Such questions can be objectified into oblivion, but gladly answered by exercising one's personal opinion re a particular community.
As for myself and Alain and some of you, our "worldbuilding" community is les Outres Mondes or Outer Worlds where artists and technicians show their worlds freely in the blaxxun chat environment.
When it comes to builder levels and guilds, I would like to evoke in spirit of the ancient honourary degrees of the Freemasons and apply it to this environment.
SIMPLIFIED OPINION: blaxxun chat is frequented by 2 main types of user (and various morphologies of the two): people who like to look (3D lovers/ about 5-10 percent) and people who love to chat (90-95%).
The question of what is a Master WorldBuilder in this environment is therefore, in my opinion, best answered by who and where and when.
It is judged not only by skills and artistry, but by dedication and tradition.
THerefore the top level of builder in "the Outers" must be called "Grand Master WorldBuilder", and that honour must simply go to thyme.
I have enjoyed the Outers for almost two years and have seen many WorldBuilders and friends of WBs grace this space with worlds reflecting great artisty, skill, and dedication. As for becoming traditions as Master Builders, I feel some have so inspired as to be called such: to name a few whose worthy contributions have been around long enough to claim that honour: Alain, Gil the B, Stigma, Miles Reed, Peter Hansel etc.
Other names come to mind as having mastered three criteria , but have not become traditional (which is almost only a matter of time lol) ie. Griff. Many wonderful builders were showcased at a recent lighythouse contest. but have lacked any pronounced presence in the Outers. ie. "Blowk" etc.
One of the contest organizers, Sarah, whom we know to be an exceptional builder / facilitator and an artist / hostess of monolythic proportions, is something more than a Worldbuilder in a dedicated (dare I say passionate?) traditional sense. A vibrant history indeed! One might therefore view her as "an Honourary Master Builder".
Now "WorldBuilder" can be regarded as an honour in itself. Some can be relatively new (not "Grand" or Master" level) but highly skilled and / or artistic and / or dedicated. Some currently active and excellent Worldbuilders are Anastasia, Peter, Ayiki, Holodoc, Samson. etc.
Omind is still "Honourary" lol-- as another, much more important creation has been keeping him up late nights so that he's only managed to give us one world.
Newcomers are called WorldBuilders as in "this is what you can be"-- "get used to it". It took me me a year in Cortona and another in blaxxun chat to even dare think of myself as a "Worldbuilder". Even now I like to called myself "technician" in the French sense, whatever the Hell that is!
So, then, what is X? (I have no other qualifications other than my age --59 -- but I always make sure it comes down to me in the end, as some well know).
Grand Master Borrower, that's me! My worlds are so full of models and avatars and PROTOS and extrusion-generators borrowed non-commercially for all around, how can I even presume to call myself a "WorldBuilder"? So, to me, "technician" is someone who puts things together and makes them work. The rest is all done by computer, which, in the end, is our ultimate "Grand Master WorldBuilder".
So, there are four levels as I see it (with shades in between).
Alain, I am so excited to join your forum that I forgot to drink any coffee,
If you agree that the above "heirarchy" should be subjected to opinion please add any names anywhere that I must be forgetting now-- and the rest of you friends, old and new.
I welcome you!
The Oldest and Most Blah Blah Blah Opinionated Guy in blaxxun!
and, since, at 59, I have naturally come to believe in myself (where no-one else will
), I cordially invite you to
for whenever blaxxun is running (again?)