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 mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal

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peter le cochon
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Number of posts : 1956
Registration date : 2007-06-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptySun 27 Jan - 14:29

De la PUB dans le LOFT sur Virgal....!! Pour l'Evénement le 8
mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 PUBjack
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Number of posts : 1956
Registration date : 2007-06-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptySun 27 Jan - 18:49

Very Happy
Bonne nouvelle , j'ai trouvé comme faire sur les ligth a l'import des mondes entier sur le site virgal . Je tien au courent notre ami Antares a ce sujet .!hein cheers cheers
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptySun 27 Jan - 19:17

Antares wrote:

... can you tell me if the console is still displaying ?

Yes I still get the console. It must be triggered by following error msg :

VRML syntax error: line  3 in http://world3d.virgal.org/no_cache/worldvrml.php.wrl?authcode=f03f8384495730623f3ea3d4b98b395b&worldid=10 (...\worldvrml.php[1].wrl):
(<html>) Expected '{'; got '<', non standard field ?


As said, I'm using Blaxxun 5.3 Confused Verbose is set to false.

Sounds pretty much like php is sending an html header.

Fabricator and Hermi explain in www.cyworx.com how to fix that.

Good luck with it.

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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2008-01-26

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptySun 27 Jan - 19:49

Quote :
Yes I still get the console. It must be triggered by following error msg :
VRML syntax error: line  3 in http://world3d.virgal.org/no_cache/worldvrml.php.wrl?authcode=f03f8384495730623f3ea3d4b98b395b&worldid=10 (...\worldvrml.php[1].wrl):
(<html>) Expected '{'; got '<', non standard field ?

If there is HTML in the generated data, this means that the authentication failed, which means that this is a cache problem of your browser.
And if you had this error then you couldn't have any 3D scene on the screen ... if you DID see a 3D scene, so the error probably didn't come from this window.

I just modified the script, now if there is an authentication problem you won't have the error anymore but you will see red ou green sphere.
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptySun 27 Jan - 23:02

oupsss j'ai refait un tour sur de nouveaux mondes
et si , la console s'ouvrait

I must say that in an another worls I was visiting quickly , the "console"

( console is verbose ? ) poped up
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 0:04

Antares wrote:
... if you DID see a 3D scene, so the error probably didn't come from this window.

I DID see a 3D scene .... indeed.

Anyway, it seems to be fixed now, or may be it's just an occasional issue.


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Number of posts : 564
Age : 78
Localisation : Canada
Registration date : 2005-05-09

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 8:12

Hello Antares

As an erstwhile builder myself, I am happy that you are up and running yet another chat community on the internet, and making good use of blaxxun (amen). Good luck!

Your broad range of related skills all want to say that you, like some of us here, have been familiar with the blaxxun building community for many, many years.

I can understand if you should wish for many reasons, to retain and even promote your pseudonym "Antares" (ie. as a "nom-de-plume", like, well, "X"). However, inasmuch as common sense is insisting that there is a common history amongst you and us, by what name did we know you as before?

I would add my voice to your being welcomed. But, when I see my 3 favorite well-skilled friends bending over to aid someone, who, to all appearances (and in common sense), is a ghost from the past... with no representation in either cyberspace or the Real World whatsover... well... Smile

PM it to one of us at least. I can vouch for the integrity of the three I mentioned, and you have my word.

So, Brother Builder, tell us, who are you?

Very Happy X

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Number of posts : 1956
Registration date : 2007-06-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 13:34

Peugeotfast wrote:
Very Happy
Bonne nouvelle , j'ai trouvé comme faire sur les ligth a l'import des mondes entier sur le site virgal . Je tien au courent notre ami Antares a ce sujet .!hein cheers cheers

J'informe encore !! j'ai donné a Antares le petit patch correctif sur les ligth , c'était rien de méchant !! comme truc ..

j'ai encore fait une découverte ce matin en placent le Bowling bananas sur Virgal !!! pour importer un monde entier avec tout nos ligth déja défini , dans le panel utilisateur ( dans le premier choix a la réalisation de la page monde , c'est de tout viré ) Il faut tout retier les scènes par défault de virgal avant d'ajouter l'import distant !!!!!!! Et nos ligth sont pris en compte !
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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2008-01-26

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 14:18

Hello, mister X Mr. Green

Well, my real nickname is ... Antares ! Wink
And if you don't know me from before, that's because I am not a Blaxxun communities addict. And, stricto sensu, I am not a 3D artist, I don't have particular skills in 3D modelling nor 2D drawing. My only skills are in programming.

