I feel that bot funny LOL .

I made a second just to hear friends telling me

" awwwww ! O My God ! alain , please stop that !! "


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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyFri 17 Jul - 20:21

What a Face Mr.Red affraid ptdr ptdr reflexion

Seamless - Page 29 Seamle14
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyMon 20 Jul - 20:56

as it is a bit seamless , I copy it here


but dont waste your time with that , Thyme Smile
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 22 Jul - 22:17

Hi Alain & Isa Mr.Red

Sorry I am having trouble keeping up with you Alain lol
I fixed a number of bugs in seamless as a result of playing about with your Zoe Robot avatar so I must thank you for this Mr.Red
This avatar raises an issue I need to explain. The issue is that some of the parts are rotated to orientate them permanently (not set by animation) so when you click Seamless - Page 29 Reset_rotations to reset all the rotations for all the parts, the permanently oriented parts get messed up. For example in the case of your Zoe Robot the feet fly off to a new location and end up being upside down. This problem can be solved by using a compile transform scale rotation command but before using this command you must manually set every rotation field (except for the rotations you want to keep) for every part to 0 angles.
You will have to do this one at a time. This can be relatively easy by fist stopping the animation and then selecting each part, highlighting its rotation field using the mouse and typing in 1 (this will set the rotation to 1 0 0 0).
I have seen this issue before from avatars exported from max when mars sent me some examples of bipped animated avatars. I found it very strange that many of the parts orientations default to being 180 degrees different to what you would expect. Perhaps there is a good reason for them being like this but I find it so bizarre and annoying I can not resists fixing with a compile transform scale rotation command Mr.Red

Shared TouchSensor Events, ColorEffect Animation, CopyPart transform & landOffset for 2.154

Shared TouchSensor Events

All TouchSensor's that have a name will be automatically shared in seamless chat. Since 90% of the time when a blaxxun world builder would want shared events all they really needed them for was for TouchSensors and the only way to do this was to add protos and instances of the protos and extra routes to and from the server, seamless chat in comparison will greatly simplify adding simple shared events. And unlike in Blaxxun, TouchSensors contained in avatars will be shared too. The train's start/accelerate/decelerate/stop script in Techuelife Island is now shared in seamless chat.

ColorEffect Animation

Because Seamless does not yet have a MonoColorEffect node for simple color animation I have made it so that all parts that use a ColorEffect node can be set to any single color by writing a color value to the diffuse field.
Same for VRML/X3D, the diffuse field has no purpose when color per vertex is used so I thought why not make use of it this way. You can not use a text editor to specify parts to be colored this way because the diffuse field only causes an internal event when it is written to after the world has loaded.

CopyPart scale, rotation & translation fields

By adding a scale, rotation, and translation field to the CopyPart node, it is now possible to add all the leaves to a tree from a single leaf using just a few lines of script and a single CopyPart node. These 3 transform fields replace the need for a Place node, another CopyPart node and 2 more Parts nodes just for transforming vertices isolated from the destination part.


I added this feature in response to Dajamma telling me she could no longer adjust her gammonbrat pink fairy avatar (which is fixed to the Blaxxun height) in Techuelife Island since I added the land gravity. The landOffset field allows you to adjust the height of an avatar that does not have the base set to zero height. Because this field is contained in the OpenNetFile control panel it will get saved when you close seamless and so this will make things easier than before because the user wont have to keep adjusting the height each time they log into a world. I considered making it so the base of an avatar is automatically adjusted the way they were in Blaxxun but I decided not to do this because this way did not seem to work well for Blaxxun. I remember my avatar's feet would typically be in the ground unless I moved and it was not clear what you were meant to do to solve this problem, if there was a solution. Also by being able to have control over the height of the avatar means the avatar modeller wont have to fight the automatic height adjustment (by adding a small triangle to a avatar's base) to make the avatar hover over the land.

autoOutSegmentedParts & outScriptAsRoutes combination

Although the autoOutSegmentedParts (export parts as regular VRML/X3D Shape & Transform nodes) option is not new being able to combine both autoOutSegmentedParts & outScriptAsRoutes for export is new for 2.154. Perhaps this should be categorized as a bug-fix but it is a feature implemented for the first time.


Import HAnim with No Skin

HAnim avatars that have no skin with all of the geometry contained in HAnimSegment nodes could not be imported. This has now been fixed.

HAnimSegment scale

The geometry could get messed up when importing HAnimSegment nodes that are descendents of HAnimJoint nodes and when there is scaling This has now been fixed.

