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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Colorsweep   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyMon 10 Mar - 23:47

well....I found how to get a colorsweep for any node

even blue one

Seamless - Page 19 Colorsweepmars2008

so ..able to use the radial tug

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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyTue 11 Mar - 0:36

One way to get around the problem for now Alain is to put the Seamless node inside a VRML Transform or a Group node and reference this node instead of directly referencing the Seamless node.

Seamless - Page 19 Indirectreferencess5

This will result in no copies of the data.
I remember you made a grommet avatar (from Wallace and grommet) some years ago using a combination of Seamless nodes and Transform nodes and there were problems but this seems to work ok so perhaps some bug has been fixed since then Alain.
Most of the time Seamless does not get tested out like this so its good now that it is, now that I have a little more time to strenghten existing features Smile

Last edited by thyme on Tue 11 Mar - 1:12; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyTue 11 Mar - 1:09

Alain wrote:
well....I found how to get a colorsweep for any node

even blue one

The jury is still out on whether the ColorSweep node should be allowed to color a Blue Part directly Alain.
One of the reasons I have prevented other build nodes from being able to reference blue parts directly is because it can lead to confusion.
Remember in the past Alain when you would modify a white part (color some vertices using color buttons or tug some vertices) and when you would save it and reopen you would wonder why it had reverted back to the original color and shape of the lathe?
The reason being because the build nodes rebuilt everything.
This would often catch Ep out and even me sometimes Smile
This is perhaps the main reason why I prevented build nodes from being able to reference blue nodes, to avoid confusion.
There is an alternative to modifying a blue part directly and use build nodes. You can use a CopyPart node to copy the triangles from a blue part to a white part and then use build nodes to modify the geometry.
Perhaps I need your and others feed back on this Alain to decide whether continue to allow ColorSweeps direct access to a blue part. One thing to consider is the beginner. Do you make life hard for him by allowing for to many possibilities which can trip him up or do you make seamless unnecessarily restrictive by preventing him from being able to use build nodes directly for blue parts? Or should there be an option to allow for it in settings? (I don't like to many options in settings as a rule because this can lead to complexity too)

PS In case someone is reading and does not know what we are talking about, a blue part is a part node that retains its triangles at the beginning of a build cycle. White parts always loose all their triangles at the beginning of a build cycle
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyTue 11 Mar - 1:17

It may be good at times to use a color sweep on a static mesh but in your example Alain you could have the color sweep be deleted automatically when the part is converted to a blue part. The color would still be retained.

BTW there is a RadialTug build node too which can be used much like a SineTug, this may not be as straight forward as the immediate radial tug but it has some advantages too
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyTue 11 Mar - 1:48

Alain wrote:

and being able to use the radial tug on it , and then the output wrl is ok and animated ....
OK ..

But ..If I do the same to convert the first node to a blue one , to be able to "radial tug" it ,
Seamless - Page 19 Morphprint2

all seems ok in seamless and it is animated too ,
but when I output , ..there is nothing to see Sad

Will your please stop finding all these bugs Alain! Laughing (only joking)

I just got round to trying it out and I get the same thing happen as you Alain.
This will be a top priority for the next version.
Honestly I very much appreciate you finding and reporting these bugs Alain, Seamless will be much better for it and everyone else will benefit.
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyTue 11 Mar - 16:33

Hi Alain & Isa Mr.Red Today I made it so that if you make a direct reference to a Seamless node it outputs as a USE, this will reduce the file size to the same amount as when you use VrmlPad for the models you have recently been making.
I have also fixed the bug Alain found that shows up if the first node in the ModelMorpher is blue.
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyTue 11 Mar - 20:55

ok Smile))

and I tried the transform thing and it outputs as in vrmlpad Smile

#generated by Seamless3d 2.131 www.seamless3d.com
DEF transform1 Transform{
children [etcccc]
DEF t2 Transform{
rotation -.036435 .199573 -.979205 3.210029
children USE transform1
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyWed 12 Mar - 20:54


Last edited by isa on Wed 12 Mar - 22:42; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyThu 13 Mar - 0:10

The different plants that all share this unique style compliment each other nicely in your arrangement Isa Mr. Green
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Simplified Build Av Demo & Important Bug Fix for 2.132   Seamless - Page 19 EmptySat 15 Mar - 20:59

Hi Seamless Friends Mr. Green

Seamless - Page 19 Build_av

Open Source Seamless3d 2.132 (including French and English versions) is available for download from:


This version has had the build av demo simplified.
To see the new demo, (same as before) open the f10 menu and select:

help->build av demo

It uses the new pivotPoint field so there are no more CenterJoint nodes to clutter up the scene tree.
Unlike before the lathes are positioned to their final position right from the beginning
The old way had its advantages but I have come to the conclusion it's much more straight forward to understand the new procedure and it makes it easier to drag the control points to modify the shapes after the av has been made.
This demo is so simple it is difficult to see how it is possible to simplify further this kind of animation in any major way while exposing the user to the basics.
I have added another button to the tool bar next to the NurbsLathe but it is only a NurbsLathe set up to be more practicable for making a segment shape for a part.

All of the animation demos have now been updated so that the new pivotPoint field is used.
The old pivot point buttons on the horizontal tool bar now only affect the pivotPoint field for the selected part.

Seamless3d's design is biased towards making seamless type models but because it can be and is often used for making non seamless type models ("segmented" models) it makes sense to have an option to output models to vrml/x3d where one shape node is used for each part node.
To enable this option check the autoOutSegmentedParts field in the scene node. This will only output Seamless nodes as segmented models when all of the parts do not share any triangles with any other parts within the Seamless node.

This is the first version I have been able to output an animated avatar and be able to see it animate in the xj3d browser when using the Anim bar's output script.
This only will work however when files are output as x3d encoded with vrml classic, it fails for vrml or x3d encoded with xml.
I tried outputting a dancing ballerina bvh import as a segmented avatar and it looked very smooth in the latest release but when I tried outputting the same av with hanim joint nodes it was unmistakably very jerky so it would seem xj3d is still some way from being a practical hanim browser.

Important bug fix:
A bug found by Alain that would cause a ModelMorpher to loose all of its geometry in the first model if the parts were converted to blue parts has been fixed for 2.132.

Other bug fixes:
Although in previous versions a Seamless node could be directly referenced (USE) in the scene node (using Alt drag) it output to VRML/X3D as a copy rather than a USE. This bug also found by Alain has been fixed for 2.132.

When the previous version output to xml JavaScript was being output instead of ecmascript. This bug found by Andy has been fixed for 2.132.

When dragging the yellow dot to do position animation the previous version would jump a bit if the pivotPoint field had a value other than 0 0 0. This bug has been fixed for 2.132

A number of other minor bugs have been fixed.

I have added a backfaceTug check box type field to the NurbsPatch which is off by default because I found it counter intuitive when you can see a control point but are unable to drag it. It is very useful to be able to disable control points that back face but I think now it is important to only have this when the user asks for it.

If you right click on the Seamless node you can select "convert translations to pivot points" (convert from the old way to the new way) or "convert pivot points to translations" (convert from the new way to the old way). For blue parts conversion is easy both ways but for white parts these commands do not automatically add or remove CenterJoint nodes but deleting the CenterJoint nodes can be done manually after converting to pivot points but its not so easy the other way around because the translation values will be lost in a build cycle.

I have just learnt povray needs to be fixed for the new pivot points so if you must make a povray before I upload again convert to blue parts and convert pivot points to translations but please keep a copy of the original file

Many thanks to all who have given their feedback and who have been patient with Seamless's recent growing pains, it is much appreciated Razz

Last edited by thyme on Mon 17 Mar - 17:50; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptySat 15 Mar - 21:17

ahah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahahahhaah !! hihih

voilà what I did !

I was playing with seamless 4 days ago ...

in my way ..

so .. I had some bugs outputing ...

I saved the chatbug.smls file , and I told me
" I will wait Thyme reparing , and I will open that file in the new version "

so now I did that and ..............

I got my crazy cat ! ahahahahha


Very Happy

lOOOL Smile)
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptySun 16 Mar - 16:01

I retried quickly to import an avatarstudio ...

many things to do !