If you want to know all my history, I built a web-based game when I was in college some years ago, then I wanted to build a more complex 3D game. In my school I was a member of a infographic club, and we used ... VRML (professor J-L Gaboriau, if your hear me, I love you ! I love you ). So I decided to build a 3D MMORPG using VRML, with 3D avatars, starships, and planets.
But the development was very slow, and after some years I understood it was a too big project for me, there was too much bugs, so I decided in last october to build Virgal as you know it now : a 3D worlds communities and online edition tool.
My job IRL for the two last years is to develop PHP websites as freelance, so I used the 3 technologies I was the most familiar with : VRML, PHP, and Java I love you

About VRML worlds : I am not an artist so I didn't build interesting worlds that you could have seen, and I confess that I have just visited some Blaxxun multiuser worlds as a visitor.
That is strange, but I prefer to create websites than using them pirat
And I didn't know there was so much VRML-addicts, because VRML is often shown as a "dead" technology.
But VRML will conquer the world !! alien
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 14:42

Quote :
because VRML is often shown as a "dead" technology.
But VRML will conquer the world !!

happy to know you a bit more , Antares ,
enchanté !

Very Happy
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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2008-01-26

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 14:50

#VRML V2.0 utf8

DEF Language Switch {
   whichChoice   0
   choice [

      Shape {
         geometry Text {
            string [
               "C'est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance,"
               "chers collègues VRMLiens ;-D"

      Shape {
         geometry Text {
            string [
               "It is a pleasure to know you,"
               "dear VRMLists friends ;-D"

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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 14:59

lol j'mamuse scuse ....


hop ... sauf que c'es un switch ...... donc m'en manque la .......non?
je précise je suis nulle dans le padddddd ... meme irrécupérable lol j'apprends ici sur le forum grace a Alain et a tout mes amis builders Smile)
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 16:40

bah ... switch = interrupteur ,
donc éteint / allumé ,

bin là tu as mis "allumé " isa ,

t'as bien eu raison ,

pas besoin d'éteindre Smile
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 17:57

au fait !

je pense tout à coup ! je suis un peu long à la détente ,

virgal serait bienvenu à participer au Virtual Tour de Jack le magicien , non ?

Il a d'aiilleurs dit qu'il allait chercher ses invités pas seulement sur blaxx ...

Si tu peux en être , Antarès , le 8 février au soir ...

bonne idée non ??
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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2008-01-26

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 18:05

alain wrote:
Si tu peux en être , Antarès , le 8 février au soir ...
bonne idée non ??

Moi je veux bien ... mais est ce que je suis la personne à inviter ?
Car s'il cherche des designers de mondes, perso je n'en ai créé réellement qu'un : http://paradisia.virgal.net/
Ce serait peut être plus intéressant qu'il interviewe des auteurs de mondes hébergés sur Virgal plutôt que le créateur de la plateforme (voir la page http://mondes-virtuels.virgal.net/ pour avoir des idées).
Je peux d'ailleurs mettre un message sur Virgal pour inviter les auteurs de monde à poser leur candidature par mail à Jack (à quelle adresse ?).

Tite question au passage : est ce que le magicien fait partie de la LouiZeForum-community ? Car j'en entend beaucoup parler mais je ne l'ai jamais croisé sur un forum ou monde (enfin je pense) Rolling Eyes
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 18:13

j'ai fait ça ,
ça devrait bien aider la communication je crois


Jack passe toujours ,
il a l'air très occupé ces temps ,

mais il a 15 mains ...

ps quand à la pub pour ça , chez virgal , je crois que Peugeot a fait le forcing LOOOL
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Number of posts : 1956
Registration date : 2007-06-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 19:55

Very Happy

alain wrote:
ps quand à la pub pour ça , chez virgal , je crois que Peugeot a fait le forcing LOOOL

La PUBLICITER ..!! quelle beau mot hein !!! forcing nnonn .!! Mr. Green un peut !! quand il y a du passage , c'est super .!!