Multi Effect transform bug

When plugging an Effect node into a Part node the Part's geometry did not transform correctly. This has now been fixed.

compile transform scale & compile transform scale rotation

The compile transform scale field could fail to work correctly depending on the combinations of rotations used for the skeleton. This has now been fixed.
The compile transform scale & compile transform scale rotation commands did not scale the translation fields, this has now been fixed.

Many thanks to Alain, fabricator and Dajamma for their feedback.
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 22 Jul - 23:36

hey ! re tell that guys have to delete

C:\... Seamless3d\Application Data For Seamless3d

because I had been first unable to "open from web"

now it is OK
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 22 Jul - 23:58

Thanks for letting me know this happened to you too Alain
An alternative to deleting the setup file is to open the scene tree window and then click on a node and then save a file.
The bug seems related somehow to adding the new landOffset field but am lost why at this stage why it should happen.
Arrrg I think this bug can resurface too so will look into why it happens after upgrading from 2.153.
Not a serious bug once you know how to fix it but most don't ask questions and assume it does not work Sad
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyThu 23 Jul - 17:15

Hey this is a great looking photo Alain:

Seamless - Page 29 Zoesha10

I have Fixed the bug for 2.155 which is now ready for download:


It was not a minor bug recently added, but an old low level bug brought to the surface.
I am now very hopeful this bug was behind the crashes that could occur after resizing a 2d window and who knows what else.
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyThu 23 Jul - 17:48

very OK for me , server too

I will take a llok ate the new features ..

byw I don't understand why each time I check it says me


94.23.etc , my IP adress

Quote :

thyme dit :
your IP is 94.*****
thyme dit :
my brothers IP is 203.***
thyme dit :
both servers can run at the same time

why I never see Bumpy's IP ?

just curious LOL , I know nothing about servers Smile

and Smile

( re trying 3DSmax )

Seamless - Page 29 Zoesha11
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptySat 25 Jul - 14:45

and thank you for all , Thyme Smile


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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyThu 30 Jul - 1:37

Thank you very much Alain for so much ! Mr.Red Mr.Red

I just looked at: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/alaindumenieu/artvrml/130809.htm

some very interesting images indeed bravo

I been meaning to say weeks ago (but was so busy) me and Ep both much like this photo you made:

Seamless - Page 29 Zoe_trousers_piedspov

She looks just like a glamorous super model bravo you said you had disastrous results joining the vertices I mush ask what you did reflexion, I wonder if you tried joining vertices from a blue part to a white part? This can not be done because white parts delete their vertices when saved. If you need to do this copy from a blue part to a white part using a CopyPart node or convert the white part to blue part so you have matching part types for joining vertices

2.156 is ready for download

It has 2 bug fixes and a minor but helpful feature added.

The New feature

When a TransferBCyl node is selected the pivot point for the destination part is now displayed and the pivot point can be moved using the toolbar's move pivot point buttons. I have also added this feature for TransferOwnership node to apply to it's selected destination part.

The 2 bug-fixes

Color ownership

In 2.155 when a seamless file was saved while in colored ownership mode all of the geometry would not be visible when the file was reopened until the color ownership button was toggled. This bug has been fixed for 2.156


The new transform fields would not work for the CopyPart using the default field settings. This bug has been fixed for 2.156

The idea for the new feature and the 2 bugs were found while composing a walkthrough for importing Laz's perch.
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyThu 30 Jul - 13:04

Quote :
She looks just like a glamorous super model

yes Smile ....
but ..remember ... shes is yours LOOL !

I just did the Frankeinstein Smile

hum , btw we always loved too your others creatures

( 2001 and after )
who had 4 fingers !! Smile

OK for the new version , thanx ,
I will try when back fom my trip ,
> august 9


about joining vertices ,
I did that


trying to copy (R) pasting ( J )
one point from

to pd ( pied droit )

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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyFri 31 Jul - 22:05

Alain wrote:
but ..remember ... shes is yours LOOL !

Ah but the posing, color combination, lighting, photography etc. is your work Alain which is an art form in it self.
Some get paid millions for doing this Mr.Red

Alain wrote:

hum , btw we always loved too your others creatures

( 2001 and after )
who had 4 fingers !! Smile

Thanks Alain Mr.Red
I would like to get all my old avatars converted to nurbs, no absolute need to convert to nurbs, I could just import them and leave them as meshes but nurbs will reduce the file size and allows for more possibilities.
It still takes some time converting meshes to nurbs but I can do this many times faster now compared to my early attempts.

