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 ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System

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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Atmosphere Won't Install   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 8:27

I tried to install AtmospherePlayer216.exe.
The installation fails.
Maybe it is corrupted?

alain wrote:
oupss sorry , I just posted my message for Peter when you had just posted yours , LOL , Pyth .
We crossed .

Well , LOL , may be I could ask you the same question about Adobe ... Smile

here is one link about


Thanx for the nano world etc !
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 13:20

Pyth7 wrote:
I put up Nano will send Jacinto the password in case he wants to delete it.
I was looking at the X-3dme Protos I had to delete from Nano.
Very impressive! I had no idea X-3dme had that many features.
I always thought it just had just avatar movement and gestures.

You should see the mural that is located in the center of the parking lot:


You can paint a picture on the wall with paint cans!
The drawing is permanent once you leave the parking.

to try it:)

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Helloruss

Thanks to Peter this miracle could be performed!


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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 13:41


more image :
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 13:52

Thank you Jacinto (gracias).

The Shared-Canvas is based on an old (spec-conform) Proto by Peter Gerstmann. He is the "miracle man".

DeepMatrix IP9 also implements shared objects and shared events (probably better and more reliable than our tests on x3dme), so I guess it would be possible to have something similar running on DM.

Pyth : is there something like a tutorial on how to use shared events in DM?


P pig

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 14:14

Peter ,

has somes lines about and linking to :


Russ ,...... please , could you tell me with what you tried to install Adobe Player , XP ? etc

thanx in advance , I will list to Donza who I know succeeded or not ...
translation : I will mail her the tests I asked friends to do )
( For the moment Peter is the only one having all working )

...sorry to mix the questions in this topic Sad

Jacinto .....please , could you try the Adobe thing too ? merci par avance Smile

( c'est ici :


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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 14:30

alain wrote:
Peter ,

has somes lines about and linking to :

Thank you, Alain.

alain wrote:

...sorry to mix the questions in this topic

I would give up on asking you not to mess up your own forum, Alain, but I guess you could make good use of "Private Messaging" or "E-Mail" whenever you need to go off-topic and don't want to create a new topic or announcement.

I can make a "How-To Tutorial" on "How to send private messages in your forum" and another one about "How to send e-mails using Outllook or Outlook Express"

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 16:45

bravo cheers cheers http://img453.images chut ptdr coucou lol! lol! lol!

Alain explode son propre forum

Alain explodes its own forum

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Sorciere-pomme
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 16:53

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Scier_branche

you know he will do, this stupid (idiot) (con) here!

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Number of posts : 685
Age : 62
Localisation : Europa / România / Bucuresti
Registration date : 2007-09-07

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 18:33

peter le cochon wrote:
alain wrote:
Peter ,

has somes lines about and linking to :

Thank you, Alain.

alain wrote:

...sorry to mix the questions in this topic

I would give up on asking you not to mess up your own forum, Alain, but I guess you could make good use of "Private Messaging" or "E-Mail" whenever you need to go off-topic and don't want to create a new topic or announcement.

I can make a "How-To Tutorial" on "How to send private messages in your forum" and another one about "How to send e-mails using Outllook or Outlook Express"

Alain, actually write for us ! Laughing
But DM is not so useful, unfortunately that app is a dead project ... I don't want that
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 18:54

alain wrote:

Jacinto .....please , could you try the Adobe thing too ? merci par avance Smile

( c'est ici :



non niet ... pas envie de faire des tests !!
sauf pour
Vrml langage ouvert

Non niet ... not want to do tests!
except for open language VRML

afro rambo viking pirat
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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Physical Graffitti   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 19:23

Yeah that's great!

Someone years ago tried something like that in Cybertown Suburbs (but not persistent or shared)


There are spray cans (red, green, blue) along one of the back walls.
It works a little clumsily, because the script needs a little tweaking

The rolling cans are shared though.

jicer wrote:
Pyth7 wrote:
I put up Nano will send Jacinto the password in case he wants to delete it.
I was looking at the X-3dme Protos I had to delete from Nano.
Very impressive! I had no idea X-3dme had that many features.
I always thought it just had just avatar movement and gestures.

You should see the mural that is located in the center of the parking lot:


You can paint a picture on the wall with paint cans!
The drawing is permanent once you leave the parking.

to try it:)

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Helloruss

Thanks to Peter this miracle could be performed!


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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Atmosphere Installed After All   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 19:33

Am trying it at this posting

alain wrote:

Russ ,...... please , could you tell me with what you tried to install Adobe Player , XP ? etc

thanx in advance , I will list to Donza who I know succeeded or not ...
translation : I will mail her the tests I asked friends to do )
( For the moment Peter is the only one having all working )

...sorry to mix the questions in this topic Sad

Jacinto .....please , could you try the Adobe thing too ? merci par avance Smile

( c'est ici :


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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: DM persistent storage   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Nov - 20:00

Hi Peter,
Yes DM has the possibility of doing that as well.
As you noticed Very Happy on the DM public server's Blacksun world a user can leave persistent messages for new users,
but they over-write the previous ones.

It would be possible to tie either the DM Java application into a php data base (I assume you are using)
Currently DM persistent storage is not php based -the DM Java server writes stuff to file (backpack object position and rotations) or stores it in classes (persistent storage)

However all I have to do is write a Java class that opens the url given to it by the InstantPlayer browser
A user could possibly go twice as fast -Instant Player communication with Java is done over a local ( internal connection
at a rate of .4 second.
While the connection to the php data base may not be able to work that fast, the Java application CAN store the data
in a buffer and deliver it all eventually -OR- the DM server itself could deliver the info to the php data base.

