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 ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptySun 12 Dec - 16:42

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 14 Dec - 9:40

in nanob7 in deepmatrix
position ,autor name and different logo, collaborate , sponsor, ok

the logo deepmatrix exist ?
where is the logo deepmatrix ?
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 14 Dec - 10:19

may be that ( ??)

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Image9_1x1
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 14 Dec - 15:37

the new nanob is in line Smile
is nanob8

(is ok in full screen "press enter')

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Nano8
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 14 Dec - 21:48

très bien ! and the fullscreen works perfectly
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 17:36

I m added sound node and my strange music

in the futur i m added various sound node in the differents shape rotation
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 20:08

probs for me

and in blaxxun too

VRML syntax error: line 1224 in http://www.costoso.net/nano_deepmatrix_ver1_1/nanob9.wrl (C:\Documents and Settings\DumDum\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\7O3XY8WT\nanob9[1].wrl):
Unknown field "envMode" for a ImageTexture node
VRML syntax error: line 1225 in http://www.costoso.net/nano_deepmatrix_ver1_1/nanob9.wrl (C:\Documents and Settings\DumDum\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\7O3XY8WT\nanob9[1].wrl):
Scene::Couldn't read value 3 of field
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 20:18

Is not possible in blaxxun !!
is only deepmatrix !

ya pas marquer :

lol! lol! lol! Very Happy Smile Very Happy
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 20:25


It works perfectly for me on DeepMatrix IP9

No need to try it on Blaxxun/BS (some IP extensions are in use).

There is just one little problem with the way InstantPlayer fetches content : while downloading whatever, it freezes till the download ends.

It's not a bug, it's the way it works.

TC all

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 20:46

OK guys and pigs ,
after 3 tryings I got it in DM

après 3 essais et reloads ça marche pour moi Smile
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 21:08

Yes, as said, I guess Instant Player is freezing while the sound file is being downloaded.

A member of the Instant Reality team : wrote:

Sorry, we do not yet support asynchronous downloads

He said "not yet" ... that means that it will in a future.

Jacinto, el player se queda congelado hasta que se descarga la musica. No es un error, es por culpa de la manera en que Instant Player hace las descargas (sincronizadas, en vez de asíncronas).

Dicen que "de momento" la cosa es asi ... así que creo que tal vez cambien algun dia.

Salud y Revolución! Like a Star @ heaven


EDIT : but on the Matrix world, there is no freezing at all, and there is also music. Maybe Pyth7 knows why.

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 21:20

Revolución! y salud Smile



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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 21:44

tal vez se puede poner una visualization como una barra de download.
como en X3dme cuando puse el poema de Lorca.

haber si vieo algo parecido

peu etre faudrait il une barre de download en attendant le chargement de la music?

je vais voir si je trouve pas cela ...

is possible one indication vithe download ?

is possible be a bar to download for wait time from the download of the music?
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Dec - 21:48

por otra parte tambien quiero poner midi music
para sincronizar movimientos con la musica como
la charanga pero en vrml deepmatrix .
sseria interessante :

(esto no lo tradusco Smile

this is in deepmatrix ?

... midi file and sincronyse movement in vrml ?
is possible ?
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyThu 16 Dec - 21:35

Syntax Vrml
Is my contribution to :


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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyThu 16 Dec - 23:10

good night friend's
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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Asynchronous Downloading -Instant Player and Java   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptySat 18 Dec - 9:11

Peter's right about Instant Player's downloading
However in the context of Jacinto's world and mp3 file, it is the Java that is downloading
and playing the mp3 file and not Instant Player.
Instant Player can't play mp3 files like Contact, Cortona or Octaga Player can, so I found an open-source Java program that does and just hooked up the Instant Player's EAI java to it
(after writing a crude imitation of a Sound Node using Proximity Sensors)

I reviewed the Matrix_Sound Node a little and it looks like everything is proper in terms of how it operates - a Java thread does all the heavy lifting and Instant Player's Java EAI only tells that thread what to do, so Instant Player isn't caught up with the downloading or playing files.

How well does Contact, Cortona or Octaga Player do with playing the same file and loading VRML?
Maybe it is just a case of a fairly large file competing to be downloaded with the VRML and something has to wait?


peter le cochon wrote:
Yes, as said, I guess Instant Player is freezing while the sound file is being downloaded.

A member of the Instant Reality team : wrote:

Sorry, we do not yet support asynchronous downloads

He said "not yet" ... that means that it will in a future.

Jacinto, el player se queda congelado hasta que se descarga la musica. No es un error, es por culpa de la manera en que Instant Player hace las descargas (sincronizadas, en vez de asíncronas).

Dicen que "de momento" la cosa es asi ... así que creo que tal vez cambien algun dia.