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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptySun 16 Mar - 16:44

He looks very different to your average bxx avatar studio av Alain What a Face

Alain wrote:
I saved the chatbug.smls file , and I told me
" I will wait Thyme reparing , and I will open that file in the new version "
I see your cat looks like he is breathing well again Alain (brought back to life by the new version) Mr.Red
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptySun 16 Mar - 20:30

ok for the flat editor , Thyme ..

when I wanted "holes" , I deleted triangles Smile

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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptySun 16 Mar - 20:50


pas beau Smile))

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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptySun 16 Mar - 22:03


ah sisis ... c'est bien Smile
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyMon 17 Mar - 9:43

to try from the demo



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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyMon 17 Mar - 12:21

I deleted all webcam etc

cleaning by vrmlpad "isacametc "

then importing it , adding the hair , trying animaton by rotation of part 22


save the smls , isa , when time :

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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyMon 17 Mar - 17:57

lol! Alain he is an ugly character:
but its good Twisted Evil
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Number of posts : 23529
Localisation : Dompierre sur Veyle ,France
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyMon 17 Mar - 18:44

yes I play a bit importing avas and adding objects and animating


and I just saw on seamless forum

that we will be able to import all the gestures !
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyMon 17 Mar - 18:47

Evil or Very Mad
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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyMon 17 Mar - 18:57


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Number of posts : 7076
Localisation : INDRE ET LOIRE
Registration date : 2005-04-19

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyMon 17 Mar - 23:55

made by isa :


not beautiful but today I have understand the points of pivots.......

also i have learnt that it was not necessary to change the OUTPUT pannel options pale *****

fortunately Alain is always to help me:)

*** réédité by alain :

I guess she outputed in x3D by error Smile ...
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seamless   Seamless - Page 19 EmptyThu 20 Mar - 1:46

Great you understand how to move the pivot points Isa Mr. Green
I liked seeing your build av with the bouncing ball too Mr.Red

Sorry to hear about the output options causing problems, for blaxxun you should have:

outputGZipped ticked
outputVRML ticked
genContactSBVT ticked

and make sure:

genIdxTriSetNodes is NOT ticked
genHAnimNodes is NOT ticked

you can also try autoOutSegmentedParts ticked which should make your models more efficient to animate (unless your model uses advanced techniques most beginners don't use) but because this option is new it has not been tested well so un-tick if it causes problems.

genNormals not ticked often reduces file size for the types of models beginers make with no loss of quality

Thanks for showing what you made Isa and thanks Alain for all your help Mr.Red
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Number of posts : 506
Localisation : Australia
Registration date : 2005-04-24

Seamless - Page 19 Empty
PostSubject: Import Avatar Studio Gestures for 2.133   Seamless - Page 19 EmptySat 22 Mar - 17:55

Open Source Seamless3d 2.133 (including French and English versions) is available for download from:


Seamless3d has been able to import avatar studio avatars for many years now but this is the first version that also imports the gestures and the names for the parts.

To import the avatar from the wrl file:

Move the mouse to the top left of the 3d window to open the F10 menu and select:

Seamless - Page 19 Import_menu

Click the Anim's play Seamless - Page 19 Anim_play button to see the first gesture play.

If you open the scene tree window Seamless - Page 19 Tree and scroll down the scene to where the rest of the Anim nodes are located any of the gestures can be selected and played.

Seamless - Page 19 Imported_gestures

The av studio import tutorial has been updated and simplified for this version:


Making Seamless3d import gestures took me only a day to write like I had predicted last year but in doing so I found an important bug (that is now fixed) that is relevant to outputting gestures in general. This bug only shows up apparently when there is more than a small amount of gesture code.
Not only now are the gestures imported but also the names for the parts are too.
Same as before Seamless3d imports both blaxxun avatar studio 1 and avatar studio 2 avatars.
The walk animation gets imported (if it exists) but Seamless3d does not import the walk script because the script would have to be modified by Seamless and I do not know what the legalities are concerning this script.
I will make it so that the my own freely available walking scripts can be imported.
The last few days I have spent some time working on a new Mobility node that will let a walking script be imported but because the blaxxun community server is currently down I have not been able to debug it easily and I have run out of time so I will come back to this for the next version.

I have fixed seamless so that it can now output povray correctly when the new pivotPoint field is used.

The bug that caused seamless to collapses the wrong nodes in the scene tree when a file was reopened (and when scripts were used) has been has been fixed.

In response to Matthieu raising the issue of the TouchSensor not working if output when the scene contains a GestureGroup (and if the TouchSensor was added after the geometry nodes), seamless now automatically adds a Group node to contain all of the scene's nodes when the scene contains a GestureGroup (unless the scene is already contained in a Group or Transform node). This insures the TouchSensor will always work no matter whether it is inserted before or after the geometry.

In response to Andy's help which made me realise seamless was no longer outputting x3d files encoded in xml format correctly, I have fixed a bug that was added to the previous version.

Many thanks to Matthieu, Andy and all who have given feedback to help make this version the best ever Mr. Green
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