Mais je le fait aussi quand je sais dans les deux sences !! Je fait de la pub aussi sur mon site pour virgal !! je vais même faire un fichier flash . !! ma petite pièce quoi !!

dans les mondes aussi des banners c'est un atout !!
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyMon 28 Jan - 23:20

alain wrote:
Quote :
because VRML is often shown as a "dead" technology.
But VRML will conquer the world !!

happy to know you a bit more , Antares ,
enchanté !

Very Happy

Same here.

Be welcome.

Peter pig
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Number of posts : 564
Age : 78
Localisation : Canada
Registration date : 2005-05-09

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyTue 29 Jan - 1:17

Yes, welcome, Antares!

Nice to finally meet an already capable "fresh face" with VRML's best interests at heart.

I can see how you missed us until now, as it was just pointed out to me that we actually aren't the center of the universe. Smile

You see, the blaxxun developer zone (once and still frequented by some of us) used to be an almost thriving free 3d chat community in itself, until MSN and other technologies stole the most ardent chatters, which just left a few "snerts" to scare off the rest. So, in wondering about your identity, there were many former builders to chose from.

And, since you are non-commercial, one need not be too concerned about the source of your 700+ worlds, except, ha ha are mine in there? (X-Worlds)

Smile X

PS. If I may ask a personal question (in general & from a Montrealer who is not as cosmopolitan as you Europeans)-- What is a perfectly bilingual VRMLer like yourself doing living in France? Never mind-- "you young people today"! -- I am jealous.

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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2008-01-26

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyTue 29 Jan - 12:19

X wrote:
And, since you are non-commercial, one need not be too concerned about the source of your 700+ worlds, except, ha ha are mine in there? (X-Worlds)

The worlds are only built by users from objects exposed in a library, and with objects Inlined{} from the net (because the library contains about 100 models but it is not always sufficient).

But I think I will soon create a "virtual" account, to make accessible on Virgal (not in the library) some good VRML worlds located over Internet, because there is a lot of worlds which are marvellous but totally unknown from the ordinary french Internet user, and abandoned by their builders years ago Neutral
If you have such worlds or if you know some beautiful unvisited worlds, please send me their URL and the homepage address !
It could be a sort of "VRML Worlds Conservation & Promotion Center" ... Smile

X wrote:
PS. If I may ask a personal question (in general & from a Montrealer who is not as cosmopolitan as you Europeans)-- What is a perfectly bilingual VRMLer like yourself doing living in France? Never mind-- "you young people today"! -- I am jealous.

My english if very very far from being perfect ..
I like France ... and it is less cold than in Canada I think rendeer
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyTue 29 Jan - 14:17

Quote :
"VRML Worlds Conservation & Promotion Center"

some years ago I began to think that web is like an iceberg ,

with x% with dead links

great idea but hard work to retrieve all these worlds .

I know that jokina / bon surf is always fighting to have her anuary OK

magnus too

Here on LouiZe we have links in

ARTS » 3D art » 3D gallery »

and in

ARTS » 3D art » 3D gallery »
"Worlds vrml

but no time to check if all is still alive Sad
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Number of posts : 1956
Registration date : 2007-06-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyTue 29 Jan - 16:12

Bowling-Bananas - Le Club


Bowling-Bananas Le Club

Est OUVERT en avant première sur Virgal.net et Blaxxun plateforme ce soir .!
Bienvenue dans le Club du Bowling Bananas .! ATTENTION Laisser le temp de chargement Complet avant de bouger dans le Club , celui-ci utilise beaucoup de scriptes et de textures dans le world 3D

Temp de chargement 11Mo .!!

Blaxxun contact pas encore de lien !
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyTue 29 Jan - 20:05

merci pour le champ !!!!

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Banana10

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Banana11

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Banana12
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Number of posts : 1956
Registration date : 2007-06-19

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyTue 29 Jan - 21:28

Very Happy Very Good ISA ..!!!!! et en plus ,, Peter est passé au Bowling Bananas !! Arffff je l'ai rater (souper) Mais je le remerci de sa visite au club! tank peter !!

Bon Bon je fait vite le fichier contacte blaxxun !! comme cela c'est des deux coters !
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 EmptyTue 29 Jan - 21:40

Very Happy Avec plaisir, Peugeot.

Joli monde.

Peter pig
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PostSubject: Re: mondes-virtuels.virgal.net virgal   mondes-virtuels.virgal.net      virgal - Page 3 Empty

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