Hermetic_cab had the original DM server tied into his user data base at Cyworx.

peter le cochon wrote:
Thank you Jacinto (gracias).

The Shared-Canvas is based on an old (spec-conform) Proto by Peter Gerstmann. He is the "miracle man".

DeepMatrix IP9 also implements shared objects and shared events (probably better and more reliable than our tests on x3dme), so I guess it would be possible to have something similar running on DM.

Pyth : is there something like a tutorial on how to use shared events in DM?


P pig

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyMon 15 Nov - 0:00

Hi Pyth :

In the case of the shared-canvas, the persistent data are being stored in a text-file.

It has it's own little server - in form of a tiny P H P script returning a VRML Script node to a Browser.crerateVrmlFromURL() request.

On arrival, the fields of the received node are read out and passed to the corresponding fields of the ImageTexture.

It's something I learned at Cyworx, of course.

This kind of self-served object has got the ability to initialize itself, thus it can be displayed in any other VRML world, MU enabled or not.

I must find out if that approach works on Instant Player.

Anyway, in order to actualize other clients, when changes happen after initialization, it needs a "refresh" event to be broadcasted to the audience, otherwise the object itself would need to poll it's server periodically, to know if it must update or not.

That's where DM's shared event must get involved.

I will try to find out more on the links Alain gave me.


Peter pig
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyMon 15 Nov - 13:38

ici on peu voir
sur atmosphere ou vrml un exemple :

nice vrml :



ps : for toutancamon :
in Czech language :

ok ok :
rounanian language is romane language
Czech language is slave language
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyMon 29 Nov - 21:34

je suis arriver a faire demarrer le server deepmatrix.
il faut editer :
REM This batch files starts the DeepMatrix Server.
cd C:\DeepMatrixIP9-v1_03\server_application
java -classpath "C:\DeepMatrixIP9-v1_04\server_application\DeepMatrixIP9Server.jar" matrix.server.MatrixD -rcfile matrixrc %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
change the path :
java -classpath "C:\DeepMatrixIP9-v1_03\server_application\DeepMatrixIP9Server.jar"


java -classpath "C:\DeepMatrixIP9-v1_04\server_application\DeepMatrixIP9Server.jar"

mais je n est pas encore reussi a me promener dans un monde Sad

dans tout les cas maintenant tu peu essayer de lancer le server alain

the path is not ok in DeepMatrixIP9Server.bat
the good path is :
java -classpath "C:\DeepMatrixIP9-v1_04\server_application\DeepMatrixIP9Server.jar"

and version linux and version mac ...idem
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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyMon 29 Nov - 21:50

Que raro, mi .bat estaba bien.

Despues, para usar tu propio servidor, tienes que lanzar el



... Mac_Client/Local_Mac_Client.sh


... Linux_Client/Local_Linux_Client.sh

English Version :

That's strange : my .bat was okay.

After starting the server, you must launch the client for the local server, using:



... Mac_Client/Local_Mac_Client.sh


... Linux_Client/Local_Linux_Client.sh

Un abrazo, hermano!

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyMon 29 Nov - 21:52

il y avoir d 'autre probeme de chemin

Probably more problem path..

si que es raro...


pues eso si que se lanza cuando hize la modification... pero aun hay algun tipo de path que no chuta...

voy a ver si descargo otra ves el archivo completo... es possible que eso este coregido...

Saludos !!

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peter le cochon
peter le cochon

Number of posts : 1032
Localisation : deutschland (sniff)
Registration date : 2005-05-28

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyMon 29 Nov - 21:58

Tienes la ultima version?
Do you have the latest version?

http://www.deepmatrix.org/Downloads.html ---> DeepMatrixIP9-v1_04.zip

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyTue 30 Nov - 11:43

tienes razon !!

my version era beta

sorry my version deepmatrix 1.4 is beta Smile

i m changing

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyTue 30 Nov - 16:38

more note :
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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyTue 30 Nov - 17:49

a this vista fix is nessessary

http://www.deepmatrix.org/Downloads.html ---> DeepMatrixIP9-v1_04.zip



Last edited by jicer on Mon 6 Dec - 21:55; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyTue 30 Nov - 18:09

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

où as-tu trouvé cette info , jacinto ? Par mail de Russ ???

Meribastet a vista et rien ne marche pour elle .
Est-c que cela marche chez toi sur ton Vista , avec le fix ??

Et où faut-il mettre le

DeepMatrixIP9client.jar ?????



je suppose


J' essaye le truc server dès que je peux ...

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Number of posts : 1808
Localisation : france
Registration date : 2005-07-10

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyTue 30 Nov - 18:17

oui il faut le mettre dans se dossier oui oui

et le tout dans C:/
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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-12-02

ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Make3D DM Update   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 EmptyWed 1 Dec - 1:48

Hi All,
There is small update-improvement to the Deep Matrix client,
This update allows the worlds from http://make3d.cs.cornell.edu/ to function properly in Deep Matrix MU!
The sample worlds were so simple they threw my scene-graph reading program off! It is fixed now though.

I learned about Make3D from Alain’s page:
It is very cool interesting stuff with lots of possibilities I think.
There is sample world on the public server: “Make3DTest”

Just replace the DeepMatrixIPclient-v1_04.jar in the client_application folder with the one in the zip file.

The client jar update is here:

It is also now in the standard download as well!


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ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System   ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System - Page 3 Empty

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ANN: Deep MatrixIP9 1.03 Open-source Multi-user System
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