Former NASA Engineer's
World in Blaxxun Chat Today)
REPORTED BY X: Just by luck, I today acquired the honour of reporting this to you, my fellow members.
I met a former top NASA Control Center engineer in chat today.
"golfnet" worked 11 years as Senior Systems Staff Engineer on the floor of Control Central during dozens of "critical flights".
She is personally acquainted with many of America's astronauts (not to mention meeting almost all the celebrities who have passed through NASA Central).
I and a few other 3d chatters (even Mo lol) had the good fortune of encountering her on Sept. 25 while she was testing the chat interface with her new world Mount St. Helen's (the late 20th c volcano in Washington, U.S.A.).
We were able to help her standardize its performance
by asking her to remove the "gz" freom her "wrl.gz" (any opinions on that?) configuration.
I am still out of breath from having met and chatted with such an accomplished person, and an eloquent speaker, of course.
However, the Real World makes so many demands on golfnet (now an aerospace consultant) that she invited me to showcase this world with a short explanation for her.
Thank you very much, golfnet-- we should hope to be thrilled by even more of your professionalism in blaxxun VRML chat in the future.