Quote :
trying to copy (R) pasting ( J )
You no longer need to press R to copy the position of the destination vertex Alain, You now only need to press J and it will get joined to the nearest vertex.
See the latest breaking and joining vertices tutorial (there is a robot demo too):


When you come back from your holiday I will explain a few issues you raise in regard to joining on feet to zoe_blue_bikini_pieds2.smls Alain

I am currently working on a feature to create a texture from a nurbs polymap and will use this feature to make a textured version of Lucy

Enjoy your trip Mr.Red
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyTue 4 Aug - 12:19

thanx , Thyme , for the momemt I try to join my feet to the land ,
as we are surrounded by water here Smile
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 19 Aug - 0:45

I was driving my car ,
nothing to think about , just looking at the road ,
so I began to think about your clay way , Thyme ,
so ..back at home I began to put a texture on one of your avatars ,
but it was not so good as I thought ,
so at the end I twisted the girls LOL

dont know why Smile

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 19 Aug - 12:26


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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 19 Aug - 19:46

Very Happy Oh ... let me guess ... that's Szarah and ... who is the other one?

What a Face

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 19 Aug - 21:13


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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyThu 20 Aug - 15:40

I had the idea to output a pov ray movie , seing Zoe from the top .
So I got 14 jpgs and made a Gif with ,
and used it as texture for the box .
The images are very stupid LOL

Seamless - Page 29 Zoe_grey_trousershellopovray

I dont know how to make Zoe transparent ,or something like that ,
and keeping the shadows pics ouputed .

Then I arranged each pics and made a new Gif

so :


Hard to get the same right speed for the gesture and the Texture Movie LOL

....Then I twisted her Smile but just to scare Peter Smile
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptySun 13 Sep - 12:37

Hi Peter, Alain Isa and All Smile
I just seen this last post, I am sorry for being a recluse these last few weeks,
I like the above image but not sure I understand the issue yet Alain sorry but give me a little time I will probably figure it out Smile
Lol I saw the twisted Zoes

I shut myself away from the world to get this version completed and am so glad 2.157 is finally done !
The robot demos should work for your computer Alain, now that I have rewritten the filling system Smile
Other things that may be of interest are:
I have added a feature that converts a Color Per Vertex polymap to a Texture
A new feature for Automatically Recalculating the Default Pose
Also 2.157 has an important bug fix for exporting BVH files

For more details see:

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptySun 13 Sep - 13:13

yes yes , I twisted downloaded *joke* it

and I will write on your forum .

Thanx for the thanks Smile

Yes I saw that you were "off" these last days ,
but most often that means that you are developing Smile

it was the case Smile

ps and dont waste your time with my experiments LOL
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyTue 22 Sep - 15:22

Transition Fix & Enter Key to Open/Save for 2.159

9 New File Features for 2.160:

1/ Auto complete
2/ Asterisk * file filtering
3/ Open Disk Drive buttons
4/ Open Seamless3d, My Documents and Desktop folder buttons
5/ Select/Scroll using arrow/page up/down keys
6/ Up one level (Open parent folder) button
7/ Mouse wheel scroll
8/ Drag & drop files from windows explorer
9/ Right click menu with "open windows explorer" and "refresh" options.

Other changes:
Folders are now opened using double click instead of single click.
A number of bugs fixed.

Thanks to steveTheGong, Ep and Alain for their feedback that influenced this version.

Download: http://seamless3d.com/download
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyWed 23 Sep - 13:56

wow it's Techuelife Iland like !!

Seamless - Page 29 Sidney10

humm but not funny in real

Quote :
Une énorme tempête de sable rouge venue du désert a fortement perturbé mercredi la vie des habitants de Sydney, alors que l'Australie -qui connaît une période de temps chaud et sec- doit également faire face à des incendies dans le Queensland (nord du pays). AFP
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 29 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 29 EmptyThu 24 Sep - 0:16

The orange color is more like "Alien Planet" I think Alain Smile
I did not realize our dust storm made the news in France.
Gosh it must have covered a huge area of Australia as we are in northern NSW while this photo you show is in Sydney (southern NSW) and I see it was north of us too in Queensland.
Here are some photos taken by Ep yesterday here on the farm that shows the eerie dust coloured sky and the background trees blocked from view.

Seamless - Page 29 090924-dustorm

The picture above also shows my Brussels sprouts in the garden and how they have suffered neglect due to me rewriting seamless's frigging file system for the last 7 weeks lol.

Seamless - Page 29 090924-tobacco-dustorm

The dust smells like an old dirty vacuum cleaner.
Yes its actually very serious as much of this dust you see in the sky is farmland being blown away.
It's not dust from our area as it is mostly grazing land here, the dust from dust storms typically comes from inland farms where a good amount of the worlds wheat is grown.
By the land being left plowed and allowed to dry out in the sun there is nothing to protect the earth from the wind. This practice can not continue if farming is to be sustained.
Fukuoka's natural farming practices demonstrated cereal crops can be grown without plowing the land and he did this decades ago without using herbicides:
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