Salud y Revolución! Like a Star @ heaven


EDIT : but on the Matrix world, there is no freezing at all, and there is also music. Maybe Pyth7 knows why.

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptySun 19 Dec - 12:30

I do understand, now how it works exactly :
inspired by Matrix.wrl :

#VRML V2.0 utf8
- 1 :

Proto Matrix_Sound

- 2 :

DEF DeepMatrix Group {

children [
Matrix_Sound {
maxFront 500.0
maxBack 500.0
minFront 500.0
minBack 500
whichChoice -1
diffuseColor1 1 0 0
diffuseColor2 0 0 1
pitch .5
direction 1 0 0
location 485.089 7.75706 0
loop TRUE
audio_url ["http://costoso.net/music/universa.mp3"]
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 21 Dec - 0:53

Deepmatrix in windows7... Sad

n3dme in windows7 Very Happy

Viva the individual conceptor !!

viva the 'Tetrabrick concept by "PeterSommer"
(php javascript ajax)

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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 21 Dec - 1:48

If this is a new installation of Windows7 do you have Java installed?
If there is a problem how am I suppose to fix it if I do not get details?

jicer wrote:

Deepmatrix in windows7... Sad

n3dme in windows7 Very Happy

Viva the individual conceptor !!

viva the 'Tetrabrick concept by "PeterSommer"
(php javascript ajax)

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 21 Dec - 13:07

Hello Pyth
i'm new computer :
- Processeur Intel® Core™ i5-760 - 2.93GHz avec TurboBoost? DMI 8Mo cache socket 1156
- Carte mère ASUS P7P55D
- Chipset Intel P55 Express | Socket LGA1156
- DDR3 1600/1333/1066 - 2x PCI-Express 16x - SATAII - Raid - LAN Gigabit - Audio 7.1 - Firewire - eSATA
- Carte graphique ASUS GTX 460 1024Mo ENGTX460 DIRECTCU/G/2DI/1GD5
- Mémoire DDR3 G.Skill RipJaws? Series - 4Go (2x 2 Go) - PC12800 (1600 Mhz) - CL7 - F3-12800CL7D-4GBRM
- MICROSOFT Windows 7 Premium 64 bit oem |Windows Seven DVD


•i'm updated Windows7? via internet --ok
•i'm install java
•I'm install instantreality
•I'm doawload deepmatrix --ok
•i'm install folder deepmatrix in c: --ok
•i'm run 'clientpublic'
then the 'dos' window opens and closes quickly
and then nothing

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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 21 Dec - 20:05

Hi Jicer,
1.Open a Command prompt
There may be a short cut to it at the top of "Start", or
Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt

2. Open the Public_Win_Client.bat file (what you normally double click to start DM)
in NotePad and select all the text, copy and paste it into the Command Prompt

3. This way the window will stay open file for you to copy and post the error.

I can't do anything unless I see an actual error.


P.S. One strong possibility is the batch file is based on the directory system being set up
in English. If your directory system is set up in another language it means the batch file can't find anything and has to be re-written in that language or I have been working on a "One Batch File Works for All Windows No Matter What Language" I'll send it to you if that is issue.

Jordi Cordona of http://news.hiperia3d.com/ had that problem in Spanish when he tested DM
last summer.


jicer wrote:
Hello Pyth
i'm new computer :
- Processeur Intel® Core™ i5-760 - 2.93GHz avec TurboBoost? DMI 8Mo cache socket 1156
- Carte mère ASUS P7P55D
- Chipset Intel P55 Express | Socket LGA1156
- DDR3 1600/1333/1066 - 2x PCI-Express 16x - SATAII - Raid - LAN Gigabit - Audio 7.1 - Firewire - eSATA
- Carte graphique ASUS GTX 460 1024Mo ENGTX460 DIRECTCU/G/2DI/1GD5
- Mémoire DDR3 G.Skill RipJaws? Series - 4Go (2x 2 Go) - PC12800 (1600 Mhz) - CL7 - F3-12800CL7D-4GBRM
- MICROSOFT Windows 7 Premium 64 bit oem |Windows Seven DVD


•i'm updated Windows7? via internet --ok
•i'm install java
•I'm install instantreality
•I'm doawload deepmatrix --ok
•i'm install folder deepmatrix in c: --ok
•i'm run 'clientpublic'
then the 'dos' window opens and closes quickly
and then nothing

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 21 Dec - 23:08


Last edited by jicer on Tue 21 Dec - 23:19; edited 2 times in total
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 21 Dec - 23:12


Last edited by jicer on Tue 21 Dec - 23:23; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 EmptyTue 21 Dec - 23:22

if run
the Command Prompt appears and disappears quickly
Unable to see

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ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 5 Empty

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ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System
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